5 research outputs found
Study on Implementation of Electronic Records Management System in Yogyakarta City Government Office
This study aims to determine: 1) agencies within the Government of Yogyakarta City are implementing electronic records management; 2) electronic records management system is implemented; 3) facilities used in the implementation of electronic records management in the Office of Government of Yogyakarta City. The research method used is a survey method. From the perspective of the nature of the analysis, this research categorized as a descriptive exploratory study. This research subject is an employee in charge of managing records in a government office in Yogyakarta City. The number of units of work that is the subject of much research as 13. The respondent is the source of data on each unit of work is one people, so that the number of respondents in this study as many as 13 people. The conclusion of this study were: 1) there are two agencies in the government of Yogyakarta City implementing electronic records management, namely the Licensing Agency and the Population and Civil Registry Agency; 2) electronic records management system implemented at Licensing Agency and the Population and Civil Registry Agency is the same, which is composed of a system of document scanning and electronic records management software system; 3) the facilities used to implement electronic records management system in the Government of Yogyakarta City as: computers, scanners, printers, compact discs, and electronic records management software. Keywords: implementation, systems, electronic records management, Yogyakarta
Peran Transformational Leadership untuk Meningkatkan Innovative Work Behavior Menuju Bantul Smart City
This research aims to analyze the role of regional leaders in the Bantul District Government in promoting innovative work behavior of civil servants in the Lapor Bantul program in order to optimize Bantul Smart City. This study departs from the phenomenon of efforts to improve services carried out by the Bantul District Government to foster innovative behaviors. In uncovering these phenomena, this research will analyze to what extent and how the role and actions taken by regional leaders in the Bantul District related to the Lapor Bantul program in mobilizing employees and other stakeholders so that they can contribute to and participate in the development of Bantul District together. Lapor Bantul was chosen as the focus of the research because it is a priority program indicator for the realization of Bantul Smart City. There still needs to be efforts for resident engagement and better integration among various stakeholders so that the dimension of smart society can be realized optimally. Based on purposive sampling technique, 3 informants were determined for the research, namely the Secretary of the Bantul District, the Head of the Lapor Bantul Department, and the Head of DISKOMINFO, considering their experience in policy making and program implementation for a minimum of 3 years. Data collection techniques used observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews with qualitative data analysis methods including data reduction, data display, and the conclusion
The Impact of Bureaucracy Delayering Policy on Government Employees: Insights from Eastern Indonesia's Vertical Institutions
This article explores the impact of top-down delayering policies on government employees in vertical institutions in Eastern Indonesia. This study used a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews with government employees in three vertical agencies in East Nusa Tenggara. Four main dimensions are explained: job suitability with competencies, future career patterns, innovative work behavior, and employee welfare. Findings indicate a significant mismatch betsween employee competencies and the demands of the new position, resulting in decreased efficiency, role confusion, and low morale. Concerns about unclear future career patterns were also identified, affecting employee motivation and morale. On the other hand, the transition to a more functional structure contributes to an increase in innovative work behavior, with employees feeling more empowered to make creative contributions. Apart from that, this policy also positively impacts the economic welfare of employees through increasing benefits and performance. This research underscores the importance of effective change management, adequate preparation, and communication in implementing bureaucratic delayering policies. Limitations of the study include the limited sample and focus on individual perceptions
Abstrak: Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan literasi pola hidup efisien kepada generasi milenial melalui talkshow manajemen waktu dan manajemen keuangan, serta menanamkan pola pikir proaktif, adaptif dan kreatif. Pengabdian ini menyasar aspek kognitif, afektif, ditambah aspek behavioral mitra PPM yakni anggota organisasi Purna Prakarya Muda Indonesia (PPMI) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) yang berjumlah 18 orang. Pengabdian diawali dengan melakukan survey lapangan untuk menentukan persoalan yang hendak dipecahkan. Identifikasi masalah dilakukan bersama dengan mitra agar upaya pemecahan masalah dapat dilakukan tepat sasaran. Pelaksanaan pengabdian dikemas dalam bentuk talkshow daring dengan dua narasumber. Peserta juga diberikan pendampingan untuk melaksanakan kampanye menggunakan materi hasil diskusi. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan mengukur tingkat pemahaman dan sikap yang terbentuk pada peserta sasaran. Hasil pelaksanaan pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa 77,7% peserta sangat memahami materi yang disampaikan dan meyakini bahwa mengatur pola hidup efisien adalah penting untuk mempersiapkan kehidupan di masa mendatang. Sebanyak 39% peserta melakukan ajakan melakukan pola hidup efisien melalui kampanye di media sosial.Abstract: This service aims to provide efficient lifestyle literacy to the millennial generation through time management and financial management talkshow, as well as instilling a proactive, adaptive, and creative mindset. This service targets the cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of PPM partners, namely the 18 members of the Purna Prakarya Muda Indonesia (PPMI) Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) organization. The service begins with conducting a field survey to determine the problem to be solved. Problem identification is carried out together with partners so that problem-solving efforts can be carried out on target. The implementation of the service is packaged in the form of an online talkshow with two speakers. Participants were also assisted to carry out the campaign using the material from the discussion. Evaluation is done by measuring the level of understanding and attitudes formed in the target participants. The results of the service implementation showed that 77.7% of participants understood the material presented and believed that managing an efficient lifestyle was important to prepare for life in the future. As many as 39% of participants made an invitation to have an efficient lifestyle through campaigns on social media