8 research outputs found
The Incidence and Risk Factor Analysis of Drug Induced Liver Injury (Dili) in a Surabaya Hospital
The research has been conducted on the incident and analysis of risk factors drug liver injury (DILI) in a Surabaya Hospital. The aim of this study was to determine the incident of DILI, know which drugs cause DILI, and see the association of risk factors to DILI. The research method was descriptive and analytical observational (prospective cohort). Danan-Benichou scale is a tool used to ascertain drugs that cause DILI. Based on data collected for 3 months, the population was 1202 patients. Samples fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were 310 patients, the risk drug group of DILI were 285 patients (11 DILI, 274 Non-DILI), and the non-risk drug group 25 patients (11 DILI, 14 Non-DILI). The incident of DILI was 3.55%. Drugs that cause DILI are ranitidine (4 cases), omeprazole (1 case), rifampicin (2 cases), meropenem (1 case), ciprofloxacin (1 case), methotrexate (1 case), and dexamethasone (1 case). Characteristic of patients with DILI (11 patients) are average age of 59.27 ± 15.54 years (23-73 years), belonging to high risk group (54.55%), male gender (81,82%), have moderate comorbid disease (54.55%), and are not comsumsing alcohol (100%). This research use logistic regression analysis through SPSS 17.0 program to see the relation of risk factor to DILI incident. The p results were obtained from sex (0,156), age (0,534), and comorbid isease (0,213)> α (0,05) which means gender, age, and comorbid disease do not significantly affect the incident of DILI
Nisbah Daun Batang, Nisbah Tajuk Akar Dan Kadar Serat Kasar Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa) Pada Pemupukan Nitrogen Dan Tinggi Defoliasi Berbeda
The study aimed to determine the effect of nitrogen fertilization and defoliation of different height to the leaf stem ratio, shot root ratio and crude fiber content in alfalfa plants (Medicago sativa). This research used factorial randomized block design (FRBD) 4x2 with 3 replicate. The main factor is the dose of nitrogen fertilization (0, 30, 60, 90 kg N/ha), the second factor is the heigth of the defoliation (5 and 10 cm). Parameters measured were leaf stem ratio, shot root ratio and crude fiber content of alfalfa. The results showed that there was no effect of nitrogen fertilization and defoliation high contrast ratio of leaf to stem, shot root ratio and crude fiber content of alfalfa. Data were analyzed with the results of research based on the F test of variance procedure and Duncan's multiple range test. The results showed that there was no effect of nitrogen fertilization and different defoliation height to leaf stem ratio, shoot root ratio and crude fiber of alfalfa. There are indication that leaf stem ratio and shoot root ratio obtained the best results in the treatment of nitrogen fertilization of 30 kg N/ha and defoliation height of 5 cm
Karakteristik Fotosintetik Dan Serapan Fosfor Hijauan Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa) Pada Tinggi Pemotongan Dan Pemupukan Nitrogen Yang Berbeda
Quality and productivity of alfalfa was influence for good management, for example defoliation intensity, variety and dosage of fertilizer. The research was conducted to evaluate photosynthesis characteristics (leaf area, chlorophyll content and photosynthesis rate) and phospor uptake of alfalfa with different defoliation internsity and nitrogen fertilizer. The research was carried out on July until December 2011 at the garden in the village Kenteng, Bandungan, Semarang located at an altitude + 800 mdpl. Analysis was carried out at Forages Crops Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Agriculture, Diponegoro University. The design using randomized block design 2x4 factorial with 3 replications. The first was defoliation intensity (T1 = 5 cm and T2 = 10 cm) the second factor was dosage of nitrogen fertilizer (N1 = 0 kg , N2 = 30 kg, N3 = 60 kg and N4 = 90 kg N/ha). Parameters such as photosynthesis characteristics (leaf area, chlorophyll content and photosynthesis rate) and phospor uptake. The results showed that nitrogen fertilization until dosage 90 kg N/ha and defoliation intensity 5 and 10 cm did not affect to leaf area, chlorophyll content and photosynthesis rate and phospor uptake. There is not interaction defoliation intensity and nitrogen fertilization to leaf area, chlorophyll content and photosynthesis rate and phospor uptake
Growth with of Alfalfa Mutant in Different Nitrogen Fertilizer and Defoliation Intensity
The research was conducted to evaluate growth of alfalfa mutan (plant height increment, number of leaves and dry matter production) in different Nitrogen Fertilizer and defoliation intensity. The design used was randomized block design 4x2 factorial with 3 replications. The first was dosage of Nitrogen fertilizerNitrogen (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N / ha), the second factor was defoliation intensity (5 and 10 cm). Variables observed alfalfa growth (plant height increment, number of leaves, the production of dry matter (DM) forage). The results showed that different N fertilization did not affect the growth of alfalfa mutants. Defoliation intensity affectedmnumber of leaves and DM production of alfalfa mutant. Fertilization to 90 kg N / ha has not affected the growth and defoliation intensity 10 cm gave better growth on alfalfa mutant.
