116 research outputs found

    Nutrisi dan Manajemen Pakan Burung Puyuh

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    Naskah dalam buku referensi ini mengupas tentang kebutuhan nutrisi setiap fase pertumbuhan burung puyuh, tentang berbagai macam sumber bahan pakan ternak sumber energi maupun protein serta bahan pakan alternatif yang berasal dari hasil samping pertanian. Dalam naskah ini juga dikupas tentang berbagai macam feed additive baik herbal maupun probiotik yang dapat digunakan untuk menunjang peningkatan performa produksi serta membahas tentang manajemen pemberian pakan. Pada akhir naskah ini dijelaskan tentang bagaimana cara menyusun formula pakan di kalangan dosen, mahasiswa, peternak maupun masyarakat luas yang berminat untuk memulai serta mengembangkan usaha peternakan burung puyuh

    Karakteristik Morfologi dan Biokimiawi Isolat Selulolitik Cytophaga sp

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    This study aimed to know the characteristic morphology and biochemical of cellulolytic isolate Cytophaga sp which isolated from bovine rumen fluid waste. Conducted growing isolates cellulolytic bacteria in selective media liquid consist of MgSO4.7H2O 0,05 g/100 ml, Na2HPO4.2H2O 0,5 g/100 ml, NaCl 0,23 g/100 ml, yeast extract 0,2 g/100 ml, CMC 1 g/100 ml in Erlenmeyer.and then 1 ose bacteria colonies grown in solution liquid medium then incubated for 24 hours at temperature 37°C. Research carried out by descriptive method, consists of three stages. In the first done isolation and purification isolates bacteria from a liquid rumen. The second stage was screening cellulolytic bacteria in semikuantitatif in a media CMC plate .The third stage was characterization morphology and biochemical test. The result of morphological and biochemical test indicated that cellulolytic isolate was Cytophaga sp. Keywords: cellulolytic bacteria, morphological, biochemical test, liquid bovine rume

    Kandungan Protein Kasar dan Serat Kasar pada Haylase Jerami Padi dengan Inokulum Selulolitik yang Berbeda

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    The aims of this research to know the nutritional changes of crude protein and crude fibers content on the rice straw haylage by using two different kinds of inoculum. The results showed there was a significant difference (p < 0,05) between controls P0(7.90%) and P1 (10,51%), P2 (10,23%) of crude protein content. The result showed that lowest crude protein content obtained on the control treatment (P0) without the use of inoculum. The highest crude protein content obtained at the treatment P1 by using the inoculum WPL 10%. The results of this research on crude fiber showed that there was a significant difference (p < 0,05) between treatments P0 (34,78%) with P1 (27,45%), P2 (31,87%). The highest crude fiber obtained on control treatment without the use of inoculum (P0), while the lowest crude fiber content obtained at the treatment P1. The conclusion of this research was the use of cellulolytic inoculum WPL and PA can be used to increase of crude protein and decrease of crude fiber content. The best result can be used inoculum WPL 10 %. Key words: rice straw, haylage, cellulolytic inoculum

    Kandungan Protein Kasar dan Serat Kasar pada Bekatul Padi yang Difermentasi dengan Acidothermus cellulolyticus WPL 109 atau Aspergillus terreus WPL 209

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    The aim of research was to study the crude fibre and crude protein of rice bran which were fermented byAcidothermus cellulolyticus WPL 109 (A. cellulolyticusWPL 109) orAspergillus terreusWPL 209 (A.terreusWPL 209) from liquid cattle rumen. Design study was completely randomized design with five treatments and five replications. Seven treatment groups were P0:without inoculants (0%) ; P1 : A. cellulolyticus 10 % ; P2: A. cellulolyticus 20 %; P3 : A. terreus 10 % ; P4 : A. terreus 20 % ; P5 : A. terreus 20 % Proximate analysis were done after rice bran fermented for seven days. The data were analyzed with Analysis of Variance followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test.The result showed that the effect of Acidothermus cellulolyticus and Aspergillus terreuswere significantly higher (p<0,05) than control on crude protein (P0: 10,94%) and crude fiber (P0: 34,06%) of rice bran. Acidothermus cellulolyticus and Aspergillus terreus were could increase crude protein on treatment P3 (14,01%), P4 (13,78%), P1 (12,85%), P2 (12,72%),and could decrease crude fiber of treatment P4 (30,14%), P1 (30,49%), P2 (30,32%), P3 (31,27%). The conclusion of this research was Acidothermus cellulolyticus WPL 109 and Aspergillus terreus WPL 209 could increase of crude protein and could decrease of rice bran fermented on dose 10% and 20%. Keywords : crude fibre, crude protein, rice bran, Acidothermus cellulolyticus, Aspergillus terreu

