17 research outputs found
Peranan Biomassa Tanaman Kacang-kacangan sebagai Bioremediasi untuk Meningkatkan Kesuburan Kimiawi Ultisol
Peranan Biomassa Tanaman Kacang-kacangan Sebagai Bioremediasi untuk Meningkatkan Kesuburan Kimiawi Ultisol. Ultisol umumnya berkembang dari bahan induk tua dan mempunyai kendala kemasaman tanah yang berhubungan dengan pH kurang dari 5,5 dan adanya aluminium (Al) yang dapat dipertukarkan dalam tanah dalam jumlah cukup besar, defisiensi fosfor dan sebagian unsur makro lainnya. Aluminium merupakan salah satu unsur yang meracun pada tanaman apabila dalam konsentrasi tinggi. Pemberian bahan organik dapat mengurangi tingkat keracunan Al pada tanaman yaitu melalui peningkatan pH tanah, pembentukan kompleks Al dengan bahan humat dan pembentukan kompleks Al dengan asam organik. Pemberikan bahan organik berupa tanaman kacang- kacangan, di samping dapat membentuk kompleks dengan Al juga dapat meningkatkan kesuburan tanah. Bahan organik yang berasal dari kacang-kacangan dapat meningkatkan kesuburan kimiawi tanah melalui penambahan N, P, S, dan basa-basa tanah (K, Ca, Mg, dan Na) sedangkan bahan organik yang berasal dari tanaman non kacang-kacangan dapat meningkatkan kesuburan fisika tanah yaitu meningkatkan stabilitas agregat, porositas tanah, menurunkan bobot isi dan erosi tanah
Effect of Lime Application on Soil Properties and Soybean Yield on Tidal Land
The problems of soybean cultivation on tidal land are low in soil fertility, aluminum (Al) toxicity and poor availability of macro nutrients. Soil acidity and Al toxicity are often fixed by liming. The research aimed to determine the calculation method of lime requirement and its application method for soybean on tidal land. The research was conducted on tidal land in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Treatment consisted of two factors and arranged in randomize complete block design, replicated three times. The first factor was the method of lime rate calculation: (1) no liming,(2) liming based on10% of Al saturation, (3) liming based on 20% of Al saturation, (4) liming based on 30% of Al saturation, (5) liming based on 0.5 x exchangeable Al, and (6) liming based on 1 x exchangeable Al. The second factor was the method of application: (1) surface,and (2) mixed within 20 cm soil depth. The results showed that liming by mixing dolomite with soil within 20 cm depth resulted in 8% higher plant height compared to that applied on the soil surface. The highest yield was obtained when liming at rate equivalent to 10% of Al saturation was mixed with soil within 20 cm depth
Pengelolaan Kesuburan Lahan Kering Masam untuk Tanaman Kedelai
Pengembangan kedelai, karena luasan lahan ini hampir 29% dari total luas Indonesia. Kendala utama yang terdapat di lahan ini adalah tingkat kesuburan yang rendah, meliputi pH rendah, bahan organik rendah, kahat P, K, Ca dan Mg serta Al-dd, Fe dan Mn yang tinggi yang berpotensi meracuni tanaman. Peningkatan produktivitas lahan kering masam dapat dilakukan dengan (1) mencukupi kebutuhan hara yang berada pada status kahat dengan cara menambahkan masukan pupuk, (2) mengurangi pengaruh negatif dari sifat fisik dan kimia tanah dengan cara menambahkan bahan amelioran atau agen hayati, (3) mengembangkan varietas yang adaptif pada lingkungan masam, dan (4) kombinasi pendekatan 1, 2 dan 3 tersebut di atas. Secara umum, peningkatan produksi pertanian dapat dicapai melalui dua cara, yaitu: (1) memperluas areal pertanian (ekstensifikasi), dengan membuka daerah-daerah baru dan mengusahakan sebagai daerah pertanian, dan (2) meningkatkan produktivitas lahan (intensifikasi) melalui penerapan teknologi inovatif
Variability of Soybean [Glycine Max (L) Merr] Growth in Relation to Chemical Properties of Ultisol From East Lampung
Acidic dry land in Lampung is potential for soybean development area. Low soybean yield in farmer level is one of factor causing its’ low competitiveness. Soil fertility is the main constrain related to low yield of soybean. Objective of the research was to diagnose a cause of poor soybean growth on dry land Ultisol at Sukadana sub District, East Lampung District. Soil and soybean plant samples were collected from farmers’ field at Sukadana ilir village during planting season April – July year 2010. Plant and soil samples were taken when soybean at R1 stage (starting to bloom) using stratified random sampling method. The result showed that variability of soybean growth on Ultisol at Sukadana, East Lampung related to variability of soil pH, exchangeable Al, exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg. The poor soybean growth was due to low soil pH, high exchangeable Al, low exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg.Keywords: Chemical properties, Glycine max, UltisolKeywords: Taufiq A and A Wijanark. 2012. Variability of Soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr] Growth in Relation to Chemical Properties of Ultisol from East Lampung. J Trop Soils 17: 37-43. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2012.17.1.37][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2012.17.1.37
