12,159 research outputs found
Charge-exchange limits on low-energy α-particle fluxes in solar flares
This paper reports on a search for flare emission via charge-exchange radiation in the wings of the Lyα line of He II at 304 Å, as originally suggested for hydrogen by Orrall and Zirker. Via this mechanism a primary α particle that penetrates into the neutral chromosphere can pick up an atomic electron and emit in the He II bound-bound spectrum before it stops. The Extreme-ultraviolet Variability Experiment on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory gives us our first chance to search for this effect systematically. The Orrall-Zirker mechanism has great importance for flare physics because of the essential roles that particle acceleration plays; this mechanism is one of the few proposed that would allow remote sensing of primary accelerated particles below a few MeV nucleon<sup>–1</sup>. We study 10 events in total, including the γ-ray events SOL2010-06-12 (M2.0) and SOL2011-02-24 (M3.5) (the latter a limb flare), seven X-class flares, and one prominent M-class event that produced solar energetic particles. The absence of charge-exchange line wings may point to a need for more complete theoretical work. Some of the events do have broadband signatures, which could correspond to continua from other origins, but these do not have the spectral signatures expected from the Orrall-Zirker mechanism
FearNot! An Anti-Bullying Intervention: Evaluation of an Interactive Virtual Learning Environment
Original paper can be found at: http://www.aisb.org.uk/publications/proceedings.shtm
Microscopic calculation of the phonon-roton branch in superfluid He
Diffusion Monte Carlo results for the phonon-roton excitation branch in bulk
liquid He at zero temperature are presented. The sign problem associated to
the excited wave function has been dealt both with the fixed-node approximation
and the released-node technique. The upper bounds provided by the fixed-node
approximation are shown to become exact when using the released-node method. An
excellent agreement with experimental data is achieved both at the equilibrium
and near the freezing densities.Comment: 12 pages, RevTex, 3 ps figures include
Non Local Electron-Phonon Correlations in a Dispersive Holstein Model
Due to the dispersion of optical phonons, long range electron-phonon
correlations renormalize downwards the coupling strength in the Holstein model.
We evaluate the size of this effect both in a linear chain and in a square
lattice for a time averaged {\it e-ph} potential, where the time variable is
introduced according to the Matsubara formalism. Mapping the Holstein
Hamiltonian onto the time scale we derive the perturbing source current which
appears to be non time retarded. This property permits to disentangle phonon
and electron coordinates in the general path integral for an electron coupled
to dispersive phonons. While the phonon paths can be integrated out
analytically, the electron path integrations have to be done numerically. The
equilibrium thermodynamic properties of the model are thus obtained as a
function of the electron hopping value and of the phonon spectrum parameters.
We derive the {\it e-ph} corrections to the phonon free energy and show that
its temperature derivatives do not depend on the {\it e-ph} effective coupling
hence, the Holstein phonon heat capacity is strictly harmonic. A significant
upturn in the low temperature total heat capacity over ratio is attributed
to the electron hopping which largely contributes to the action.Comment: Phys.Rev.B (2005
3-D Printed Strain Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring
Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, is evolving from a technology that can only aid rapid prototyping, to one that can be used to directly manufacture large-scale, real-world equipment. Gravity Separation Spirals (GSS) are vital to the mining industry for separating mineral-rich slurry into its different density components. In order to overcome inherent drawbacks of the traditional mould base manufacturing methods, including significant tooling costs, limited customisation and worker exposure to hazardous materials, a 3D printer is under development to directly print spirals. By embedding small Internet of Things (IoT) sensors inside the GSS, it is possible to remotely determine the operation conditions, predict faults, and use collected data to optimise production output. This work presents a 3D printed strain sensor, which can be directly printed into the GSS. This approach uses a carbon-based conductive filament to print a strain gauge on top of a Polylactic Acid (PLA) base material. Printed sensors have been tested using an Instron E10000 testing machine with an optical extensometer to improve accuracy. Testing was conducted by both loading and unloading conditions to understand the effect of hysteresis. Test results show a near-linear relationship between strain and measured resistance, and show a 6.05% increase in resistance after the test, which indicates minor hysteresis. Moreover, the impact of viscoelastic behaviour is identified, where the resistance response lags the strain. Results from both conductive and non-conductive material show the impact of the conductive carbon upon the tensile strength, which will help to inform future decisions about sensor placement
