30 research outputs found
Evolving information systems: meeting the ever-changing environment
To meet the demands of organizations and their ever-changing environment, information systems are required which are able to evolve to the same extent as organizations do. Such a system has to support changes in all time-and application-dependent aspects. In this paper, requirements and a conceptual framework for evolving information systems are presented. This framework includes an architecture for such systems and a revision of the traditional notion of update. Based on this evolutionary notion of update (recording, correction and forgetting) a state transition-oriented model on three levels of abstraction (event level, recording level, correction level) is introduced. Examples are provided to illustrate the conceptual framework for evolving information systems
Modelling support in information systems development
Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc
On the practical use of CASE tools : results of a survey
The results of a recent survey of experienced CASE-tool users in the Netherlands are described. The subjects of the survey were a general evaluation of the tools used, a comparison of the objectives envisaged when acquiring the tools to the objectives that were seen to be attained, selection criteria, impact on the organization, and future use. Conclusions are drawn regarding the benefits of CASE-tools and their likely future