11 research outputs found
Terahertz Nano-Imaging with s-SNOM
Spectroscopy and imaging with terahertz radiation propagating in free space suffer from the poor spatial resolution which is a consequence of the comparatively large wavelength of the radiation (300 μm at 1 THz in vacuum) in combination with the Abbe diffraction limit of focusing. A way to overcome this limitation is the application of near-field techniques. In this chapter, we focus on one of them, scattering-type Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (s-SNOM) which − due to its versatility − has come to prominence in recent years. This technique enables a spatial resolution on the sub-100-nm length scale independent of the wavelength. We provide an overview of the state-of-the-art of this imaging and spectroscopy modality, and describe a few selected application examples in more detail
Anisotropic excitation of surface plasmon polaritons on a metal film by a scattering-type scanning near-field microscope with a nonrotationally-symmetric probe tip
We investigated the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons on gold films with the metallized probe tip of a scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope (s-SNOM). The emission of the polaritons from the tip, illuminated by near-infrared laser radiation, was found to be anisotropic and not circularly symmetric as expected on the basis of literature data. We furthermore identified an additional excitation channel via light that was reflected off the tip and excited the plasmon polaritons at the edge of the metal film. Our results, while obtained for a non-rotationally-symmetric type of probe tip and thus specific for this situation, indicate that when an s-SNOM is employed for the investigation of plasmonic structures, the unintentional excitation of surface waves and anisotropic surface wave propagation must be considered in order to correctly interpret the signatures of plasmon polariton generation and propagation
Antenna-coupled field-effect transistors as detectors for terahertz near-field microscopy
We report the successful implementation of antenna-coupled terahertz field-effect transistors (TeraFETs) as homodyne detectors in a scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope (s-SNOM) operating with radiation at 246.5 GHz. The devices were fabricated in Si CMOS foundry technology with two different technologies, a 90 nm process, which provides a better device performance, and a less expensive 180 nm one. The high sensitivity enables s-SNOM demodulation at up to the 10th harmonic of the cantilever's oscillation frequency. While we demonstrate application of TeraFETs at a fixed radiation frequency, this type of detector device is able to cover the entire THz frequency range
Anisotropic excitation of surface plasmon polaritons on a metal film by a scattering-type scanning near-field microscope with a non-rotationally-symmetric probe tip
We investigated the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons on gold films with the metallized probe tip of a scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope (s-SNOM). The emission of the polaritons from the tip, illuminated by near-infrared laser radiation, was found to be anisotropic and not circularly symmetric as expected on the basis of literature data. We furthermore identified an additional excitation channel via light that was reflected off the tip and excited the plasmon polaritons at the edge of the metal film. Our results, while obtained for a non-rotationally-symmetric type of probe tip and thus specific for this situation, indicate that when an s-SNOM is employed for the investigation of plasmonic structures, the unintentional excitation of surface waves and anisotropic surface wave propagation must be considered in order to correctly interpret the signatures of plasmon polariton generation and propagation
Direct Near-Field Observation of Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Silver Nanowires
Surface plasmon polaritons on (silver) nanowires are promising components for future photonic technologies. Here, we study near-field patterns on silver nanowires with a scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope that enables the direct mapping of surface waves. We analyze the spatial pattern of the plasmon signatures for different excitation geometries and polarization and observe a plasmon wave pattern that is canted relative to the nanowire axis, which we show is due to a superposition of two different plasmon modes, as supported by electromagnetic simulations including the influence of the substrate. These findings yield new insights into the excitation and propagation of plasmon polaritons for applications in nanoplasmonic devices
Near-Field Observation of Guided-Mode Resonances on a Metasurface via Dielectric Nanosphere Excitation
Direct nanoscopic observation of plasma waves in the channel of a graphene field-effect transistor
