16 research outputs found
The Law’s Observation Of Regulation Number 15th 2014 Related With The Establishment Of Labungkari as The Capital City Of Middle Buton Districk..The aim of this research is to find out the advisability of Labungkari as the Capital City of Middle Buton Districk observed from a law’s side and to find out a background, a weakness, and surplus of established Labungkari as the Capital City of Middle Buton Districk. This research was done in Labungkari, exactly in a government of Middle Button Districk.The method was applied in this research is the descriptive method and purposed to describe anything that have forms the background of establishment Labungkari as the Capital City Of Middle Buton Districk. The writer use a qualitative analysis based on a reports and a documentation in the field. A data collecting technique in this research includes by a profound interview and a secondary data and a tertiary data a study book, a document, and the articles.From the research, the writer concluded that the establishment Labungkari as the Capital City of Middle BurtonDistrict is not advisable because the establishment is not based on a mechanism that have permanently in a law and the establishment is just based on a collective consensus between a societies element
Pelaksanaan Undang-undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2014 dalam Penetapan Labungkari sebagai Ibukota Kabupaten Butontengah
The Law's Observation Of Regulation Number 15th 2014 Related With The Establishment Of Labungkari as The Capital City Of Middle Buton Districk..The aim of this research is to find out the advisability of Labungkari as the Capital City of Middle Buton Districk observed from a law's side and to find out a background, a weakness, and surplus of established Labungkari as the Capital City of Middle Buton Districk. This research was done in Labungkari, exactly in a government of Middle Button Districk.The method was applied in this research is the descriptive method and purposed to describe anything that have forms the background of establishment Labungkari as the Capital City Of Middle Buton Districk. The writer use a qualitative analysis based on a reports and a documentation in the field. A data collecting technique in this research includes by a profound interview and a secondary data and a tertiary data a study book, a document, and the articles.From the research, the writer concluded that the establishment Labungkari as the Capital City of Middle BurtonDistrict is not advisable because the establishment is not based on a mechanism that have permanently in a law and the establishment is just based on a collective consensus between a societies element
Implementasi Upah Minimum Terhadap Kesejahteraan Pekerj
Paradigma Membangun Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Panduan Kuliah Di Perguruan Tinggi
Paradigma Membangun Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Panduan Kuliah Di Perguruan Tingg
In writing this thesis the author discusses the performance of the village consultative body in carrying out its functions and roles. The purpose of writing this journal is U To find out how the implementation of the supervisory function of BPD in Indonesia. In addition, to find out whether the implementation of the BPD's supervisory function on the performance of the Village Head in Tanomeha Village, South Kaledupa District, Wakatobi Regency has been in accordance with the Act. This research is a normative juridical legal writing using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The statutory approach is carried out by analyzing statutory regulations related to the supervisory function of the BPD and village government. The results showed that the village government was the village executive and the BPD was the village legislature. The Village Consultative Body (BPD) as a legislative institution and a forum that functions to establish village regulations with the village head, accommodate and channel the aspirations of the community. The existence of the BDP in Tanomeha Village has not been maximized, and the BPD still does not understand well its duties and functions as a BPD. In addition, there are several factors that hinder the implementation of the duties and functions of the BPD in Tanomeha village, such as the lack of adequate facilities, especially the secretariat, communication patterns between BPD members that are not well established, the lack of education level of BPD members where only the head of the BPD has a bachelor's degree, and busyness. higher than the members of the BPD.In writing this thesis the author discusses the performance of the village consultative body in carrying out its functions and roles. The purpose of writing this journal is U To find out how the implementation of the supervisory function of BPD in Indonesia. In addition, to find out whether the implementation of the BPD's supervisory function on the performance of the Village Head in Tanomeha Village, South Kaledupa District, Wakatobi Regency has been in accordance with the Act. This research is a normative juridical legal writing using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The statutory approach is carried out by analyzing statutory regulations related to the supervisory function of the BPD and village government. The results showed that the village government was the village executive and the BPD was the village legislature. The Village Consultative Body (BPD) as a legislative institution and a forum that functions to establish village regulations with the village head, accommodate and channel the aspirations of the community. The existence of the BDP in Tanomeha Village has not been maximized, and the BPD still does not understand well its duties and functions as a BPD. In addition, there are several factors that hinder the implementation of the duties and functions of the BPD in Tanomeha village, such as the lack of adequate facilities, especially the secretariat, communication patterns between BPD members that are not well established, the lack of education level of BPD members where only the head of the BPD has a bachelor's degree, and busyness. higher than the members of the BPD
Buku Ajar Pengantar Hukum Tata Negara
Dinamisasi peristiwa yang terjadi disebuah negara, tak pelak menuntut penyesuaian dalam sistem tatanan bernegara. Terjadinya perubahan UUD 1945 merupakan wujud konkrit, betapa persoalan hukum bernegara perlu disikapi dengan cepat dan tepat. Terjadinya perubahan dalam UUD 1945 berdampak pada sistem dan perkembangan ketatanegaraan Indonesia, juga berimpilkasi terhadap pengajaran hukum tata negara, karena tidak dapat dinafikan hukum tata negara merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu hukum yang bersumber pada Undang-Undang Dasar atau Konstitusi. UUD merupakan norma dasar tertinggi dalm suatu negara yang merupakan gambaran sistem ketatanegarannya di suatu negara. Sebagaimana halnya sistem hukum, politik, ekonomi dan sosial suatu negara, di dalam konstitusi juga mengatur hubungan antara lembaga negara, struktur pemerintahan dan hubungan antara negara dan warga negara.
