255 research outputs found
Perbandingan gas buang kendaraan bermotor berbahan bakar pertalite dan LPG pada motor metic injeksi
Students’ Perception about Online Language Exchange Program to Enhancing Their English-Speaking Ability
This study is about students’ perception online language exchange program to enhancing their English-speaking ability. The current study is descriptive qualitative study. The main aims of this study to discuss students' perceptions of the virtual language exchange program towards improving English speaking skills. This study involved three Muhammadiyah University Surakarta students who had participated in a 6-month virtual student exchange program with PSU University. The technique collecting data is interviews. Interviews were conducted by asking the same eight questions to each respondent. The results indicate that after participating in the virtual exchange program, respondents felt that their English-speaking abilities had improved
The aim of this research is to examine the effect of profitability (ROE), corpotrate social responbility (CSR), and ownership structur to stock return. Independent variables used in this research are ROE, CSR, institusional ownership, and managerial ownership. While the dependent variables in this research is stock return.
This reseacrh used a sample of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2013-2014. The sampling method in this research is purpose sampling and acquired 100 companies that meet the criteria. Hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis.
The result of this research showed ROE positvely affecting on the stock return. While CSR, istitusional ownership, and managerial ownership has no effect on stock retur
Efl Learners’ Comprehension Of English Taboo Words In Internet Meme
This study was descriptive qualitative study concerning with taboo words. The objects of this studywere to identify type of taboo words in internet meme and measure the students’ comprehension of taboo words in internet meme.The data for this study is internet meme taken from some internet source, such as twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest, path, and tumblr, and the EFL learners’ respons about taboo words in internet meme.The technique of collecting which used by the researcher is documentary method. Data were analyzed based on Batistella taxonomy. The result of this study showed that all the types of taboo words based on the taxonomy of Batistella were appeared in internet meme, such as profanity, obscenity, vulgarity, and epithet. The most dominant type of taboo words is epithet and least frequent of taboo language is profanity. The second finding of this study was most of EFL learners had almost no experienced in taboo language
Presupposition As Found In Wonder Woman Movie: A Pragmatics Analysis
This research aims to identify the types of presuppositions and describe the meanings of presuppositions found in the Wonder Woman movie. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The data are examined in the form of words, sentences or utterances in English that contain types of presuppositions in the Wonder Woman movie script. The techniques of data collection used are observation and documentation. From the results of the data analysis, the writer found 118 data of presuppositions in the Wonder Woman movie. Based on Yule's theory (1996), the writer found 6 types of presuppositions, namely 55 (46.6%) data of existential presuppositions, 31 (26.3%) data of factive presuppositions, 11 (9.3%) data of lexical presuppositions, 17 (14.4%) data of structural presuppositions, 2 (1.7%) data of non-factive presuppositions, and 2 (1.7%) data of counterfactual presuppositions
Communication Strategies by Indonesian EFL Learners in English Conversation Class
To be able to conduct smooth communication has been the focus of teaching and learning L2. Since the late 1970s, developing language learners’ communicative competence has become the center of L2 teaching. This paper is part of a study investigating how elementary-level English learners at an English course in Surakarta-Indonesia conduct English conversations. It particularly observes how they use communication strategies. The data was obtained through recording the conversations between instructors and the learners in teaching and learning activities. This study revealed that the learners frequently used stalling or time gaining when communicating their ideas or opinions. Assertive was the dominant speech act used by the learners, whereas expressive was the least. This could be because during the learning process, the learners were the ones who answered questions and expressed ideas in response to the instructors’ questions
This study investigates the types and motivations of cyberbullying expressions used by Twitter users in the Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber drama. Employing a descriptive qualitative approach, the research analyses transcripts of Twitter comments to understand the underlying motives behind the observed bullying behaviour. The findings have revealed several key motives including fanaticism towards idols. Strong identification with and defence of preferred idols can induce aggressive responses towards perceived threats, leading to attacks on rival fans or their idols. Emotional reactivity that encouuunters tweets perceived as disrespectful or harmful towards their idols can trigger anger and frustration, driving users to engage in cyberbullying as a means of retaliation. Witnessing the success or popularity of other idol groups or their fans can trigger feelings of jealousy, prompting some users to engage in cyberbullying to diminish their rivals' perceived advantages. Engaging in aggressive online behaviour and "winning" arguments against perceived opponents can provide some users with a sense of validation and satisfaction, further reinforcing the cycle of cyberbullying
Impoliteness Strategies in Straight Outta Compton Movie
This study investigates (1) the types of impoliteness strategies found in Straight Outta Compton movie and (2) the characters’ intention of using those types of impoliteness strategies. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative method in which the data are collected through documentation. The writer used the theory of Culpeper impoliteness strategies (1996) to analyze the impoliteness strategies and the theory of illocutionary acts by Searle (1979) and Norrick (1978) to analyze the speaker’s intention. The result shows that there are 136 impoliteness strategies used by the characters. In detail, positive impoliteness strategy is in the total number of 103 (76%), negative impoliteness strategy has 22 cases (16%), bald-on record impoliteness strategy is in the total number of 9 cases (7%) and the least total number is sarcasm or mock politeness 2 cases (1%). The writer also finds the characters’ intentions of using those impoliteness strategies, as follow: convincing, reporting, ordering, questioning, threatening, anger, like, dislike, sadness, boasting, praising, surprised, and blaming
