300 research outputs found
The purpose of the commissioning for in vitro in vivo test facility is to verify that the the facility has fulfilled the safety standards requirements, especially those related to radiation exposure. The standard requirement for environmental radiation exposure by IAEA is 20 mSv/hour. Otherwise results of the premilinary commissioning testing at the distance of 3 meters from in vitro in vivo test facility at radial piercing beam-port for 100 kW power level of the Kartini research reactor is for radiation exposure being around 9 mSv/hour. This means that the radiation exposure is less than the IAEA safety standard requirement of 20 mSv/hour. This is also less than the requirement of The Indonesian Regulatory Body limitation which is restricted to 15 mSv/hour. It can be concluded that when the reactor is operated at 100 kW power level for utilization by experiments in vitro/in vivo test, the facility is safe. However in order to be more safe at the restricted area, implementation of total quality management system should be completed with standard operating procedure (SOP) conducted with distance, time and shielding of radiation exposure for radiation safety protection system in utilization of the in vitro in vivo test facilities. When the SOP of the utilization of the in vitro in vivo test facility is implemented, the procedure is safer.  
Practical work at PSTA-BATAN to find paraffin design and the design of mobile devices with Monte Carlo N Particle (MCNP) software. The method used is to determine the paraffin design and calculate the volume of paraffin. The resulting intact writing that modeled with the MCNP. Shielding is required to absorb the leaking radiation until the 20 mSv / year Dose Limit Value for radiation workers is met. The material used is paraffin. Calculation is done by using MCNPX calculation facility with tariff of 10,42 μSv / hour. The paraffin design criteria are built on recommendations from Indonesian Journal of Physics and Nuclear Applications Volume 1, Number 1, February 2016. Some of the above-standard methods are overcome with the protection aspects of distance and radiation time. Paraffin used is made of hydrocarbons suitable for strengthening shielding structures and for absorbing gamma radiation.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media pendingin terhadap perubahan sifat fisis dan mekanis stainless casting SCS 14 dengan menggunakan standar JIS G 5121. Pengujian bahan yang meliputi: pengujian komposisi kimia, pengujian kekerasan dan pengujian metalografi. Pengujian komposisi kimia menggunakan Spectrometer. Uji kekerasan menggunakan alat Brinell Hardness dan Micro
Hardness Vickers. Pengujian struktur mikro menggunakan Zeiss Metalurgical Microscope dan Olympus Photomicrografic. Jumlah spesimen sebanyak 8 buah. 2 spesimen raw materials, 2 spesimen untuk quenching air, 2 spesimen untuk quenching larutan garam, 2 spesimen untuk quenching oli. Perlakuan panas yang dilakukan adalah pemanasan material pada suhu 1100 o C dengan waktu penahanan 30 menit kemudian diquench pada media pendingin.
Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil sebagai berikut: komposisi kimia dengan unsur dominan yaitu Besi (Fe) = 66,12 %, Khrom (Cr) = 17,6 % dan Nikel (Ni) = 12.1 % sedangkan unsur yang lain Karbon (C) = 0,113 %,
Silikon (Si) = 0,517 %, Mangan (Mn) = 0,985 %, Molibdem (Mo) = 1,85 % serta unsur penyusun lain yang prosentasenya kecil. Harga kekerasan untuk raw materials spesimen 1 = 167,04 BHN dan spesimen 2 = 164,47 BHN, untuk media pendingin air spesimen 1 = 214 BHN dan spesimen 2 = 171 BHN, untuk media pendingin larutan garam spesimen 1 = 228 BHN dan spesimen 2 = 209 BHN serta untuk media pendingin oli spesimen 1 = 195 BHN dan spesimen 2 = 195 BHN. Dari pengujian struktur mikro, baja tahan karat dengan komposisi 66,12% Fe + 30% (Cr + Ni) tampak jelas bahwa stainless casting SCS 14 jenis austenit karena kandungan Ni 12,1% sedangkan Cr 17,6%. Dan untuk partikel yang agak berwarna gelap atau kecoklatan pada batas butir adalah ferit-δ. Sedangkan ferit-δ merupakan inti denrite yang terbentuk pada awal tahap pembentukan sedangkan bagian luar berupa
Implement Explicite Instruction for Building Innovative Vocational Student Discipline and Culture
Abstracts. The results of Widarto's research, Putut H., Prihatno K., (2018) show that the score of work discipline culture and innovative culture in the implementation of learning of industrial work culture in Diploma – III Mechanical Engineering students is still low. Each scored 2.78 and 2.67 on a scale of 4. The current study aims to: (1) Build a culture of work discipline and innovative culture in Diploma – III students of Mechanical Engineering through the implementation of the Explicite Instruction learning model; (2) Measuring the effectiveness of the Explicite Instruction learning model in enhancing the work culture of innovative aspects and the culture of work discipline in Diploma – III students of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University. The method used is classroom action research (CAR). The subject of the study was 15 Diploma – III students of Mechanical Engineering. This class action research design consists of four stages of each cycle, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. The results showed that: (1) Implementation of Explicite Instruction went well as expected and can be said to be successful because it reached the targets set as success criteria. The optimal implementation of Instruction requires 3 to 4 cycles; (2) Explicite Instruction is effective in enhancing student culture and innovative culture. This can be seen from the increase in the average score of discipline culture in each cycle in a row: 2.85; 2.98; 3.53; 3.67 and an increase in the average score of innovative culture each cycle in a row: 2.71; 2.84; 3.29; 3.42
Detail Engineering Design of Compact Neutron Generator to Support BNCT Facility in Indonesia