    Digestible Consumption of Dry Matter in Haylage Complete Feed of Ongole Crossbreed Steers

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    The result of this research is to determine the effect of the use of layer chicken manure with different levels of hayIae complete feed to evaluate the consumption of dry matter digested by the method of in-vivo. Three levels differences of layer chicken manure in thc same ratio of maize stalk (40%) and concentrate (60%)on dry matter basis (crude protein l2%) Treatment R1: 40% maize stalk: concentrate 60% (0% manure), R,:40% maize stalk: concentrate 60% (5% manure), R1: 40% maize stalk: concentrate 60% (10% manure). The results showed that thc R1, R2 and R3 were not differences significantly (p > 0.05) on the digestible consumption of dry matter by the method of in-vivo. Use hayl age complete feed contain maize stalk and chicken manure has the prospect to be used as a source of nitrogen in thc rurnen foi- rumen microbial growth at the Ongole Crossbreed Steers. Key words: haylage, manure, maize sta1k consumption, digestibilit

    Protein Utilization of Spirulina in Response to Protein Efficiency Ratio in Laying Hens

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    High Quality Feed (HQF) is a formula feed comprising the feed material that has high quality. Purpose this research is to find a formula HQF that can be applied and can be widely used in laying chicken farms, primarily related to the case of Highly disease Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) that can reduce economic losses due to morbidity and high mortality. Because handling unfinished AI through vaccination, is expected by the HQF can help boost the immune system of poultry. In this stage developed feed formulations that contain ricebran fermentation with the best nutrient content, the building block of concentrates and Spirulina as immunomodulatory, this stage aims to determine the effect of HQF formula tested on chickens Isa Brown laying strain to determine the effect of the growth performance by calculating the feed conversion ratio. The aim of this research was to investigate effects of fermented ricebran to evaluate the protein efficiency ratio of layer chicken by in- vivo method. Material research were: chicken layer Isa Brown strain, feed stuff: maize, extracted soybean, fishmeal, methioninpremix vitamin, premix mineral, DCP, L-Lysin, oil, non fermented ricebran, fermented ricebran, feed additive. Eight different feed formulation are: control/Po(crude protein(CP):18.14%, Pi (CP: 18.34%), P2(CP: 18.54%), P3(CP:18.74%), P4(CP: 18.41%), P5(CP: 18.61%), P6(CP: 18.81%), P7 (CP: 19.00%). The result of research showed that Po was different significantly (p<O.05) in protein efficiency ratio of layer chicken by in- vivo method. The highest protein efficiency ratio was P7(2.83), Keywords: protein efficiency ratio, fermented ricebran, spirulina, layer chicke

    Konsumsi Protein Kasar Haylage Complete Feed pada Sapi Peranakan Ongole

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    The objective this research was to determine the effects of using different level of chicken manure in haylage complete feed to evaluate consumption of crude protein by in- vivo method. Nine Ongole Crossbred steers were used in this research., average 1-1,5 years old and their body weight between 180-200 kg. Three different proportion of chicken manure in the same proportion of maize stalk 40% and concentrate 60% on dry matter basis (crude protein 12%), R1: maize stalk 40% : concentrate 60 % (0 % chicken manure), R2: maize stalk 40% : concentrate 60 % (5 % chicken manure), R3: maize stalk 40% : concentrate 60 % (10 % chicken manure). The result of evaluation showed that R1,R2 and R3 were not different significantly (P>0,05) in consumption crude protein by in- vivo method. This matter indication that the using haylage complete feed of maize stalk and chicken manure have prospect to be used as nitrogen source in the rumen for the growth of microbe rumen of Ongole Crossbreed Steers. The chicken manure on haylage complete feed can used until 10%. Keywords: Complete feed, chicken manure, maize stalk, crude protein consumptio

    Efek Penggunaan Crude Arthrospira sp. dalam Pakan Ayam Petelur Terhadap Nilai Optical Density dan Kadar Immunoglobulin A