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Kriminalisasi Notaris Dalam Menjalankan Tugas Dan Fungsinya Sebagai Pejabat Umum Berdasarkan Undang Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 202014 Tentang Jabatan Notaris
ABSTRAKPerkembangan dinamika masyarakat telah memberikan dampak pada semakin bervariasinya kebutuhan masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat pengguna jasa Notaris (klien). Notaris adalah pejabat umum yang berwenang membuat akta otentik dan kewenangan lainnya yang dalam menjalankan tugas jabatannya Notaris harus berpedoman pada kaidah hukum dan kaidah moral. Kaidah hukum yang berlaku bagi Notaris adalah Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 tentang Jabatan Notaris, sedangkan kaidah moral yang secara khusus mengatur tentang Profesi Notaris adalah Kode Etik Notaris yang ditetapkan oleh Organisasi Profesi Notaris yaitu Ikatan Notaris Indonesia. Namun pada kenyataannya dalam menjalankan tugas jabatannya banyak Notaris yang telah masuk keranah hukum dengan berbagai kasus yang terjadi. Bahkan banyak terbukti di Pengadilan dengan status sebagai terpidana.Penelitian ini akan dikaji mengenai perlindungan hukum terhadap kriminalisasi terhadap Notaris, beserta penerapan sanksi terhadap Notaris apabila Notaris terbukti bersalah di PengadilanMetode penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini meliputi : penelitian yang bersifat normatif, jenis pendekatan adalah dekriptif analistis, dengan pendekatan yuridis normative, yaitu dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan konsep (conseptual approach), pendekatan kasus (case apporah), dengan cara melakukan telaah terhadap kasus-kasus yang berkaitan dengan isu yang dihadapi.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana penerapan perlindungan hukum terhadap notaris yang dikriminalisasi dalam pembuatan akta otentik, sebagaimana terdapat pada Pasal 66 UUJN. Dengan demikian, maka Notaris tidak dapat seenaknya dipanggil dalam proses pidana atau peradilan oleh penyidik, penuntut umum atau hakim. Pemanggilan yang dilakukan tersebut harus melalui persetujuan MPD terlebih dahulu. Akan tetapi apabila MPD memberikan persetujuan untuk diperiksanya Notaris, maka sebagai bentuk perlindungan terhadap dirinya, Notaris dapat menggunakan hak ingkarnya. Sanksi yang diberikan Notaris apabila kriminalisasi terbukti yaitu mulai dari Teguran, Peringatan, Schorsing (pemecatan sementara) dari keanggotaan perkumpulan, Pemberhentian dengan tidak hormat dari perkumpulan. Penjatuhan sanksi-sanksi sebagaimana terurai di atas terhadap anggota yang melanggar Kode Etik disesuaikan dengan kwantitas dan kwalitas pelanggaran yang dilakukan anggota tersebut. Dan Notaris baru dapat diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat dari jabatannya oleh menteri atas usul Majelis Pengawas Pusat apabila keputusan atas hukuman pidana yang diterimanya 5 (lima) tahun atau lebih termasuk telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap. Dengan demikian status hukum dari Notaris tersebut berubah dari terdakwa menjadi terpidana.Kata kunci : Perlindungan Hukum, Kriminalisasi Notaris, Pejabat UmumABSTRACTThe development of community dynamics has had an impact on the increasingly varied needs of the community, especially the community of Notary service users (clients). Notary is a general official who is authorized to make authentic deeds and other authorities in carrying out their duties. Notaries shall be guided by the rule of law and moral rules. The rule of law applicable to Notary Public is Law Number 2 Year 2014 about Notary's position, whereas moral rule which specifically regulate Profession Notary is Notary's Code of Ethics specified by Notary Profession Organization that is Notary Association of Indonesia. But in reality in carrying out his duties of office many notaries who have entered the legal ground with various cases that occurred. In fact many are proven in the Court with the status of a convicted person.This research will be studied about legal protection against criminalization of Notary, along with the application of sanction to Notary if Notary is found guilty in CourtThe research methods used in this research include: normative research, the type of approach is descriptive analytical, with normative juridical approach, that is by statute approach, concept approach, case apporah, by way of a review of cases relating to the issues at hand.The result of this research is how the application of legal protection to notary which is criminalized in making authentic deed, as contained in Article 66 UUJN. Thus, a Notary can not be casually summoned in a criminal or judicial process by an investigator, public prosecutor or judge. Such invocations shall be subject to prior MPD approval. However, if the MPD gives approval for the examination of a Notary, then as a form of protection against him, a Notary may use his right of repudiation. Sanctions granted by a Notary if criminalization is evident from the Warning, Warning, Schorsing (temporary dismissal) of the membership of the association, Disobedience with disrespect from the association. The imposition of sanctions as described above against a member in violation of the Code of Ethics shall be in accordance with the quantity and quality of the offenses committed by that member. And the new notary may be dismissed with disrespect from his position by the minister upon the recommendation of the Central Supervisory Council if the decision on criminal penalty he receives 5 (five) years or more including having obtained permanent legal force. Thus the legal status of the Notary is changed from the defendant to the convicted person.Keywords: Legal Protection, Criminalization of Notaries, Public Official
The Use Of Swear Words In Deadpool Movie: A Sociopragmatic Study
This research was descriptive qualitative study concerning with swear words. The data of this research were the utterance contain swear words in Deadpool movie script. The writers found five types of swear words in Deadpool movie, those are sex term, body part term, excretion term, death term, and animal term. The findings show that sex term was the dominant type because this type was mostly used by the characters in Deadpool movie.
The writer also classify the category of swear words based on the context of the conversation and monologue found in Deadpool movie. The findings of this research show that there were seven categories of swear words used by the characters in Deadpool movie, such as intensifier category, exclamation of annoyance category, an insult category, exclamation of surprised category, rejection category, surprised question category, and the last is intensifier of unconcern category. The intention of using swear words by the characters that found in Deadpool movie showed that the characters in Deadpool movie used swear words not always to swear, but to express their other emotion and feeling in different situation
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