Positive Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic to Strengthen National Health Defense
During the past one and a half year, we all have faced the COVID-19 pandemic. In national defense perspective, COVID-19 Pandemic could be viewed as a non-military threat to national defense. The COVID-19 pandemic is a wake-up call that improves our awareness on the necessity to be fully independent and self-sufficient in health sector. So far, we have been complacent with the ease of importing raw materials for medicines and medical devices. Thus, the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has made us aware to reduce Indonesia's high dependence on import of health and medicine goods. Despite of the losses and prolonged sadness brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, there are also positive impacts for this nation as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the impacts on the National Health System is the strengthening and involvement of all levels of society and the apparatus in dealing with COVID-19 pandemic, which can be seen in the prevention, detection, and orderly response to COVID-19. Adjustment of public health service capacity is also carried out very swiftly to respond the pandemic situation. Another indicator is seen in the financing of medical and healthcare sector that was able to rapidly finding sources of funding for a very sharp increase in public health needs. Meanwhile, Human Resources capacity development appears to be very prominent as seen from the rapid improvement of training and research in medical and healthcare competences. No less important is the pharmaceuticals and medical devices sectors that are more determined to improve their independence and self-sufficiency in terms of drugs and vaccines raw materials. Independent raw materials provision for drugs and vaccines has an important value in the national economy and strengthening national security in the public health sector
Efektivitas dan Keamanan Furosemid Continuous Infusion Dosis 10 dan 20 Mg/jam pada Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Kondisi Fluid Overload Syndrome Disertai Hipoalbumin di RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie
Furosemide continuous infusion is the first choice drug in overcoming the condition of Fluid overload syndrome with hypoalbuminemia in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). However, in these conditions, the dose of furosemide used by clinicians is between 10 and 20 mg/hour. No studies have compared the effectiveness and safety of different doses of furosemide. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of 10 and 20 mg/hour furosemide given in continuous infusion in CKD patients with fluid overload syndrome with hypoalbuminemia. The method is a Single-blind, Randomized Clinical Trial conducted during the period of February-April 2017 in the inpatient ward of Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital. Data processing was carried out by statistical analysis, Two Independent T-Test parametric test for data that normally distributed and those that did not correlate with each other, whereas for data that not normally distributed and those that did not correlate with each other, non-parametric test Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon were used. Outcomes studies were 24-hour urine volume, shortness of breath, duration of oxygen consumption, Ronchi and safety of therapy seen from drug side effects (hypotension, hyperuricemia, hyperglycemia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia). The results of the study, 34 patients with CKD with fluid overload syndrome with hypoalbuminemia (2.5-3.0 g/dL) were registered. On the effectiveness of therapy, there was no significant difference in 24-hour urine volume (P = 0.324; P> 0.05; 95%; CI=714.6-1017.8 ml group 1; CI=818.0-1113.2 ml group 2), shortness of breath (P = 0.781; P> 0.05; 95 % CI=0.68-1.32 group 1; CI=0.72-1.40 group 2), duration of oxygen use (P = 0.363; P> 0.05; 95% CI=1.34-2.66 day group 1; CI=1.72-3.10 day group 2), Ronk (P = 0.692; P> 0.05 ) and the absence of drug adverse events (P = 1.000; P> 0.05) between the two groups. In conclusion, the dose of 10 and 20 mg/hour furosemide has the sam
Edukasi dan Sosialisasi Vaksin Covid-19 Puskesmas Citeureup, Jawa Barat
Angka penularan penyakit COVID-19 di dunia masih tinggi dan menjadi perhatian dunia termasuk Indonesia dengan angka penularan yang relatif masih terbilang tinggi hingga pada saat ini. Pemerintah menggelontorkan biaya yang besar untuk melaksanakan program vaksinasi kepada seluruh masyarakat Indonesia secara gratis yang bertujuan untuk menurunkan angka penularan penyakit COVID-19 di Indonesia. Tujuan pengabdian untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tentang vaksinasi COVID-19, meyakinkan masyarakat tentang pentingnya melakukan vaksinasi dan menyukseskan program vaksinasi yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah. Metode pelaksanaan yang telah dilakukan adalah sosialisasi melalui presentasi dan penyebaran flayer informasi vaksin, serta penyuluhan informasi terkait vaksin dan aspek terapeutik vaksinasi kepada 300 peserta yang bekerja sama dengan tim vaksinator Puskesmas Citeureup di puskesmas Citeureup, Jawa Barat. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan adanya sosialisasi dan edukasi vaksinasi ini, warga mendapatkan manfaat, kepercayaan diri, pengetahuan terhadap jenis vaksin yang diberikan, proses mengatasi efek kejadian setelah vaksin serta peningkatan kesadaran terhadap protokol kesehatan. Sehingga kegiatan ini dapat membantu pemerintah untuk menekan tingkat penularan COVID-19 di wilayah Kecamatan Citeureup, Jawa Barat