Interaction of Seed Dispersal and Environmental Filtering Affects Woody Encroachment Patterns in Coastal Grassland
Encroachment of woody plants into grasslands has occurred worldwide and includes coastal ecosystems. This conversion process is mediated by seed dispersal patterns, environmental filtering, and biotic interactions. As spatiotemporally heterogeneous, harsh environments, barrier islands present a unique set of challenges for dispersal and establishment. Environmental conditions act as filters on dispersed seeds, thereby influencing encroachment and distribution patterns. Seldom have patterns of propagule dispersal been considered in the context of woody encroachment. We quantified dispersal and post‐dispersal processes of an encroaching woody population of Morella cerifera relative to directional rate of encroachment and observed distribution patterns on an Atlantic coastal barrier island with strong environmental filtering. We analyzed historic foredune elevation as a proxy for reduced interior environmental stress. The dispersal kernel was leptokurtic, a common characteristic of expanding populations, but rate of encroachment has slowed since 2005. Expansion pattern was related to foredune elevation, which limits encroachment below a threshold elevation. This difference between dispersal kernel behavior and encroachment rate is due to limited availability of suitable habitat for Morella and temporal variability in chlorides during the time of germination. Our results demonstrate that processes mediating seeds and seedling success must be accounted for to better understand establishment patterns of encroaching woody plants
A note on leapfrogging vortex rings
In this paper we provide examples, by numerical simulation using the Navier-Stokes equations for axisymmetric laminar flow, of the 'leapfrogging' motion of two, initially identical, vortex rings which share a common axis of symmetry. We show that the number of clear passes that each ring makes through the other increases with Reynolds number, and that as long as the configuration remains stable the two rings ultimately merge to form a single vortex ring
Statistical mechanical theory of an oscillating isolated system. The relaxation to equilibrium
In this contribution we show that a suitably defined nonequilibrium entropy
of an N-body isolated system is not a constant of the motion in general and its
variation is bounded, the bounds determined by the thermodynamic entropy, i.e.,
the equilibrium entropy. We define the nonequilibrium entropy as a convex
functional of the set of n-particle reduced distribution functions
(n=0,......., N) generalizing the Gibbs fine-grained entropy formula.
Additionally, as a consequence of our microscopic analysis we find that this
nonequilibrium entropy behaves as a free entropic oscillator. In the approach
to the equilibrium regime we find relaxation equations of the Fokker-Planck
type, particularly for the one-particle distribution function
Conjoint Analysis of Breaded Catfish Nuggets: Consumer Preferences for Price, Product Color, Cooking Method and Country of Origin
A new product, marinated, breaded catfish nuggets, was developed. This conjoint study was designed to evaluate consumers’ preferences for certain attributes of the nuggets. An in-store survey was conducted to collect data. The data collected will be used to determine the market potential for the catfish nuggets.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,
Imaginary companions in childhood: Relations to imagination skills and autobiographical memory in adults
The presence of a childhood imaginary companion (IC) has been proposed to reflect heightened imaginative abilities. This study hypothesized that adults who reported having a childhood IC would score higher on a task requiring the imaginative construction of visual scenes. Additionally, it was proposed that individuals who produced more vivid and detailed scenes would also report richer autobiographical memories, due to a shared reliance on imaginative abilities in construction and recollection. Sixty participants (20 with an IC), completed an adapted scene construction procedure and an autobiographical memory questionnaire. Participants reporting a childhood IC scored significantly higher on scene construction and rated themselves as more imaginative. Scene construction scores were also moderately related to the richness of autobiographical memories, although this was almost entirely due to scores on the thought/emotion/action component of scene construction. Autobiographical memory was unrelated to the presence of an IC. Implications for overlapping and dissociable aspects of imagination and memory are discussed
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