148 research outputs found


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    SMP N 1 Godean termasuk salah satu sekolah yang masih menggunakan sistem presensi secara manual. Hal ini menjadi kendala karena kemungkinan terjadi kesalahan dalam proses perekapan yang disebabkan human error. Sehingga diperlukan sistem presensi yang berbasis Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) agar dapat meminimalisir kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut. Aplikasi presensi siswa berbasis RFID yaitu suatu sistem presensi yang digunakan untuk mencatat kehadiran siswa dalam proses belajar di SMP N 1 Godean. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun aplikasi presensi siswa berbasis RFID. Aplikasi presensi siswa berbasis RFID dibangun dengan Bahasa pemrograman Borland Delphi. Borland Delphi lebih banyak digunakan untuk pengembangan aplikasi ini.Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka, wawancara dan browsing internet. Tahap pengembangan aplikasi meliputi (1) analisis, (2) perancangan sistem, (3) implementasi, dan (4) pengujian. Aplikasi presensi siswa berbasis RFID yang dibuat dapat digunakan untuk presensi siswa di SMP N 1 Godean. Sehingga proses presensi menjadi lebih efektif dan hasilnya lebih akurat. Hasil pengujian sistem menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini layak dan dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk presensi siswa

    Kesehatan reproduksi pekerja wanita

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    Abstract As a society becomes more modernized, the role of women in a working place is increasing. A quite large number of women work in various sectors: agriculture, industry, and services. While their participation contributes to the welfare of their family and society at large, the health implication (particularly on reproductive health) needs considerable attention. The study shows the incidence of various reproductive health problems in a working place and low attention given by the employers to this problem. Statutes and government regulations have been made to protect female labours from reproductive health problems, but these laws and regulations have not been implemented consistently by the employers. This study proposes to increase the government control on reproductive health services and protection given by employers to private industries, and to give the workers the right to organize themselves so that they can obtain the power to have reproductive health services as well as protection from their employers. Keywords: reproductive health wome

    Batik Technological Innovation to Propel Acceleration of the Development of Batik Industry Centers: Case Study in Lawean, Surakarta, Indonesia

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    The objective of this research is to describe the technological transfer of batik painting design and dyeing, which is adjusted to the export demand. This research used the applied research method. It was conducted in two phases, namely: 1) basic research on the potentials of batik industry centers, and (2) the applied research on the batik technological innovation of export-oriented batik painting design and dyeing. The findings of the research show that the batik industry centers of Lawean have the potentials of export-oriented batik painting industry. The identification of batik painting industry need shows that so as to adjust to the shift of demand, taste, and interest of foreign customers toward painting batik, it is urgent to do innovation through participatory experiment, demo, and practice of the development of batik painting design and dyeing. The active and voluntary involvement and participation of batik painting business operators in the experiment, demo, and practice of the development of batik painting design and dyeing have resulted in positive effects, namely: a) the improvement of the quality of knowledge and technology of batik painting design and dyeing; b) the improvement of operational quality of production and product quality of painting batik, which is adjusted to the taste of the domestic and foreign customers. Keywords: Innovation, design, dyeing, and batik paintin

    Sosiologi Alih Teknologi

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    neoliberal capitalism resulted in de-industrialization ad triggered an economic crisis a jump in unemployement, income uncertainty and poverty. poverty in developing countries associated with the exploitation of labor and nature. poverty is pervasive in developing countries population in the multidimensional life. there is a tendency of empowerment based poverty alleviation. empowering communities mean that the growth of power and authority to act on the community to solve their own problems. embodiment of independence was marked by increasing empowerment of social group in fulfilling basic needs (clothing, food, health and education) for their member

    Government Communication in Implementing Inclusive Education for Working Towards the Sustainable Development Goals

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    Inclusive education is provided by the state for students with disabilities and other students also obtain learning opportunities in the same environment. Government policies need to get support from policy implementers. The implementation of this inclusive education policy must be supported by good and targeted policy communication in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The purpose of this research was to find out: (1) communication strategies used for inclusive education policies in various regions of the world; (2) conditions of inclusive education in various regions of the world; and (3) inclusive education challenges faced by people with disabilities. A systematic literature review was conducted. The review process began by entering keywords into the Google Scholar search engine to search for articles. The results indicated that countries’ communications about inclusive education policies need to be improved so that policy implementers can understand the implementation processes. Keywords: policy communication, inclusive education, persons with disabilitiesInclusive education is provided by the state for students with disabilities and other students also obtain learning opportunities in the same environment. Government policies need to get support from policy implementers. The implementation of this inclusive education policy must be supported by good and targeted policy communication in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The purpose of this research was to find out: (1) communication strategies used for inclusive education policies in various regions of the world; (2) conditions of inclusive education in various regions of the world; and (3) inclusive education challenges faced by people with disabilities. A systematic literature review was conducted. The review process began by entering keywords into the Google Scholar search engine to search for articles. The results indicated that countries’ communications about inclusive education policies need to be improved so that policy implementers can understand the implementation processes. Keywords: policy communication, inclusive education, persons with disabilitie

