315 research outputs found
Leadership effectiveness of islamic education management department at educational faculty and teacher training of state islamic university of north sumatera
The purpose of this study was to reveal: (1) The direct effect of confidence level toward work discipline, (2) The direct effect of the task structure toward work discipline, (3) The direct effect of the level of confidence toward effectiveness of the leadership, (4) The direct effect of the task structure toward effectiveness of leadership, (5) the direct effect of labor discipline toward effectiveness of the leadership of the Islamic Education Management Department at Faculty of Education of the State Islamic University of North Sumatra. This research method used correlated path models. The study population was faculty and students with the number of 148 people. Sampling using Krecji table, with this technique resulted in a sample 108 people. The instrument used to collect data was questionnaire Likert scale models. The analysis technique used is path analysis. The findings of this study indicate: (1) The confidence level affect the work Discipline of 16.9%, (2) Structural work tasks affect the Discipline of 18.7%, (3) The level of trust directly affects the effectiveness of the leadership of 19,4% , (4). The task structure directly affects the effectiveness of the leadership of 19.5% and (5) Work Discipline directly influence the effectiveness of the leadership of the Department of 22.1%
The effectiveness of administrators’ works at state institute for islamic studies of north sumatra (iain-su)
The aim of this research was to identify and asses the direct and indirect effects of organization culture, leadership behavior, work satisfaction, work stress and work motivation on the effectiveness of administrators’ work at State Institute for Islamic Studies of North Sumatra (IAIN SU). This research was conducted at IAIN SU and 111 workers were taken as samples. To capture research data variables, valid and reliable questionnaires were used based on rational and statistical results through instrument test to 30 populations. The technique of analysis data consisted of descriptive analysis, requirement test analysis and path analysis with the significance level α= 0.05. Based on the path analysis overall results, F count > F table (21> 2,301) was obtained. Thus, Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. In conclusion, organizational culture, leadership behavior, work satisfaction, work stress, and work motivation simultaneously affect the effectiveness of administrators’ work
The effect of extraversion personality, emotional intelligence and job satisfaction to teachers’ work spirit islmaic junior high school (mts) deli serdang north sumatra
The Aims of the research were to explore the effects of extraversion personality, emosional intelligence, and job satisfaction to teachers work spirit at Islamic Junior Hight schools at Deli serdang North Sumatera. This research used quantitaive approach and used path analysis to know the effect of the variavbles. The data were taken from 136 teachers and using a set of questionaries Likert Scale Model. The results of the research revealed that all variables observed have significant effect to teachers work spiri
Penerapan Konseling Kelompok dengan Strategi Self-management untuk Mengurangi Perilaku Agresif Verbal pada Siswa Kelas VIII di SMPN 2 Dlanggu Mojokerto
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menguji penerapan konseling kelompok dengan menggunakan strategi self-management dalam membantu mengurangi perilaku agresif verbal pada siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Pre-experiment dengan jenis One-Group Pre-test dan Post-test Design. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket perilaku agresif verbal siswa. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 8 orang siswa kelas VIII di SMPN 2 Dlanggu Mojokerto yang memiliki perilaku agresif verbal tinggi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji tanda. Berdasarkan hasil uji tanda bahwa menunjukkan tanda (-) berjumlah 8 sebagai N (banyaknya pasangan yang menunjukkan perbedaan) dan x (banyaknya tanda yang lebih sedikit) berjumlah 0. Dengan melihat tabel tes binominal dengan ketentuan N = 8 dan x = 0 (z), maka diperoleh ρ (kemungkinan harga di bawah H0) = 0,004 Bila dalam ketetapan α (taraf kesalahan) sebesar 5% adalah 0,05 maka dapat disumpulkam bahwa 0,004 < 0,05, berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Berdasarkan rata-rata skor pre-test 116,75 dan rata-rata skor post-test 80,87, maka dapat dibuktikan bahwa pemberian konseling kelompok strategi self-management dapat menurunkan perilaku agresif verbal pada siswa kelas VIII di SMPN 2 Dlanggu Mojokerto.
