75 research outputs found
Penelitian ini merupakan replikasi model penelitian yang diajukan pada penelitian Hsu, Lin & Chiang. (2012). Pada satu dekade terakhir perkembangan jumlah pengguna situs Kaskus atau biasa disebut Kaskuser meningkat dengan signifikan, hal ini meningkatkan jumlah thread yang tersedia pada situs Kaskus. Thread merupakan tulisan dari thread starter yang dapat digunakan oleh Kaskuser sebagai acuan dalam pembuatan keputusan pembelian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh dari persepsi kegunaan dari rekomendasi thread starter, kepercayaan dan sikap terhadap minat Kaskuser terhadap perbelanjaan secara online, serta peran moderasi reputasi thread starter. Survai yang dilakukan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel non-probability sampling melalui pendekatan snowball sampling. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) menggunakan software Lisrel 8.70. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebesar 210. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh kepercayaan terhadap persepsi kegunaan dan sikap, persepsi kegunaan terhadap sikap, sikap terhadap minat Kaskuser untuk berbelanja secara online, dan moderasi sebagian dari reputasi thread starter. Pengaruh persepsi kegunaan terhadap minat, dan kepercayaan terhadap sikap Kaskuser dalam perbelanjaan secara online dinyatakan tidak terdukung
This study looks at the impact of institutional ownership, independent commissioners, external audits, and executive personality on tax avoidance in the Indonesian food and beverage industry. The findings demonstrate that independent commissioners significantly reduce the incidence of tax evasion. Analyzing 60 financial reports spanning 2018 to 2022, it finds that independent commissioners significantly decrease tax avoidance, highlighting the importance of internal oversight for transparency. However, institutional ownership, external audit, and executive character show no significant impact. These results underscore the intricate nature of tax avoidance and advocate for a comprehensive supervisory framework to manage tax risks and uphold corporate reputation effectively. The research contributes valuable insights into corporate governance and tax compliance, offering practical guidance for practitioners to enhance transparency and integrity within their organizations. Ultimately, these efforts aim to improve tax compliance and reputation management in the food and beverage sector
Shopping online through e-commerce in Indonesia is currently growing rapidly. Such as Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, Bukalapak, Bli-bli and more. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there are differences in promotion, product diversity and ease of use between Shopee and Tokopedia, which are the pioneers of e-commerce in Indonesia. This research is included in the type of comparative research using quantitative methods. Data collections using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The number of respondents reached was 300 respondents with a distribution of 150 respondents for each object. The sampling used in this research is purposive sampling which is included in non-probability sampling. While the analysis used is the Mann Whitney difference test with the help of SPSS software version 25. The results showed that only the promotion variable has a significant difference between Shopee and Tokopedia or Ho is accepted, with a significance of 0.04 which is less than 0.050. As for the variables of product diversity and ease of use, there is no significant difference. Each has a significance value of 0.326 for product diversity and 0.432 for ease of use which is greater than 0.050 so that Ho is rejected
Personnel Motivation to Share Knowledge for Quality Assurance: the role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
Quality assurance has become the most critical behavior to expand business across the country. To assure the quality of the product, every employee should understand the knowledge about the standard operating procedure and quality assessment requirement, so the enterprise should manage and share knowledge with each employee in the organization. The best way to manage and share knowledge is knowledge sharing among employees, defined as knowledge sharing behavior. This research examines the role of extrinsic motivation dan intrinsic motivation to enhance employee’s knowledge sharing behavior (KSB). This empirical study aims to confirm and examine these types of motivation that influence KSB. Self-determined theory (SDT) and social exchange theory (SCT) are used to understand the role of motivation and organizational context that influence employee KSB. Research models are analyzed using structural equation modeling partial least square (SEM-PLS). The result is finding a positive effect of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation to determine employees (KSB) who support SDT and SCT
Knowledge Hiding in Small Medium Enterprise Owned by Family Business: The Role of Knowledge Complexity, Psychological Ownership and Avoidance Motivation
This study aims to formulate and answer phenomena related to the competitiveness of family business-based SMEs in the era of disruption from the perspective of knowledge hiding bevahior (KHB), which is influenced by knowledge complexity (KC), psychological ownership (PO) and moderated by avoidance motivation. This research is a survey research type with a quantitative approach. The analytical technique used is SEM-PLS with the help of analysis tools using SMART-PLS 3.0. In addition, simple slope analysis is used to see the moderating role of avoidance motivation in moderating the effect of psychological ownership on knowledge hiding. Respondents in this study were 187-line managers from 78 SMEs. The sampling technique used was non-probability sampling with a saturated sampling method. The results showed that all hypotheses were accepted, which means that psychological ownership has a positive and significant effect on knowledge sharing, and avoidance motivation can moderate psychological ownership on knowledge sharing. This study contributes to examine the source and effect KHB, thereby providing a method for SMEs, particularly in Indonesia, to effectively reduce KHB. This study also finds AM as a moderating variable that modulates the effect of KC on KH, whereas this was rarely explored in earlier study
Pengaruh Anteseden Sikap Terhadap Minat Kaskuser di Surabaya untuk Berbelanja Secara Online degan Moderasi Reputasi Thread Starter
Penelitian ini merupakan replikasi model penelitian yang diajukan
pada penelitian Hsu, Lin & Chiang. (2012). Pada satu dekade terakhir
perkembangan jumlah pengguna situs Kaskus atau biasa disebut Kaskuser
meningkat dengan signifikan, hal ini meningkatkan jumlah thread yang
tersedia pada situs Kaskus. Thread merupakan tulisan dari thread starter
yang dapat digunakan oleh Kaskuser sebagai acuan dalam pembuatan
keputusan pembelian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi
pengaruh dari persepsi kegunaan dari rekomendasi thread starter,
kepercayaan dan sikap terhadap minat Kaskuser terhadap perbelanjaan
secara online, serta peran moderasi reputasi thread starter.
