31 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Video Visual Pembelajaran dalam Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar

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    The research purpose is to increase the students activities and geography learning result by using video visual media of learning, The method of this research is quasi experiments. The subjects of this research are the students of social grade, State Senior High School SMAN 1 Kedondong. Object of research is video visual media to increase activites and result study. Data collection techniques using tests and documentation. Research use T test to analysis data. The mean value of posttest of learning result of geography in the experimental class is higher than the control class, The method used in this study is a quasi experiment (Quasi Eksperimen), it is known that the experimental learning exhaustive = 86.84% greater than the learning control class mastery = 57.5%.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan hasil belajar geografi siswa melalui penggunakan media pembelajaran video visual, Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu. Subyek penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas X IPS SMAN 1 Kedondong. Objek penelitian adalah media video visual untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan hasil belajar siswa, teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan dokumentasi. Analisi data menggunakan Uji T. Nilai rerata pretest hasil belajar geografi antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol tidak berbeda, Nilai rerata posttest hasil belajar geografi pada kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol, Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini eksperimen semu (Quasi Eksperimen). diketahui bahwa ketuntasan belajar kelas eksperimen = 86,84 % lebih besar dari ketuntasan belajar kelas kontrol = 57,5 %

    Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Geografi Siswa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Number Heads Together (Nht) Dan Student Team Achievement Division (Stad)

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    The objectives of this research were to find out: (1) The differences on average of geography learning outcomes by implementing the cooperative learning model type NHT and STAD, (2) The differences on average of geography learning outcomes by implementing the cooperative learning model type NHT higher than the cooperative learning model type STAD, (3 ) The difference on gain of geography learning outcomes by implementing the cooperative learning model type NHT and STAD, and (4) The difference on gain of geography learning outcomes by implementing cooperative learning model type NHT higher than the cooperative learning model type STAD. The method used in this research was Quasi Experiment. The population in this research was the students of class XI Social year 2012-2013. The sampling was taken by using Puposive Sampling technique by determining the relative characteristics including the mastery of learning outcomes, selected class XI Social 1 and XI Social 3 SMA Negeri 4 Metro. Data collecting tool used was a test of natural resources matter. The software used to process the research data was SPSS version 17.0 For Windows. The result in this research: (1) There is a difference on average of geography learning outcomes by implementing cooperative learning model type NHT and STAD, (2) The average of geography learning outcomes by implementing cooperative learning model type NHT higher than type STAD, ( 3) There is a difference increase (gain) on the average of geography learning outcomes by implementing cooperative learning model type NHT and STAD ,and (4) The increase (gain) on the average of geography learning outcomes by implementing cooperative learning model type NHT higher than type STAD

    Perubahan Mata Pencaharian Petani Padi Sawah Menjadi Petani Karet

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    The low rice production caused by the limited area of arable land and the low price of paddy rice which led farmers to plant rubber trees, in addition to easy marketing of rubber and rubber farmers incomes greater. This research study aims to examine changes in the livelihoods of rice farmers into rubber farmers in the village of Jaya district Bhakti Mesuji Komering Ogan Ilir regency period 1994-2003. The method used is descriptive method, whereas the data collection technique used is observation, documentation and interviews and data analysis techniques used are based on a percentage analysis of the frequency table is simple. The population in this study as many as 198 households and a sample taken at 50 or 25% of the farmers of the existing population and this study is a research sample. These results indicate that 1). A total of 28 or 56% which has a land area is 22 or 44% and having a narrow area. 2). Sebayak 26 or 54% of the production of low rice farming and 24 or 48% higher production of rice farming. 3). As many as 43 or 86% said the low price of rice led them to plant rubber and 7 or 14% said the low price of rice is not the cause of their planting rubber. 4). As many as 48 or 96% said quickly and easily sell their rubber plant is one of the causes of their rubber plant and a 2 or 4% said quickly and easily sell their rubber plant is not one of them causes the rubber plant. 5). As many as 26 or 52% of the rubber farmers have income per year is greater than or equal to Rp.41.794.800; - and 24 or 48% rubber farmers have an income per year is less than Rp.41.794.800; -.Key wordt: Lowland Rice Production, Rice Selling Price, Marketing Rubber, Rubber Farmers Incom

    Analisis Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Geografi pada SMA Negeri

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    The Research purposes to determine the pedagogic competence: (1) understanding the foundation of education, (2) understanding the learner, (3) curriculum development, (4) instructional design, (5) use of instructional technology, (6) implementation of learning, (7) evaluation learning outcomes, (8) the development of potential students about geography teacher high schools in the District Pringsewu Year 2012/2013. Descriptive methods used. Population 16 geography teachers. Questionnaire data collection tools and documentation techniques. Percentage of data analysis techniques. The results showed geography teacher: (1) 37.5% in the understanding of good educational foundation, (2) 37.5% of learners understand quite enough, (3) 50% in both curriculum development, (4) 43.75% design learning is quite, (5) 43.75% utilization of instructional technology is relatively very less, (6) 37.5% on good teaching practices, (7) 43.75% on better evaluation of learning outcomes, (8) 43.75% on developing students' potential well.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kompetensi pedagogik: (1) pemahaman landasan pendidikan, (2) pemahaman peserta didik, (3) pengembangan kurikulum, (4) perancangan pembelajaran, (5) pemanfaatan teknologi pembelajaran, (6) pelaksanaan pembelajaran, (7) evaluasi hasil belajar, (8) pengembangan potensi siswa tentang guru geografi SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Pringsewu Tahun 2012/2013. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif. Populasinya 16 orang guru geografi. Alat pengumpulan data teknik kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan guru geografi: (1) 37,5% pada pemahaman landasan pendidikan baik, (2) 37,5% memahami peserta didik tergolong cukup, (3) 50% pada pengembangan kurikulum baik, (4) 43,75% perancangan pembelajaran tergolong cukup, (5) 43,75% pemanfaatan teknologi pembelajaran tergolong sangat kurang, (6) 37,5% pada pelaksanaan pembelajaran baik, (7) 43,75% pada evaluasi hasil belajar baik, (8) 43,75% pada pengembangan potensi siswa baik

    Pendapatan Petani pada Penggunaan Lahan Sawah Irigasi di Kelurahan Tejosari Kecamatan Metro Timur Kota Metro

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    The aim of this research was to find out information on farmers\u27 income on the use irrigation farming in Tejosari District, East Metro, Metro City in 2012. This study focused on (1) the land area for farming, (2) the amount of farmers\u27 working capital to do agriculture, (3) farmers\u27 income on the use of irrigation farming.The researcher used descriptive method for this research. The population was 222 family heads of irrigation farming farmers, while the samples were 30% which were 66 family heads. As the data collecting technique, the researcher used observation, documentation, and a structured interview.The results of research: (1) In a farmer rice cultivation, there were 25 (37,88%) farmers who cultivated the average area of 0,64 ha, and there were 19 (39,58%) farmers in the average area of 0,61 ha who cultivated other plants excluding rice. (2) To cultivate rice, there were 65 (98,48%) farmers who used capital working for rice cultivation which was about Rp 1.363.504, and there were 46 (95,84%) farmers who used capital working for other cultivation which was about Rp 650.361. (3) There were 46 (69,7%) farmers whose total income was about Rp 447.101 per month