1 research outputs found
The Relationship between Arm Muscle and Leg Muscle Strength to Volleyball Overhand Serve for Elementary Students
This study aims to determine the relationship between the arm and the leg muscle strength with the volleyball overhand service during the post-pandemic era. As we know, when the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, students’ activities and movements were limited. In fact, moving is an important point in the growth and development of students. Subject of this study were 30 male students of fifth and sixth grades SDN Bago 01 Pasirian District, Lumajang Regency; which then be used as the sample of the study. This study implements quantitative research method with correlation technique to figure out whether there is correlation between the variables; and if so, how significant and meaningful the correlation. The instruments of this study are in form of tests of (1) arm muscle strength, (2) leg muscle strength, and (3) volleyball overhand serve skill. The data were analyzed using statistical correlation with significance level a = 0.05. The result of this study showed that there is no significant correlation between arm and leg muscle strength with overhand serve skills of the fifth and sixth grade male students of SDN Bago 01 Pasirian District, Lumajang Regency (F-ratio 1.747 < F-table 3.32)