Survai yang dilakukan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel
non-probability sampling melalui pendekatan snowball sampling.
Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) menggunakan software Lisrel 8.70. Jumlah sampel dalam
penelitian ini sebesar 210.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh kepercayaan
terhadap persepsi kegunaan dan sikap, persepsi kegunaan terhadap sikap,
sikap terhadap minat Kaskuser untuk berbelanja secara online, dan
moderasi sebagian dari reputasi thread starter. Pengaruh persepsi kegunaan
terhadap minat, dan kepercayaan terhadap sikap Kaskuser dalam
perbelanjaan secara online dinyatakan tidak terdukung
This study aims to examine the effect of learning motivation on the interest in entrepreneurship of XYZ high school students, in West Jakarta. The method used in this study is a quantitative method using a simple regression test and t test to test the hypothesis. The data used in this study is a primary data using questionnaires as data collection instruments. The number of samples used is 52 respondents with saturated sample techniques. The results of a simple regression analysis show a constant value of 31.438 with a regression coefficient of learning motivation variables of 0.979. The result of the t-test is 5.385 with a significance value of 0.000 (<0.05) which means that there is a significance influences between learning motivation towards the interest in entrepreneurship of high school students XYZ, West Jakarta
Pemaknaan Generasi Milenial terhadap Berita #2019gantipresiden (Studi Resepsi terhadap Berita #2019gantipresiden di Media Online Liputan6.Com)
Oleh: William Widjaja Di abat ke-21 ini, media dipermudah dengan adanya jurnalisme online yang memungkinkan masyarakat mengakses media online secara cepat dan mudah. Menurut Lancaster & Stillman (2002 dalam Putra, 2016, p. 125) generasi Y termasuk generasi milenial (lahir dari tahun 1981-1999). Menurut survey APJII, 49,54 % pengguna internet di Indonesia berumur 19-34 tahun dan 29,55% berusia 35-54 tahun (APJII, 2018, p.11). Menurut Lancester & Stillman (2002 dalam Putra, 2016, p. 128) generasi milenial memiliki sikap yang realistis dan sangat menghargai perbedaan berpendapat. Penelitian kulitatif deskriptif ini meneliti gerakan #2019GantiPresiden yang diberitakan oleh Liputan6.com menggunakan model analisis resepsi. Data diperoleh melalui analisis framing, wawancara mendalam satu orang informan yang membuat berita #2019GantiPresiden oleh Liputan6.com dan wawancara mendalam empat orang informan generasi milenial yang berasal dari berbagai latar belakang budaya, pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang berbeda-beda. kedua data tersebut dianalisis menurut model encoding/decoding Stuart Hall untuk mengetahui posisi informan dalam memaknai berita yang terbagi menjadi dominant reading, negotiated reading dan oppositional reading. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam memaknai berita Liputan6.com, satu orang di posisi negotiated reading, satu orang di posisi negotiated reading dan dua orang di posisi oppositional reading. Selain itu, latar belakang budaya, latar belakang pengalaman dan latar belakang pengetahuan berpengaruh dalam menentukan posisi khalayak
Penelitian ini merupakan replikasi model penelitian yang diajukan pada penelitian Hsu, Lin & Chiang. (2012). Pada satu dekade terakhir perkembangan jumlah pengguna situs Kaskus atau biasa disebut Kaskuser meningkat dengan signifikan, hal ini meningkatkan jumlah thread yang tersedia pada situs Kaskus. Thread merupakan tulisan dari thread starter yang dapat digunakan oleh Kaskuser sebagai acuan dalam pembuatan keputusan pembelian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh dari persepsi kegunaan dari rekomendasi thread starter, kepercayaan dan sikap terhadap minat Kaskuser terhadap perbelanjaan secara online, serta peran moderasi reputasi thread starter. Survai yang dilakukan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel non-probability sampling melalui pendekatan snowball sampling. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) menggunakan software Lisrel 8.70. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebesar 210. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh kepercayaan terhadap persepsi kegunaan dan sikap, persepsi kegunaan terhadap sikap, sikap terhadap minat Kaskuser untuk berbelanja secara online, dan moderasi sebagian dari reputasi thread starter. Pengaruh persepsi kegunaan terhadap minat, dan kepercayaan terhadap sikap Kaskuser dalam perbelanjaan secara online dinyatakan tidak terdukung
This study investigated the knowledge gap in the retail sector by exploring the relationship between job satisfaction, counterproductive work behavior, and organizational citizenship behavior on employee perÂformÂance moderated by leader-member exchange. The quantitative study used a survey method to collect data with purposive sampling and technique. The survey was conducted on 150 employees from 17 Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (JABODETABEK) outlets. The data was analyzed using the structural equation modeling partial least square technique processed with smart-pls 3.3.3 tools. The study's findings were as follows: job satisfaction negatively and significantly affected counterproductive work behavior, counterÂproductive work behavior affected organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational citizenship behavior positively and significantly affected employee performance. In the meantime, leader-member exchange moÂderated job satisfaction's effect on counterproductive work behavior and employee performance but did not moderate counterproductive work behavior's effect on organizational citizenship behavior. The research had novelty from the aspect of a specific sample characteristic: the employees of the fast-fashion retail. It used a conceptual framework that combined theories of job satisfaction, counterproductive work behavior, organizational citizenship behavior, and leader-member exchange to explain employee performance, which had never been done in previous studies in the fast-fashion retail context
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