Kata kunci: Konseling Kelompok Self-Management, Perilaku Agresif Verba
Secara umum Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1)kepemimpinan kepala madrasah wanita di Mts N 3 Medan; 2) produktivitas kerja guru di MTs N 3 Medan; 3) Hubungan yang signifikan antara kepemimpinan kepala madrasah wanita terhadap produktivitas kerja guru di MTs N 3 Medan. Kepemimpinan kepala madrasah umumnya berada di atas rata-rata atau berkategori baik. Sebaran skor produktivitas kerja guru  sebanyak 20 orang (50%) berada di bawah rata-rata kelas interval atau berkategori kurang dan sebanyak 11 orang (27,50 %) berada pada rata-rata kelas interval atau berkategori sedang dan sebanyak 9 orang (22,50%) di atas rata-rata atau berkategori baik. Produktivitas kerja guru umumnya berada di atas rata-rata atau berkategori baik. Kepemimpinan kepala madrasah wanita mempunyai hubungan positif secara signifikan dengan Produktivitas kerja guru dimana besaran koefisien 0,39, dan melalui uji t yang telah dilakukan ternyata diperoleh t hitung = 2,636 sedangkan nilai t tabel = 2,02. Oleh karena t hitung > t tabel hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan keduanya positif dan signifikan dengan bentuk hubungan linier dan prediktif melalui garis regresi Ŷ = 67,18 + 0,29 X. Persamaan ini memberikan makna bahwa jika  kepemimpinan kepala sekolah ditingkatkan sebesar satu unit, maka  produktivitas kerja guru akan meningkat sebesar 0,29 unit
Student Management in Mulia Private School Rantang Village Hamparan Perak District
This study aims to describe student management that takes place at Mulia Private School in Rantang City Village. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data collected by interview, observation and documentation study. In this study, the subjects of the study were the principal, vice principal in student affairs and several students and teachers in the subject area of ​​this school. This study shows that the ongoing student management process is in accordance with the scope of student management, and was prepared by the school in accordance with technical instructions from the education office
Local brand fashion is a style of dress using original clothing brands made in Indonesia. The trend of using local fashion brands has begun to develop among urban students, one of whom is a Semarang State University (UNNES) student in Semarang City. Local fashion brands also have a connection with nationalism because they are included in domestic products. This article aims to explain how UNNES students interpret local brand fashion trends as part of a lifestyle and find out the meaning of using local brands when associated with nationalism. This research uses qualitative methods. The subjects of this study were active UNNES students. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that fashion trends for local brands among UNNES students have changed student lifestyle patterns, besides that the use of local brand fashion is a form of love for UNNES students for domestic products. UNNES students represent a sense of nationalism by using local fashion brands which are native domestic products.Fashion merk lokal merupakan gaya berpakaian dengan menggunakan merk pakaian asli buatan Indonesia. Tren penggunaan fashion merk lokal sudah mulai berkembang di kalangan mahasiswa perkotaan, salah satunya adalah mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) yang berada di Kota Semarang. Fashion merk lokal juga memiliki keterkaitan dengan nasionalisme karena termasuk produk dalam negeri. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana mahasiswa UNNES memaknai tren fashion merk lokal sebagai bagian dari gaya hidup dan mengetahui makna tindakan menggunakan brand lokal jika dikaitkan dengan nasionalisme. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa aktif UNNES. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tren fashion merk lokal di kalangan mahasiswa UNNES merubah pola gaya hidup mahasiswa, selain itu penggunaan fashion merk lokal merupakan salah satu bentuk rasa cinta mahasiswa UNNES terhadap produk dalam negeri. Mahasiswa UNNES merepresentasikan rasa nasionalisme dengan cara menggunakan fashion merk lokal yang merupakan produk asli dalam negeri
Implementation of Administration in MIN 1 Medan
This study aims to (1) Describe how the implementation (implementation) of administration and (2) the constraints and solutions that exist in the implementation of administration in MIN 1 Medan. This research was conducted with a descriptive qualitative research approach. The informants of this study were madrasa heads, teachers, administrative staff and students. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Then the data were analyzed by interactive analysis which flowed with activities including data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Testing the validity of the data is done by triangulation of methods and sources. From the results of the study it can be concluded that: (1) The implementation of administration in MIN 1 Medan has been carried out properly and is organized as a function of the administration itself (2) Obstacles in the implementation of administration even if there are solutions can be found by first reflecting and evaluating
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