67 research outputs found
Implikasi Pengembangan Ekowisata Kalitalang terhadap Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Balerante, Kecamatan Kemalang, Kabupaten Klaten
The tourism sector plays an important role in encouraging economic growth and being one of the sources of foreign exchange earnings. One that is developing and much in demand is tourism with the concept of ecotourism, combining nature conservation, preserving culture, and improving welfare with its economic activities. One of the ecotourism that has natural beauty, cultural potential is Kalitalang Ecotourism, in Balerante village, Klaten Regency. The purpose of this study was to examine the economic impact of the development of Kalitalang ecotourism in Balerante village. This study uses a qualitative approach as well as field studies. The result is that the development of Kalitalang ecotourism has a positive impact on the surrounding community through several ways: first, the opening of opportunities for local MSMEs, second, the development of village infrastructure, and supporting tourist attractions, third, environmental conservation with reduced sand mining, tree cutting, and maintained cleanliness from plastic waste, fourth, increasing Balerante Village tourism branding.Sektor pariwisata berperan penting untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi serta mampu menjadi sumber penerimaan devisa. Salah satu yang sedang berkembang dan banyak di minati adalah wisata dengan konsep ekowisata, menggabungkan konservasi alam, menjaga budaya, serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan dengan kegiatan ekonominya. Salah satu ekowisata yang memiliki keindahan alam, potensi budaya adalah Ekowisata Kalitalang, di Desa Balerante, Kabupaten Klaten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak ekonomi dari pengembangan ekowisata Kalitalang di Desa Balerante. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif serta studi lapangan. Hasilnya adalah pengembangan ekowisata Kalitalang berdampak positif terhadap masyarakat sekitar melalui beberapa jalan: pertama, terbukanya peluang untuk UMKM lokal. Kedua, pembangunan infrastruktur desa, dan objek wisata pendukungnya. Ketiga, terciptanya konservasi lingkungan dengan berkurangnya penambangan pasir, penebangan pohon, dan terjaga kebersihan dari sampah plastik. Keempat, meningkatnya branding wisata Desa Balerante
Analisis Permintaan Impor Indonesia: Pendekatan Komponen Pengeluaran
This study analyzes Indonesian aggregate imports by using expenditure components approach since Indonesian Economy relies highly on import. The relationship between ag¬gregate imports and the component of final demand expenditure namely public and private consumption expenditure, investment expenditure and export is investigated because the dif¬ferent components of final demand expenditure have different import contents. In addition, the model also includes price of import as a determinant demand for import.Johansen Multivariate co integration is proposed to analyze the import behavior in the long run. To examine response of import to its determinants in the short run, an error correction model is applied. Quarterly data during 1990.1-2003.2 are used for the analysis. The results demonstrate both the components of final demand expenditure and price of im¬port are all important factor in determining aggregate demand for imports not only in the long run but also in the short run
Food Demand in YOGYAKARTA: Susenas 2011
The impacts of economic and demographic variables on food demand in Yogyakarta are estimated usingthe Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS). Data from the national social and economic survey of households(SUSENAS) in 2011 are used to accomplish the goal of this study. Food demand consists of cereals, sh,meats, eggs and milk, vegetables, fruits, oil and fats, prepared foods and drinks, other foods and tobaccoproducts. Results show that except for meat and tobacco products, demand elasticities for the rest of foods areinelastic and cereals is the least responsive to price change. All ten studied foods are normal good, but theirincome elasticities are very inelastic
Penduduk Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesia: Analisis Kausalitas
Impact of population on economic growth had been questioned a long time ago, Classical economist, Adam Smith, emphasizes that high rate of population growth would support economic growth through specialization and division of labor. In other hand, Thomas R. Mathus, another classical economist, emphasizes the negatives effect of population investment rate and in turn results in a lower of economic growth
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