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is a method of cancer therapy based on neutron radiation which has advantages over the other cancer therapy methods. It uses a stable isotope of 10B which will be an excited isotope of 11B when irradiated by thermal neutron. It immediately (in 10-12 s) breaks into α particle and a lithium recoil nucleus. The two secondary particles play important roles in killing cancer cells. They have a short range in tissue (5 µm and 9 µm respectively) which is less than the average dimension of a cell. This leads to the damage of cancer cell only but the normal cells remain safe. Thermal and epithermal neutrons play important roles in BNCT. From the beginning the neutron sources for BNCT are nuclear reactors which produce high intensity of thermal neutrons (En <0.5 eV), epithermal neutrons (0.5 eV< En < 10 keV) and fast neutrons (En > 10 keV). However, nuclear reactors are very expensive and too large to be used in hospitals. In addition, the operation of nuclear reactors is under restricted protocols related to safety and physical protection. A compact neutron generator is a good choice of neutron source for BNCT. The advantages of compact neutron generator are that the size is small and that the neutron yield is more than 109 ns-1 which satisfies the requirement recommended by IAEA. Additionally, the neutron energy is not so high that it requires a complicated neutron collimator, the operation is easy, and the public acceptance is higher than with nuclear reactors. Based on the requirements of epithermal neutron beam for BNCT facility, the detailed engineering design of compact neutron generator has been made
Implement Explicite Instruction for Building Innovative Vocational Student Discipline and Culture
Abstracts. The results of Widarto's research, Putut H., Prihatno K., (2018) show that the score of work discipline culture and innovative culture in the implementation of learning of industrial work culture in Diploma – III Mechanical Engineering students is still low. Each scored 2.78 and 2.67 on a scale of 4. The current study aims to: (1) Build a culture of work discipline and innovative culture in Diploma – III students of Mechanical Engineering through the implementation of the Explicite Instruction learning model; (2) Measuring the effectiveness of the Explicite Instruction learning model in enhancing the work culture of innovative aspects and the culture of work discipline in Diploma – III students of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University. The method used is classroom action research (CAR). The subject of the study was 15 Diploma – III students of Mechanical Engineering. This class action research design consists of four stages of each cycle, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. The results showed that: (1) Implementation of Explicite Instruction went well as expected and can be said to be successful because it reached the targets set as success criteria. The optimal implementation of Instruction requires 3 to 4 cycles; (2) Explicite Instruction is effective in enhancing student culture and innovative culture. This can be seen from the increase in the average score of discipline culture in each cycle in a row: 2.85; 2.98; 3.53; 3.67 and an increase in the average score of innovative culture each cycle in a row: 2.71; 2.84; 3.29; 3.42
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the performance of the Parliement Secretariat staff, to find out the efforts that have been made to improve employee performance and to find out the obstacles found in improving employee performanceThis study uses a qualitative approach. qualitative approach is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of systematic explanations of the research conducted. With a qualitative approach, the researcher conducts research on a scientific setting, meaning the researcher sees the reality in the field. In this case the researcher observed the efforts made to improve the performance of the Banjar Regency Council secretariat staff.The results showed that the factors that influenced the performance of the Banjar Regency DPRD Secretariat employees were seen from the ability consisting of education, the employees were mostly high school educated, training followed only based on duties and responsibilities, motivation of non-permanent employees based on the benefits received did not meet life necessities, supervision carried out is informal, that is by giving direction only, the condition of facilities and infrastructure is still inadequate to support work, and the physical condition of the work environment is still under repair. Efforts that have been made to improve employee performance are by participating in training, giving motivation, improving the physical condition of the work environment and procuring computers and providing an opportunity to be able to continue formal education to a higher level. Keywords : Factors, performance, parliement secretariate staf
ANALISIS DAN PENENTUAN DISTRIBUSI FLUKS NEUTRON SALURAN TEMBUS RADIAL UNTUK PENDAYAGUNAAN REAKTOR KARTINI. Telah dilakukan analisis dan penentuan distribusi fluks neutron pada saluran tembus radial reaktor Kartini dengan tujuan untuk melengkapi dokumen fasilitas eksperimen dan menjadi dasar pengembangan pendayagunaan dalam pemanfaatan reaktor Kartini. Analisis dan penentuan fluks neutron dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode aktivasi neutron terhadap detektor keping.emas (Au) yang dipasang di beberapa titik jari-jari tampang lintang (19 cm) serta sepanjang 310 cm arah radial saluran tembus. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa fluks termal berkisar antara (8,3 + 0,9).105 n cm-2s-1 sampai dengan (6,8 + 0,5).107 n cm-2s-1 sedangkan fluks neutron cepat berkisar antara (5,0 + 0,2).105 n cm-2s-1 sampai dengan (1,43 + 0,6).107 n cm-2s-1. Dengan metode analisis pencocokan kurva untuk menentukan distribusi fluks neutron dapat disimpulkan bahwa distribusi fluks neutron sepanjang saluran tembus radial berbentuk fungsi polinomial
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