Demikian pula dengan buku yang ada dihadapan pembaca saat ini dengan judul Pengantar Hukum Tata Negara Panduan kuliah di Perguruan Tinggi yang didalamnya terdiri dari 9 Bab, Pada Bab 1 Pendahuluan; Bab 2 Pengantar Hukum Tata Negara; Bab 3 Sumber-Sumber Hukum Tata Negara; Bab 4 Konstitusi; Bab 5 Asas-asas Yang Dianut Dalam UUD 1945; Bab 6 Bentuk Negara dan Sistem Pemerintahan; Bab 7 Hubungan Agama dan Negara Dalam Islam; Bab 8 Asas Kewarganegaraan; Bab 9 Sistem Pemilihan Umum. Penulis memasukkan pembahasan Hubungan Agama dan Negara Dalam Islam untuk menegaskan bahwa agama tidak hanya mengatur persoalan atau hubungan dengan spiritual saja, tetapi mengatur pula mengenai negara.
Akhirnya, semoga buku yang hadir dihadapan pembaca memberi khasanah keilmuan khususnya mengenai Hukum Tata Negara
Autonomy is the development of autonomous Indonesian people, which provides flexibility for the optimal formation of the best potentials of each individual. Autonomous individuals become the basic capital for the realization of true regional autonomy. Therefore, the strengthening of regional autonomy must open equal and widest opportunities for every actor according to mutually agreed guidelines as a guarantee for the implementation of social order.
This research is explanatory and analytical descriptive in nature, namely research that explores and at the same time provides an overview or description of the Role of the Governor in the Implementation of Regional Autonomy at the Regency/City Level Based on Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, while the method used is the juridical method normative and historical methods. The normative juridical method is used to examine applicable legal principles, while the historical method is used to examine the principles regarding parental responsibility for children after a divorce. This research includes normative legal studies that use normative doctrinal methods, namely rules as teachings that guide behavior.
The requirements for forming a New Autonomous Region (DOB) are (1) Basic/Technical Requirements; (2) Administrative Requirements; and (3) Regional Physical Requirements. From a regulatory perspective, it can be seen that there are several roles that can be played by the provincial government in assisting the implementation of regional expansion. The first role that must be carried out is in terms of preparing regional studies. Another role that can be carried out by the provincial government, in this case the governor, in assisting regional expansion is related to the matter of proposals as a follow-up to the aspirations of the community and the regency/main city government. Related to the nature of the Governor's approval for regional expansion are the stages that must be carried out as mandated in PP No. 78 of 2007.Otonomi adalah pengembangan manusia Indonesia yang otonom, yang memberikan keleluasaan bagi terbentuknya potensi-potensi terbaik setiap individu secara optimal. Individu yang otonom menjadi modal dasar bagi terwujudnya otonomi daerah yang sejati. Oleh karena itu, penguatan otonomi daerah harus membuka peluang yang sama dan seluas-luasnya bagi setiap aktor sesuai dengan pedoman yang disepakati bersama sebagai jaminan bagi terselenggaranya tertib sosial. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif eksplanatif dan analitis, yaitu penelitian yang mengeksplorasi dan sekaligus memberikan gambaran atau deskripsi mengenai Peran Gubernur dalam Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Tingkat Kabupaten/Kota Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, sedangkan metode yang digunakan adalah metode yuridis normatif dan metode historis. Metode yuridis normatif digunakan untuk mengkaji asas-asas hukum yang berlaku, sedangkan metode historis digunakan untuk mengkaji asas-asas mengenai tanggung jawab orang tua terhadap anak setelah terjadinya perceraian. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian hukum normatif yang menggunakan metode doktrinal normatif, yaitu kaidah-kaidah sebagai ajaran yang menjadi pedoman perilaku. Persyaratan pembentukan Daerah Otonomi Baru (DOB) adalah (1) Persyaratan Dasar/Teknis; (2) Persyaratan Administratif; dan (3) Persyaratan Fisik Daerah. Dari perspektif regulasi, dapat dilihat bahwa ada beberapa peran yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemerintah provinsi dalam membantu proses pembentukan DOB