63 research outputs found
The Bani Abbasiyah period was the peak of its glory that occurred during the reign of Caliph Harun ar-Rashid and his son Al-Maksum. The Abbasiyah experienced setbacks and destruction when the Mongol invasion appeared, led by Halagu Khan in 1258 H. Types and methods of historical research. This study aims to find out about the golden age and the decline of the Abbasiyah dynasty at that time. In collecting data, the authors use the method of literature research (library research). The collected data is then read and recorded for processing and analysis as research material. The type of data used consists of books, e-books, and articles on websites. The Golden Age of the Abbasiyah dynasty and Islamic culture reached its glory during the Abbasiyah dynasty which emphasized the development of Islamic civilization and culture rather than expanding territory. The factors that resulted in the decline and destruction of the Abbasiyah dynasty were due to two factors, namely internal and external factors. The Abbasiyah dynasty experienced the golden age, excelling in the fields of translation, science, economics, religion, social, military, and also in politics. The decline of the Abbasid dynasty was caused by 2 factors, namely internal and external. From the internal factors of the decline of the Abbasiyah dynasty, the most dominant influence on the decline of the Abbasiyah dynasty was that Muslims abandoned their religious teachings
Continuity of care merupakan kegiatan pelayanan yang berkelanjutan mulai dari kehamilan, perslinan, nifas, bayi baru lahir dan keluarga berencana. Pada ibu hamil primigravida ini belum mempunyai pengetahuan tentang ASI Eksklusif sehingga persiapan laktasi dilakukan pada waktu ibu melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan. Primigravida dengan mendapatkan pengetahuan, dukungan dan motivasi dari bidan sebagai dalah satu factor keberhasilan dalam pemberian ASI Eksklusif. Bidan dalam memberikan asuhan dilakukan secara komprehensif. Asuhan yang diberikan pada kehamilan mendeteksi dini kehamilan resiko, pemberian edukasi dan informasi sesuai dengan usia kehamilan, ketidaknyamanan trimester I, II dan III, persiapan laktasi. Persiapan laktasi dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, memberikan dukungan, melibatkan suami dan keluarga sebagai motivator dalam pemberian ASI Eksklusif. Pendampingan kepada pengasuh bayi selama ibu bekerja yaitu cara menyajikan ASI perah, cara memberikan ASI Perah kepada Bayi. Pendampingan ASI dilakukan tidak hanya pada ibu tetapi dengan melibatkan suami, keluarga dan pengasuh bayi. Penyimpanan ASI Perah dilakukan ditempat kerja, dari tempat kerja ke rumah, sampai rumah ke lemari pendingin dan freezer dan cara menyajikan serta cara memberika
The purpose of this research is to examine the comparison of government and education systems in two dynasties, namely the Ummayad dynasty and the Abbasid dynasty. Government and education systems are interrelated things in a country. In the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties, there were differences in the system of government and education. The researcher uses the library research method, which involves the analysis and synthesis of information from written sources such as books, journals and other materials. The results of this study are to know: (1) Ummayah dynasty system of government, (2) Ummayah dynasty education system, (3) Abbasid dynasty system of government, (4) Abbasid dynasty education system, (5) Comparison of government and education systems in the two periods Ummayad dynasty and Abbasid dynasty
Evaluasi Saluran Drainase Perkotaan Pada Kecamatan Lowokwaru Kota Malang
