166 research outputs found

    gg-wave Pairing in BiS2_2 Superconductors

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    Recent angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy(ARPES) experiments have suggested that BiS2_2 based superconductors are at very low electron doping. Using random phase approximation(RPA) and functional renormalization group(FRG) methods, we find that gg-wave pairing symmetry belonging to A2g_{2g} irreducible representation is dominant at electron doping x<0.25x<0.25. The pairing symmetry is determined by inter-pocket nesting and orbital characters on the Fermi surfaces and is robust in a two-orbital model including both Hund's coupling JJ, and Hubbard-like Coulomb interactions UU and U′U' with relatively small JJ (J≤0.2UJ\leq0.2U). With the increasing electron doping, the g-wave state competes with both the s-wave A1gA_{1g} and d-wave B2gB_{2g} states and no pairing symmetry emerges dominantly.Comment: published version, EPL(editor's choice
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