Pengaruh Teknik Pemberian Kapur Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Kedelai Pada Lahan Kering Masam
Acidic upland intended for soybean development areas must be limed to improve its soil fertility. The targeted soil is the root zones around 30 cm depth for soybean to decrease the level of acidity. The study was carried out in Sukadana, East Lampung Province, to determine the effect of lime application technique to the growth and yield of soybean in acidic upland. The experiment was conducted for two years (2009 and 2010). The experiment in 2009 used randomized complete block design to study four rates of lime, based on the calculation to decrease the exchangeable Al to 20%. Two weeks after lime was incorporated into the soil, soybean (Wilis variety) was planted, and bassal fertilizer of 300 kg NPK/ha was applied. In the 2010 experiment, each previous treatment plot was divided into two plots of the same size: one was treated with no lime to study the effect of the lime residue, and the second plot was limed as maintenance at rate of 25% of lime applied in the 2009 experiment. Soybean (Anjasmoro Variety) was planted, with bassal fertilizer of 2,5 t chicken manure + 300 kg SP18 + 300 kg NPK + 50 kg urea + 50 kg KCl/ha. Soil tillage to a depth of 30 cm on the no limed plots had decreased the growth and grain yield of soybean compared to those of soil tillage to a depth of 15 cm. Liming at 15 and 30 cm to the uppermost soil layer in 2009 increased the growth and yield of soybean, however the yield was not yet optimum. In the 2010 experiment, soybean grew optimally, yielded 2.67 t and 2.71 t/ha for lime treatments of 15 and 30 cm soil depth, respectively. To obtain high yield of soybean in the acidic uplands, it is suggested to lime on to the uppermost 15 cm soil layer using rate of lime to decrease the exchangable Al to 20% in the first year, and applying an additional lime in the following year at 25% of the first year rate
Effect of Land Use and Organic Matter on Nitrogen and Carbon Labile Fractions in a Typic Hapludult
A study that was aimed to determine the effect of organic matter from groundnut and maize biomass on the availability of N and C labile fraction was conducted in laboratory and glasshouse, Iletry, Malang. Research used randomized block design with three replications. The first factor was land use : (1). Soil from land cultivated by cassava crops for less than 10 years, and (2). Soil from land cultivated by cassava crops for more than 30 years. The second factor was type of organic matter: (1). Groundnut biomass, (2). Maize biomass, (3). Groundnut-maize biomass, with a ratio of 1:1, (4). Groundnut – maize biomass, with a ratio of 2:1, (5). Groundnut – maize biomass, with a ratio of 1:2, and (6). Without organic matter. The results showed that application of groundnut and maize biomass were affect the N and C labile fraction. Application of groundnut + maize biomass increases N and C labile fraction more 40% than without biomass as well as the landuse of planted with cassava less than 10 years was 20 % higher N and C labile fractions than the land that has been planted with cassava more than 30 years. This research showed that analysis of N or C labile fraction is more sensitif than analysis of N total or C organic. It indicates that analysis of labile fractions can be used to analyze of N and C availability in the soil, beside of N total and C organic analysi
Effect of Mulching and Amelioration on Growth and Yield of Groundnut on Saline Soil
Agricultural lands affected by salt facing complex problems associated with soil salinity and the toxicity effects of Na cation. Soil amelioration and mulching is an alternative to alleviate negative effect of salinity. Objective of research was to identify effective ameliorant, and effect of mulching in improving growth and yield of groundnut on saline soil. The research had been conducted on saline soil (soil EC 12 dS/m) in Lamongan during dry season of 2016, using Hypoma 2 cultivar. Treatments that consisted of two factors were arranged in a split plot design with three replicates. The main plot was mulching (without mulching and mulching with 3.5 t/ha of rice straw), and the sub plot was soil ameliorations (control, 120 kg/ha K2O, 750 kg/ha S, 5 t/ha gypsum, 5 t/ha manure, and 1.5 t/ha of gypsum + 5 t/ha manure). Results showed that mulching, and amelioration with 120 kg/ha K2O, 750 kg/ha S, 5 t/ha gypsum decreased soil EC, but could not improve groundnut growth and could not retard chlorophyll degradation because the soil was EC still high (12.5 dS/m). The higher yield (1.49 t/ha dry pods) can be obtained by amelioration with 750 kg sulphur/ha combined with mulchin