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penggunaan crude Arthrospira sp dalam pakan ayam petelur terhadap optical density dan kadar Immunoglobulin A. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap terdiri dan empat ulangan, masing-masing diulang sebanyak sembilan kali. Penlakuan pertama adalah control, tanpa penambahan crude Arthrospira sp, perlakuan kedua adalah penggunaan crude Arthrospira sp sebesar 0,5 g/kg pakan, perlakuan ketiga adalah 1,0 g/kg pakan dan perlakuan keempat adalah 1,5 g/kg pakan. Semua hewan coba mendapatkan vaksinasi Al H5N1. Variabel tergantung pada penelitian mi adalah kadar 1g A, sedangkan variable bebasnya adalah Arthrospira [(-)/ (+)]. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara perlakuan pada nilai optical density 1g A yaitu 0.536 -0.671 dan terdapat perbedaan pada kadar 1g A yaitu 49.115 - 61.406%. Rerata OD IgA tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan kontrol (P0) yaltu 0.671, yang menunjukkan kadar 1g A yang rendah dan tidak berbeda dengan perlakuan P1, tetapi berbeda dengan perlakuan P2 and P3, sedangkan antara perlakuan P2 dan P3 menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan dengan Pi. Rerata persentase kadar IgA menunjukkan nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan Pi, P2 dan P3, sedangkan nilai terendah terdapat pada perlakuan Po. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan crude Arthrospira spdalam pakan ayam pedaging dapat meningkatkan kadar IgA pada ayam petelur. Kata kunci: Immunoglobulin A (1g A), crude Arthrospira s


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk m.ngetahui g~mbaran distribusi penyakit pada anjing di Rumah Sakit Hewan Surabaya menurut umur, jenis kelamin,ras dan musim. Semua data kasus penyakit sistem pencernaan, pernafasan perkemihan dan kulit selama periode tahun 1989 sampai 1991, dibagi dalam kelompok umur, jenis kelamin. ras dan kelompok bulan. Data yang diperoleh ditabulasikan dan dianalisis dengan uji khi kwadrat. Selama periode tiga tahun tersebut, telah diperiksa sebanyak 3894 kasus penyakit anjing. Dari jumlah total tersebut, penyakit pencernaan sebanyak 1392 kasus (35,75%), 550 kasus (14,12%) penyakit kulit, 426 kasus (10.94%) penyakit pernafasan. 121 kasus (3,11%) penyakit perkemihan dan sisanya menderita berbagai penyakit yang lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyakit pencernaan banyak terjadi pada anjing yang berumur di bawah satu tahun dan jarang pada umur di atas lima tahun. banyak terjadi pada ras Dachshund dan Pomeranian, tetapi jarang pada anjing Lokal dan terjadi pada semua jenis kelamin. Penyakit ini banyak terjadi pada bulan Januari dan Desember. Apabila dihubungkan dengan data curah hujan maka terjadinya kasus pencernaan ini seiring dengan fluktuasi curah-hujan. Penyakit kulit banyak terjadi pada Anjing Gembala Jerman, Boxer ~ Dachshund dan Pekingese, serta terjadi pada semua umur dan jenis kelamin. Terjadinya kasus ini tidak seiring dengan fluktuasi curah hujan. Penyakit pernafasan banyak terjadi pada anjing Poodle dan Pekingese tetapi jarang terjadi pada . anjing Lokal,banyak terjadi pada anjing yang berumur di atas lima tahun tetapi jarang terjadi pada umur di bawah tiga bulan, sertasering pada anjing jantan. Terjadinya kasus ini tidak seiring dengan fluktuasi curah hujan. Penyakit perkemihan banyak terjadi pada anjing Pekingese dan Dachshund. tetapi jarang terjadi padaanjing Lokal serta banyak terjadi pada anjing yang berumur di atas lima tahun dan pada anjing jantan. Terjadinya kasus ini tidak seiring dengan fluktuasi curah hujan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa umur. ras. jenis kelamin dan musim (curah hujan) berpengaruh pada kejadian keempat macam penyakit tersebut

    Isolation and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria from the Digestive Tract of Kampung Chicken (Gallus gallus Domesticus)

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    The aim of this study was to isolate and identify lactic acid bacteria (LAB) derived from the digestive tract of Kampung chicken or Indonesian native chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus). This study used ten 20-week old male native chicken with an average body weight of 1 kg, slaughtered and processed in accordance with Halal methods. Ten-centimeter sections of the esophagus, crop, proventriculus and ventriculus were obtained, stored in sterile bottles and placed in an icebox. LAB were isolated from the chickens’ gastrointestinal tract. LAB identifcation was done through microscopic morphology, gram staining, catalase test and biochemical tests. Isolates were gram positive, negative on catalase test, non-motile and rodshaped. Isolates YL 117, YL 217, and YL 317 can ferment glucose, sucrose and lactose; isolate YL 117 can ferment xylose, sorbitol, arabinose and raffnose; and isolate YL 317 can ferment malonate, arabinose and raffnose. This study suggests the presence of three LAB isolates from the gastrointestinal tract of Gallus gallus domesticus: Lactobacillus plantarum, L. acidophilus and L. casei. Key words: Gallus gallus domesticus, Kampung chicken, lactic acid bacteri
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