Drainase yang ada di Kota Malang khususnya di Kecamatan Lowokwaru terbilang masih kurang memadai untuk menampung dan mengalirkan air yang mengakibatkan terjadinya banjir atau genangan di daerah tersebut. Untuk itu dilakukannya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar curah hujan rancangan, debit banjir rancangan dan kapasitas saluran drainase yang ada di kecamatan lowokwaru, serta untuk mengevaluasi dimensi saluran drainase rencana yang sudah ada di Kecamatan Lowokwaru dengan kala ulang 5 tahun. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengolahan data yaitu menggunakan perhitungan manual sesuai dengan metode rasional untuk perencanaan drainase. Tahapan penelitian ini dimulai dari proses pengumpulan data, analisis hidrologi, perhitungan debit rancangan, perhitungan kapasitas dimensi dan evaluasi saluran drainase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapat besarnya curah hujan rancangan dengan kala ulang 5 tahun adalah 122,9546 mm, besarnya debit rancangan total adalah 22,9970 m3/dt, saluran dengan kapasitas daya tampung terbesar adalah saluran 39B yaitu 5,0723 m3/dt, setelah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap 56 saluran yang ada di Kecamatan Lowokwaru didapat hasil sebanyak 14 saluran tidak mampu memenuhi kapasitas debit banjir rancangan yang ada yaitu, saluran 9, saluran 12, saluran 13, saluran 14, saluran 15, saluran 16, saluran 17A, saluran 17B, saluran 18, saluran 19, saluran 20, saluran 38, saluran 42, saluran 47. Untuk itu akan dilakukan perbaikan dengan menambah tinggi dimensi saluran penampang yang ada.Kata Kunci: Drainase, Evaluasi, Kecamatan Lowokwar
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Berbasis Website Di Warung Koperasi NasDem
Warung Koperasi NasDem memerlukan sekali adanya suatu sistem informasi yang menunjang dan memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan bagi para customer, penjualan dan pembelian Marchandise Warung Koperasi NasDem yang sampai saat ini belum terkomputerisasi. Pada saat ini Warung Koperasi NasDem hanya melakukan penjualan di media sosial instagram, whattsap, dan juga promosi penjualan masih dari pelanggan satu kepelanggan lainProses transaksi penjualan dan pembelian barang yang berjalan pada Warung Koperasi NasDem tersebut masih  menggunakan sistem manual mulai dari pendataan barang, proses transaksi, hingga pembuatan laporan sehingga ditemukan beberapa ketidak efektifan sistem yang telah berjalan di Warung Koperasi NasDem, sehingga memungkinkan pada saat proses transaksi berlangsung terjadi kesalahan dalam pencatatan, kurang akuratnya laporan yang dibuat. Metode Prototype adalah metode yang digunakan pada Warung Koperasi NasDem dalam sistem informasi penjualan berbasis website. Perancangan sistem informasi dengan metode prototype menjadi solusi yang terbaik untuk memecahkan permasalahan- permasalahan yang ada pada Warung Koperasi NasDem, seperti memperluas wilayah promosi dan mempermudah pelanggan untuk memesan produk.dengan adnya pernacangan sistem informasi dengan metode prototype menjadi lebi efektif dam efisisen dari pengadaan barang,proses transakasi hingga pembuatan laporan di Warung Koperasi NasDem.Sistem yang terkomputerisasi lebih baik dari sistem yang manual agar berjalan lebih efektif dan efisien serta sistem penjualan
This is a study on emotional abuse analysis based on Rapunzel's experience in the Disney animated film Tangled. The objectives of this study are to identify the categories of emotional abuse experienced by Rapunzel in the Disney animated film Tangled, and to explain the effect of emotional abuse experienced by Rapunzel in the Disney animated film Tangled. This study used a qualitative descriptive method to analyze the categories and effects in the Disney animated film Tangled. The data is taken from the film script such as dialog, narration, and monologue. The steps used to collect data such as watching movies, reading movie scripts, identifying data, clarifying data, and reducing data. This study, the found four categories of emotional abuse. Rejecting, terrorizing, isolating, and exploiting. There were five data about rejecting, two data about terrorizing, two data about isolating, and one data about exploiting. Then the writer also found the effects of emotional abuse based on the four categories above. Rejecting makes the victim feel worthless, terrorizing makes the victim feel scared and intimidated, isolating makes it difficult for the victim to interact with others, exploiting uses the victim for the perpetrator's benefit.Keywords: Emotional abuse, Child rejection, Tangle
Pengaruh Pembuangan Limbah B3 Singapura Ke Pulau Batam Terhadap Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia-Singapura (Studi Kasus Pembuangan Limbah B3 Pada Tahun 2004 dan dampaknya di Era Globalisasi saat ini).