Pengaruh Genotipe dan Ameliorasi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kedelai pada Tanah Salin
Penanaman kultivar toleran yang dikombinasikan dengan ameliorasi merupakan cara pengelolaan yang efektif untuk peningkatan produktivitas lahan salin. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan amelioran yang efektif guna memperbaiki pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai pada tanah salin. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada lahan salin di Tuban pada bulan Juni–September 2015. Perlakuan terdiri atas dua faktor yang disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok, tiga ulangan. Faktor I adalah dua genotipe kedelai (Anjasmoro dan galur K-13), dan faktor II adalah enam macam ameliorasi tanah (tanpa amelioran sebagai kontrol, 120 kg/ha K2O, 2,5 t/ha dolomit, 2,5 t/ha gipsum, 2,5 t/ha pupuk kandang, dan 1,5 t/ha gipsum + 2,5 t/ha pupuk kandang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada kondisi cekaman salinitas, pertumbuhan Anjasmoro tidak berbeda dengan galur K-13. Toleransi varietas Anjasmoro terhadap salinitas berkaitan dengan kemampuannya menyerap K lebih banyak, sedangkan galur K-13 berkaitan dengan kemampuannya menghambat penyerapan Na. Ameliorasi dengan 120 kg K2O/ha, 2,5 t/ha pupuk kandang, atau kombinasi 2,5 t/ha pupuk kandang dengan 1,5 t/ha gipsum efektif meningkatkan produktivitas kedelai toleran salinitas pada tanah salin
Takaran Optimal Pupuk NPKS, Dolomit, Dan Pupuk Kandang Pada Hasil Kedelai Di Lahan Pasang Surut
Tidal swamp land has a good potential for soybean production. The main obstacle found on this land are low soil fertility, acidic reaction and high alluminium. The study was aimed to determine the optimal rate of fertilizer, and the effect of dolomite and manure on soybean yield on tidal swamp land. The experiment was conducted on a tidal land type C in Rantau Rasau, East Tanjung Jabung, Jambi Province, in 2009. The experiment used a completely randomized block design with three replications. The treatment consisted of a combination of fertilizers N, P, K, S, dolomite, and manure. The results showed that a high soybean yield on the tidal land type C can be obtained by applying NPKS fertilizers, dolomite, and manure with a rate of 30-30-30-20 (N-P2O5-K2O-SO4) kg/ha or equivalent to 200 kg compound fertilizer/ha. The NPKS fertilizer can be reduced by 50%, if it is combined with 750 kg/ha of dolomite and 1000 kg/ha organic manure. Addition of dolomite and manure increased the efficiency of the NPKS fertilizer
Land Suitability for Developing Soybean Crops in Bumi Nabung and Rumbia Districts, Central Lampung
Bumi Nabung district consists of 6 villages with a total area of 7,810 ha which are divided into 251 ha of rain fed rice lands, 4,908 ha of dry land, 1,317 ha of lowland, 1,158 ha of yards and 176 ha of others. Rumbia district consists of 14 villages which has a total area of 22,696 ha of land consisting of 2,728 ha of yards, 17,358 ha of dry land, 326 rainfed paddy field, 839 ha of swamp land, 1,470 ha of lowland and 4,232 ha of others. Bumi Nabung and Rumbia districts have a low soil fertility potential that is reflected by the lowof soil pH, CEC, total N, available P, and high level of exchangeable Al and Al saturation. The results assessment based on the physical and chemical characteristics showed that Bumi Nabung district have 5 villages on suitable class S-2 (North Bumi Nabung, East Bumi Nabung, Bumi Nabung Ilir, South Bumi Nabung, and Sri Kencono) and one village New Bumi Nabung has less suitable class S-3. In the Rumbia District, there were 14 villages belonged to suitable class (S-2), namely Reno Basuki, Rekso Binangun, Teluk Dalam Ilir, Rukti Basuki, Restu Baru, Restu Buana, Bina Karya Buana, Bina Karya Putra, Bina Karya Jaya, Bina Karya Utama, Bina Karya Sakti, Joharan, Rantau Jaya Ilir and Rantau Jaya Baru. Bumi Nabung and Rumbia districts have the potential fertility and land suitability for extensification and development of soybean crops. The main technology components to support this program are the use of ameliorant (dolomite and zeolite), the application of organic fertilizers (manure and compost) and inorganic fertilizers (NPK)