170 research outputs found
„Ciało na sprzedaż”. Negocjowanie znaczenia i przebiegu interakcji zawodowej na linii klient–pracownica agencji towarzyskiej
«Русское» пространство в романе Соловьев и Ларионов Евгения Водолазкина в контексте геопоэтики
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy16318
Evgeny Vodolazkin’s „The Aviator” as a Diary Genre
The purpose of this article is to investigate the diary genre as used in Evgeny Vodolazkin’s novel The Aviator. The author of the paper attempts to describe and emphasize the innovativeness of Vodolazkin’s approach, as compared with the main classic features interpreted in the light of Elena Bogdanova’s article entitled ‘Language features of the diary genre’ (2008) which brings a classification thereof.Целью настоящей статьи является представление творчества современного и самого популярного русского писателя Евгения Германовича Водолазкина в романе Авиатор, написанном в форме дневника. В статье представлен новаторский подход автора к жанру дневника, который сопоставлен с классической классификацией Елены Богдановой в ее научной статье Языковые особенности жанра дневника (2008)
How Non-Heteronormative Mothers Negotiate Meaning: Experiencing and Contextualizing “Invisibility”
This article aims to shed light on how non-heteronormative mothers—whose child had been conceived via artificial insemination of one of them with the sperm of an anonymous donor— decode, experience, and make meaning of diverse (symbolic) dimensions of their social invisibility, as well as how their understandings of the category at hand have an impact on projecting and negotiating their roles as mothers (especially in case of those women who did not give birth to their children). Drawing on specific examples from the field, I analyze how—while acting within the context of anxiety exemplifying their non-existing legal status—non-heteronormative mothers construct the image of self against the backdrop of no ready-made role scripts available, as well as strive towards making oneself (socially) visible. The insights at hand are based on data collected during my six-year ethnographic study of planned non-heteronormative motherhood in Poland, where same-sex relationships are not legally recognized
Dorota Rancew – Sikora „Sens polowania. Współczesne znaczenia tradycyjnych praktyk na przykładzie analizy dyskursu łowieckiego”
From the Crisis to a(n) (Im)possible Reconciliation in the Houellebecquian Universe
The aim of the article is to show that despite the apparent pessimism of the narration, reflecting the society in crisis, Michel Houellebecq’s narratives also provide valuable insights into how these crises can be overcome, which places them among the so-called “repairing” literary works. The analysis of the origins as well as of the stakes of the societal crisis and the way in which it resonates in the Houellebecquien universe constitutes the first part of the study and the starting point for a reflection on the role of the poetics of disorder in the reconciliation with oneself and with the world. The dispositions ensuring a better management of the critical phases – empathy, irony, humor – are present in Houellebecq’s works. A review of excerpts of two of his novels: The Possibility of an Island (2005) and Serotonin (2019) will provide us with a better understanding of how the possibilities offered by these tools are exploited by the author in his works.L’objectif du présent article est de démontrer que malgré le pessimisme apparent de la narration, témoignant d’une société en crise, les récits de Michel Houellebecq fournissent également des indications précieuses quant à la manière dont ces crises peuvent être surmontées, ce qui les situe parmi les ouvrages littéraires dits « réparateurs ». L’analyse des origines et des enjeux de la crise sociétale ainsi que de la manière dont celle-ci résonne dans l’univers houellebecquien constitue la première partie de l’étude et le point de départ de réflexions sur le rôle de la poétique du désordre dans la réconciliation avec soi-même et avec le monde. Les dispositifs assurant une meilleure gestion des phases critiques – l’empathie, l’ironie, l’humour – sont bien présents chez l’écrivain. L’examen d’extraits de deux de ses romans, La Possibilité d’une île (2005) et Sérotonine (2019), permettra de mieux comprendre comment y sont exploitées les possibilités qu’offrent ces outils
“I was ashamed, and now I am proud as I finally know how to let go.” How Female Polers Perceive, Experience, and Give Meanings to Their Bodies—An Ethnographic Case Study
Although the popularity of recreational pole dancing continues to gain momentum, its prevailing association with the erotic sphere and resulting stereotypes shape it as a borderline activity. Notably, the way pole dancing is approached and enacted elucidates how bodies, especially female embodiment, are socially constructed and controlled. Thus, to look at that issue from recreational female polers’ perspectives, this article sheds light on how their understandings of the body evolve with their engagement in the leisure activity at hand. That process is analyzed in the context of how women deal with tensions that arise while they navigate between the internalized societal expectations concerning desired femininity and personal agency. Drawing on ethnographic and interview data from pole dance studios in Poland, I discuss how