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Pembuangan Limbah B3 Singapura ke Pulau Batam Terhadap Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia-Singapura (Studi Kasus Pembuangan Limbah B3 Pada Tahun 2004 dan dampaknya di Era Globalisasi saat ini). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Metode Deskriptif-Analitis, Yaitu suatu analisis yang bertujuan mengambarkan, menganalisa dan mengklasifikasikan gejala-gejala yang didasarkan atas beberapa kejadian dan masalah yang aktual, kemudian menganalisa untuk menginterprestasikan data yang diperoleh dengan pemecahan masalah, baik yang berlangsung maupun yang diperkirakan dimasa yang akan datang serta menginterprestasikan suatu fenomena akhir yang relevan. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis yaitu dengan melakukan riset kepustakaan, observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen/arsip untuk mendapatkan data-data tertulis Dapat disimpulkan bahwa hubungan bilateral Indonesia-Singapura sudah semakin harmonis dengan kesepakatan terbaru untuk melaksanakan tiga perjanjian strategis bidang politik hukum dan pertahanan keamanan yang dilaksanakan secara bersamaan
Hypertension is an increasing of blood pressure that does not cause symptoms for many years until there is asigniicant organ damage and the cause of the increasing of morbidity and mortality in Indonesia. The combination of music therapy and slow deep breathing help controlling blood pressure gradually. This condition will maintain the patient to not experience complications. The purpose of this research is to determine the efects of music therapy combined with slow deep breathing to decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension. This research is quasy-experiment with pretest- posttest control group design. Samples in this study are 56 respondents who are the patients with primary hypertension in Alak Public Health Centerwhich are divided into 28 people for treatment group and 28 people for control group by simple random sampling. The irst stage iscarrying out the measurements of blood pressure and giving intervention in the treatment group for 20 minutes, then measuring blood pressure. Meanwhile, the blood pressureof control group is measured. The second stage is 4 times monitoring visits in the group treated for 2 weeks and the post data in the control group at the end of the second week. The dataof average changes in per-post are analyzed using the Wilcoxon test and comparison of two groups using the Mann-Whitney test. The result shows the average change in blood pressure treatment group is higher than the control group. The statistic analysis of p value of systolic and diastolic blood pressure is0.05. There is a decrease in changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p value = 0.000) of treatment group and the control group. It can be concluded that the combination of music therapy with slow deep breathing is efective in lowering the blood pressure of patients with primary hypertension and there is a change in blood pressure of treatment group and control group.Key words: Blood Pressure, Combination of music therapy and slow deep breathing, Hypertensio
To improve the quality of human resources, the principal must manage human resources in schools. Well-organized resource management will achieve educational goals. Managerial competence is part of the principal's requirements that must be met. It is the principal capital in achieving the goals of education as a whole. This research is field research with a qualitative approach. The focus of this research is the managerial competence of the principal at the SPK (School of Cooperation Education) SMA Banua Kalsel Bilingual Boarding School in South Kalimantan. The results showed that the principal had managed human resources well. Schools can realize their vision and mission according to the objectives of the school initiated by the South Kalimantan government, namely the availability of excellent schools that can deliver outstanding students at national and international levels, and graduates can continue to the next level both at home and abroad
Effect Of Neurodynamic Mobilization On Reducing Sensori neural Symptopms In Dawung Village Wood Craftsmen With The Risk Of Hand Arm Vibartion Syndrome (HAVS)
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is a disease caused by working with tools that produce vibrations that are transmitted to the arms and hands. Prolonged use of vibrating devices can cause sensorineural disturbances with complaints of numbness, tingling and decreased sensitivity. This is due to damage to the mechanoreceptors of myelinated A-? afferent nerve fibers due to exposure to vibration when working with vibrating tools. Neurodynamic mobilization functions to restore the plasticity of the nervous system and the ability of the nervous system. This study aims to determine the effect of neurodynamic mobilization on reducing sensorineural symptoms with the risk of HAVS in wood craftsmen in Dawung Village. The design of this study used a pre-experimental one group pretest-posttest design method. There are 15 samples of wood craftsmen who meet the criteria. The research instrument used the Stockholm workshop scale with data analysis using the Wilcoxon test. The results of the statistical test showed that the final result was p = 0.000, (p <0.05) which means that the effect of neurodynamic mobilization on reducing sensorineural symptoms in wood craftsmen in Dawung Village is at risk of HAVS. These results indicate that the neurodynamic mobilization intervention has effectiveness in increasing blood circulation in the nerves. The conclusion obtained is that neurodynamic mobilization has an effect on reducing sensorineural symptoms in wood craftsmen in Dawung Village with the risk of HAVS
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