286 research outputs found

    Improved rank bounds for design matrices and a new proof of Kelly's theorem

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    We study the rank of complex sparse matrices in which the supports of different columns have small intersections. The rank of these matrices, called design matrices, was the focus of a recent work by Barak et. al. (BDWY11) in which they were used to answer questions regarding point configurations. In this work we derive near-optimal rank bounds for these matrices and use them to obtain asymptotically tight bounds in many of the geometric applications. As a consequence of our improved analysis, we also obtain a new, linear algebraic, proof of Kelly's theorem, which is the complex analog of the Sylvester-Gallai theorem

    Constant-Depth Arithmetic Circuits for Linear Algebra Problems

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    We design polynomial size, constant depth (namely, AC0\mathsf{AC}^0) arithmetic formulae for the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two polynomials, as well as the related problems of the discriminant, resultant, B\'ezout coefficients, squarefree decomposition, and the inversion of structured matrices like Sylvester and B\'ezout matrices. Our GCD algorithm extends to any number of polynomials. Previously, the best known arithmetic formulae for these problems required super-polynomial size, regardless of depth. These results are based on new algorithmic techniques to compute various symmetric functions in the roots of polynomials, as well as manipulate the multiplicities of these roots, without having access to them. These techniques allow AC0\mathsf{AC}^0 computation of a large class of linear and polynomial algebra problems, which include the above as special cases. We extend these techniques to problems whose inputs are multivariate polynomials, which are represented by AC0\mathsf{AC}^0 arithmetic circuits. Here too we solve problems such as computing the GCD and squarefree decomposition in AC0\mathsf{AC}^0
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