polers’ perspectives on their bodies change from personal and interactional ‘limitations’ to embracing their bodies as interactional partners with whom to achieve their goals. In the process of learning by doing, women get to know their bodies and develop with them a relationship based on trust. Subsequently, growing to understand the bodies as their substantial selves that functionality allows them to achieve the ‘impossible’ as one empowers women. At the same time, I highlight how the process of espousing alternative perceptions of one’s body unfolds under the umbrella of an internalized frame of meanings concerning female embodiment that lures women to fit societal expectations. The interplay between the two sheds light on how female polers navigate toward reclaiming their self-confidence from the clutches of the critical social gaze while negotiating the notion of their bodies. Compelling in that regard is how relying on erotic associations with recreational pole dancing in terms of inciting empowerment through a sexual agency, as some studios do, plays out and factors into female pole dancers’ experiences concerning their leisure activity
Selective catalytic oxidation (SCO) of ammonia to nitrogen over hydrotalcite originated Mg-Cu-Fe mixed metal oxides
Mg-Cu-Fe oxide systems, obtained from hydrotalcite-like precursors, were tested as catalysts for the selective catalytic oxidation (SCO) of ammonia. Copper containing catalysts were active in low-temperature SCO processes; however, their selectivity to nitrogen significantly decreased at higher temperatures. The optimum composition of the catalyst to guarantee high activity and selectivity to N2 was proposed. Temperature-programmed experiments, SCO catalytic tests performed with various contact times and additional tests on the samples in the selective catalytic reduction of NO with ammonia showed that the SCO process over the studied calcined hydrotalcites proceeds according to the internal SCR mechanism and oxidation of ammonia to NO is a rate-determining step in the low-temperature range
Fragments of mourning : about the loss of mother from an existential perspective
The death of a mother (as an event of the order of the outside world) is at the forefront of these considerations. As guides we take those who after their lost leaved the traces in the form of a journal, poems, or texts. The loss they suffered was demanding an action - recognized by us as a process of grievance. Starting from the Freudian definition of mourning, we are guided somehow outside of it. We are wondering what we are writing when we use the word mourning and if it is our right to define its traits? The complaint itself (as a response to the experienced lack) is written in four acts: her silence (the mourner is alone and in vain to listen to the beloved voice), speaking without her (pointing to the silence of the orphaned, recognized by us as: uttering the lack, complaint, union with these who no longer exists, or no desire to speak); talking to oneself (recognising by the writer his or her own emotional states and processes, knowing what is going on, which as such becomes a painful lesson, a source of intimate but not wanted knowledge). The last is an attempt to answer why writing experience has become important. The field of our reflections is what is unique(eine Ausnahme). Their method - exploration of the existence (existentielle Aufklärung), that we are
Consumer education and food waste : an example of the bakery market - the case of young consumer
Purpose: In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to food waste. As part of Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, players in the food supply chain began to work to avoid and reduce food waste. Educational campaigns for consumer, which are implemented by government institutions and non-governmental organizations concerning the bakery sector are an initiative that meets the requirements linked to the idea of "Don't waste food". The aim of the article is to demonstrate the importance of consumer education in terms of minimizing waste in the food chain illustrated by the case of the bakery market in Poland, and thus eliminating the phenomenon of food waste. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodology used includes analysis of primary and secondary sources as well as reports. A survey was carried out in focus groups among youth between 19 and 25 years old. 384 respondents participated in the survey. The survey was carried out between October and December 2018. Findings: Most products are wasted at the final stage of the food chain. Bread and bakery wares account for more than 50 % of total food waste. The most numerous group that admits to wasting bakery wares are young people. Among the most important reasons for wasting, respondents mentioned "Non-compliance with the use-by date" and "excessive amount of purchased bread". The respondents indicated a beneficial effect of educational campaigns on their behaviour in preventing bread waste. Practical Implications: Recognition of the importance of education among young people and its impact on the behaviour of wasting products in the bakery industry. Originality/Value: Identifying the reasons for wasting of bakery wares among young consumers and indicating the reasons for reducing the waste phenomenon.peer-reviewe
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