133 research outputs found


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    Photosynthesis was investigated during late summer and early fall in a population of mature cottonwood (Populus deltoides) trees growing on the campus of MSU-Billings in southcentral Montana. Parameters related to photosynthesis were measured in situ with a Licor 6400XT Photosynthesis system. A diurnal fluctuation in assimilation was observed with a peak value of 17.0 uM m-2 s-1 CO2 fixed during mid-day. We examined the capacity for assimilation at a PAR of 4000 uM m-2 s-1 (approx. 200% full sunlight) and observed assimilation values as high as 17.6 uM CO2 m-2 s-1 with no indication of photoinhibition. P.deltoides also responded to high ambient CO2 (1600 umol M-1) where assimilation increased to 31.5 umol CO2 m-2 s-1 under 1000 uM m-2 s-1 PAR.  We used an ACi curve fitting utility to obtain values of 104 mmol m-2 s-1, 117 mmol m-2 s-1 and 8.6 mmol m-2 s-1 for rubisco Vcmax, electron flow rate and triose phosphate utilization, respectively. Transpiration was 0.1-6.1 mmol m-2 s-1 and correlated with assimilation. Assimilation declined 37% from the earliest measurements on 23Sep to those taken on 15Oct. We conclude that photosynthesis continues in leaves of P.deltoides well into autumn despite shorter days and cooler temperatures, but with an adaptive response resulting in less CO2 fixation. Leaves can photosynthetically fix carbon, presumably stored as reserve carbohydrates well into late fall before the onset of autumnal leaf senescence


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    Relaxation of strained silicon on Si0.5Ge0.5 virtual substrates

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    Strain relaxation has been studied in tensile strained silicon layers grown on Si0.5Ge0.5 virtual substrates, for layers many times the critical thickness, using high resolution x-ray diffraction. Layers up to 30 nm thick were found to relax less than 2% by the glide of preexisting 60° dislocations. Relaxation is limited because many of these dislocations dissociate into extended stacking faults that impede the dislocation glide. For thicker layers, nucleated microtwins were observed, which significantly increased relaxation to 14%. All these tensile strained layers are found to be much more stable than layers with comparable compressive strain

    Bdnf impact on biological markers of depression—role of physical exercise and training

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    Depression is the most common and devastating psychiatric disorder in the world. Its symptoms, especially during the pandemic, are observed in all age groups. Exercise training (ET) is well known as a non-pharmacological strategy to alleviate clinical depression. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is one of the biological factors whose expression and secretion are intensified in response to ET. BDNF is also secreted by contracted skeletal muscle that likely exerts para-, auto-and endocrine effects, supporting the crosstalk between skeletal muscle and other distant organs/tissues, such as the nervous system. This finding suggests that they communicate and work together to induce improvements on mood, cognition, and learning processes as BDNF is the main player in the neurogenesis, growth, and survival of neurons. Therefore, BDNF has been recognized as a therapeutic factor in clinical depression, especially in response to ET. The underlying mechanisms through which ET impacts depression are varied. The aim of this review was to provide information of the biological markers of depression such as monoamines, tryptophan, endocannabinoids, markers of inflammatory processes (oxidative stress and cytokines) stress and sex hormones and their relationship to BDNF. In addition, we reviewed the effects of ET on BNDF expression and how it impacts depression as well as the potential mechanisms mediating this process, providing a better understanding of underlying ET-related mechanisms in depression.Internal grant of University School of Physical Education. Project No. 503 62/05 Effectiveness of various therapeutic forms and their influence on nervous, muscular and vascular plasticity in patients after ischemic stroke”

    Reexpansion pulmonary edema and pleural bleeding after suction drainage of pneumothorax

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    Przedstawiono przypadek 26-letniego chorego z dużą samoistną lewostronną odmą opłucnową, której objawy wystąpiły 5 dni przed przyjęciem do szpitala. Leczenie drenażem ssącym zostało powikłane narastającymi w ciągu pierwszych 24 godzin rozprężeniowym obrzękiem płuca (ROP) i krwawieniem do lewej jamy opłucnowej. W czasie przeprowadzonej torakotomii wykazano obecność wieloogniskowego sączenia krwi z powierzchni opłucnej. Zarówno związek czasowy, jak i charakter tego krwawienia mógł sugerować patomechanizm podobny do stwierdzanego w ROP. W wyniku zastosowanego leczenia objawowego w ciągu kolejnych dni uzyskano poprawę stanu chorego i regresję zmian radiologicznych. Wśród czynników ryzyka ROP wymienia się młody wiek, wielkość odmy i utrzymywanie się jej ponad 3 dni, jak w prezentowanym przypadku. W celu obniżenia tego ryzyka proponuje się wolniejsze rozprężanie płuca, bez użycia lub ze zmniejszonym ciśnieniem drenażu ssącego w początkowej fazie leczenia. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 2: 127-131We present a case of 26 years old man with large spontaneous pneumothorax of about 5 days duration. Application of suction drainage was complicated by unilateral reexpansion pulmonary edema (REPE) and hemothorax developed during first 24 hours of treatment. On thoracotomy multifocal superficial pleural bleeding was seen which was probably attributed to the pathomechanisms similar to suggested in reexpansion pulmonary edema. The patient received supplemental oxygen therapy and completely recovered during next few days. The patient presented typical risk factors of REPE including: young age, large and prolonged pneumothorax. In such cases chest tube should be initially left off suction to prevent REPE. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 2: 127-13

    Influence of intensive agriculture on dry deposition of aerosol nutrients

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    A procedure is presented for quantification of sources contributing to atmospheric aerosol chemical nutrient concentrations and dry deposition fluxes. Source apportionment using principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA) was followed by application of a size-segregated particle dry deposition model. In a rural region of southeast Brazil, biomass burning, products of secondary reactions, and soil dust re-suspension explained 43%, 31% and 21% of PM(2.5) mass, respectively. Re-suspension and biomass burning contributed 22% and 19%, respectively, to PM(10) mass, and re-suspension accounted for approximately half of the mass of coarse particles. At least 40% of NO(3)(-)-N, 20% of phosphorus and 55% of potassium deposited originated from agriculture-related emissions. Deposition to tropical forest is currently higher than the minimum under natural conditions by factors of 12.2 (N), 6.2 (P) and 2.6 (K)

    Guidelines of the Polish Respiratory Society for diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Introduction: This document presents the guidelines of the Polish Respiratory Society (PTChP, Polskie Towarzystwo Chorób Płuc) for diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), developed by a group of Polish experts.Material and methods: The recommendations were developed in the form of answers to previously formulated questions concer-ning everyday diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. They were developed based on a current literature review using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology.Results: We formulated 28 recommendations for diagnosis (8), pharmacological treatment (12) as well as non-pharma-cological and palliative therapy (8). The experts suggest that surgical lung biopsy (SLB) not be performed in patients with the probable usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern, with an appropriate clinical context and unanimous opinion of a  multidisciplinary team. The experts recommend using antifibrotic agents in IPF patients and suggest their use irrespective of the degree of functional impairment. As regards non-pharmacological and palliative treatment, strong re-commendations were formulated regarding pulmonary rehabilitation, oxygen therapy (in patients with chronic respiratory failure), preventive vaccinations as well as referring IPF patients to transplant centres. Table 1 presents an aggregate list of recommendations.Conclusions: The Polish Respiratory Society Working Group developed guidelines for IPF diagnosis and treatment