Plasma waves play an important role in many solid-state phenomena and devices. They also become significant in electronic device structures as the operation frequencies of these devices increase. A prominent example is field-effect transistors (FETs), that witness increased attention for application as rectifying detectors and mixers of electromagnetic waves at gigahertz and terahertz frequencies, where they exhibit very good sensitivity even high above the cut-off frequency defined by the carrier transit time. Transport theory predicts that the coupling of radiation at THz frequencies into the channel of an antenna-coupled FET leads to the development of a gated plasma wave, collectively involving the charge carriers of both the two-dimensional electron gas and the gate electrode. In this paper, we present the first direct visualization of these waves. Employing graphene FETs containing a buried gate electrode, we utilize near-field THz nanoscopy at room temperature to directly probe the envelope function of the electric field amplitude on the exposed graphene sheet and the neighboring antenna regions. Mapping of the field distribution documents that wave injection is unidirectional from the source side since the oscillating electrical potentials on the gate and drain are equalized by capacitive shunting. The plasma waves, excited at 2 THz, are overdamped, and their decay time lies in the range of 25-70 fs. Despite this short decay time, the decay length is rather long, i.e., 0.3-0.5 μm, because of the rather large propagation speed of the plasma waves, which is found to lie in the range of 3.5-7 × 106 m/s, in good agreement with theory. The propagation speed depends only weakly on the gate voltage swing and is consistent with the theoretically predicted 1/4 power law
Direct nanoscopic observation of plasma waves in the channel of a graphene field-effect transistor
Plasma waves play an important role in many solid-state phenomena and devices. They also become significant in electronic device structures as the operation frequencies of these devices increase. A prominent example is field-effect transistors (FETs), that witness increased attention for application as rectifying detectors and mixers of electromagnetic waves at gigahertz and terahertz frequencies, where they exhibit very good sensitivity even high above the cut-off frequency defined by the carrier transit time. Transport theory predicts that the coupling of radiation at THz frequencies into the channel of an antenna-coupled FET leads to the development of a gated plasma wave, collectively involving the charge carriers of both the two-dimensional electron gas and the gate electrode. In this paper, we present the first direct visualization of these waves. Employing graphene FETs containing a buried gate electrode, we utilize near-field THz nanoscopy at room temperature to directly probe the envelope function of the electric field amplitude on the exposed graphene sheet and the neighboring antenna regions. Mapping of the field distribution documents that wave injection is unidirectional from the source side since the oscillating electrical potentials on the gate and drain are equalized by capacitive shunting. The plasma waves, excited at 2 THz, are overdamped, and their decay time lies in the range of 25–70 fs. Despite this short decay time, the decay length is rather long, i.e., 0.3-0.5 μm, because of the rather large propagation speed of the plasma waves, which is found to lie in the range of 3.5–7
7 10^6 m/s, in good agreement with theory. The propagation speed depends only weakly on the gate voltage swing and is consistent with the theoretically predicted\ua01414 power law
Dielectric properties of vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes in the terahertz and mid-infrared range
We investigate the broadband dielectric properties of vertically aligned, multi-wall carbon nanotubes (VACNT), over both the terahertz (THz) and mid-infrared spectral ranges. The nominally undoped, metallic VACNT samples are probed at normal incidence, i.e. the response is predominantly due to polarisation perpendicular to the CNT axis. A detailed comparison of various conductivity models and previously reported results is presented for the non-Drude behaviour we observe in the conventional THz range (up to 2.5 THz). Extension to the mid-infrared range reveals an absorption peak at , reminiscent of that observed in single-wall CNT, only there it arises for polarisation parallel to the CNT axis. To account for the observed resonance here, we apply a Bergman-type effective-medium theory, based on first-principles' electromagnetic simulations for the perpendicular polarisation including both the intra- and inter-tube response, which can reproduce the observed spectrum if one assumes a much higher plasma frequency and scattering rate than that reflected in the low-frequency spectra, and proposes an explanation for the non-Drude behaviour at low-frequencies