    Determinants of Job Performance among Medical Rehabilitation Health Personnel at Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta, Central Java: A Path Analysis Evidence

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    Background: The quality of a health institution is determined by human resources (HR) and the quality of staff services. The quality of health human resources is measured by employee performance and productivity especially services that are directly related to patients, such as the Department of Medical Rehabilitation. This study aimed to analyze the psychosocial economic determinants of the performance of medical rehabilitation health personnel.Subjects and Method: This study used a cross-sectional method. This study was conducted from May 2020 to June 2020. The sample was selected by exhaustive sampling by 200 medical rehabilitation health personnel at Dr. Moewardi, Surakarta. The dependent variable was performance. The independent variables were motivation, skill, work atmosphere, facilities and infrastructure, work experience, training, education, leadership style, incentive, reinforcement, vicarious learning, and observational learning. The data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using path analysis with STATA version 13.Results: Medical rehabilitation health personnel had a likelihood of performing well with participative leaders (b=2.24; 95%CI=0.09 to 1.44; p=0.025), sufficient incentives (b=3.19; 95%CI=0.42 to 1.76; p<0.001), high motivation (b=3.38; 95%CI=0.51 to 1.93; p<0.001), by attenting training and education for medical rehabilitation (b=1.86; 95%CI=-0.03 to 1.27; p=0.064), good reinforcement (b=1.72; 95%CI=- 0.09 to 1.42; p=0.086), training and education through incentives (b=1.86; 95%CI=- 0.02 to 1.11; p=0.062), conducive work atmosphere through motivation (b=2.49; 95%CI=0.16 to 1.42; p=0.013).Conclusion: The performance of medical rehabilitation health personnel is affected by leadership style, incentives, motivation, training and education, work atmosphere, and reinforcement.Keywords: social cognitive, performance, path analysisCorrespondence: Sisybania, Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami No.36 A, Surakarta, Indonesia. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6289676804589Journal of Health Policy and Management (2021), 01(01): 01-12https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpm.2021.06.01.01.

    Optimalisasi Pelayanan Klien Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Bapas Kelas II Madiun

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    Penelitian ini mengambil tema bagaimana pelayanan yang dilakukan pada saat masa pandemic covid-19 dengan mengambil lokus penelitian di Bapas Kelas II Madiun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kendala dan cara untuk mengoptimalisasi pelayanan pada masa pandemic ini. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengambilan data menngunakan observasi langsung ke lapangan dan wawancara kepada pihak yang terkait. Pada hasil dan pembahasan berisi tentang bentuk pelayanan yang dilakukan Bapas Kelas II Madiun kemudian menuju ke kendala yang dialami, perubahan yang terjadi, kemudian langkah-langkah untuk mengoptimalisasi pelayanan. Pada kesimpulan berisi bahwa pandemi bukanlah halangan untuk tidak melakukan pelayanan yang maksimal justru pandemic menjadi tantangan untuk berpikir maju dan terbukti bisa tetap melakukan pelayanan secara optimal bahkan lebih inovatif

    Social Exchange in Broiler Breeding using Core-Plasma Partnership System

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    This article will discuss the form of social exchange in broiler breeding using core-plasma partnership system. This study was a case study taken place in Blitar Regency as one of broiler cattle breeding centers in Indonesia. The result of research showed that cattle raisers followed core-plasma partnership system because it was considered as having smaller risk than independent system. The core-plasma partnership began with social exchange between cattle raisers and Partner Company. Profit-loss, mutual need, and trust consideration underlies the exchange occurring in core-plasma partnership. Cattle raisers with limited business capital could run broiler breeding with Partner Company’s help as integrator that provided day old chicken (DOC), feed, and drugs, and marketed the harvest product. Meanwhile, Partner Company with limited land and workers could also benefit from the partnership ran. The exchange was considered as fair when it generated profit for each other despite difference profit obtained by the parties. The end of partnership implied that there was no longer social exchange between the parties engaged
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