7,787 research outputs found
An Empirical Study of Civil Servants’ Lifelong E-Learning Continuance Intention
E-learning is an effective way for job-training and continuous education. In recognizing the need for civil servants to embrace the lifelong learning to sustain competitiveness, many countries around the world have created policies to develop e-learning. This study is focus on civil servants’ e-learning continuance intention and through e-learning experience to achieve lifelong learning. Based on Information system (IS) success model proposed by Seddon (1997) and adding organizational factors (Incentive, Supervisor Support, and Technical Support) to survey civil servants’ e-learning behaviour. The sample for the study was taken from the civil servants in Taiwan who have the experience of using the lifelong e-learning websites. The results also support Seddon’s IS success model. Finally, the implications and limitations of the study are discussed
Quantum-trajectory analysis for charge transfer in solid materials induced by strong laser fields
We investigate the dependence of charge transfer on the intensity of driving
laser field when SiO2 crystal is irradiated by an 800 nm laser. It is
surprising that the direction of charge transfer undergoes a sudden reversal
when the driving laser intensity exceeds critical values with different carrier
envelope phases. By applying quantum-trajectory analysis, we find that the
Bloch oscillation plays an important role in charge transfer in solid. Also, we
study the interaction of strong laser with gallium nitride (GaN) that is widely
used in optoelectronics. A pump-probe scheme is applied to control the quantum
trajectories of the electrons in the conduction band. The signal of charge
transfer is controlled successfully by means of theoretically proposed
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