12,749 research outputs found

    Archaeologies of Sound: Reconstructing Louis MacNeice’s Wartime Radio Publics

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    This article approaches the problem of reconstructing the culturally situated audience experience of radio programming through the example of Louis MacNeice's wartime radio broadcasts, notably "Alexander Nevsky" and "Christopher Columbus". The article draws on audience research reports, internal correspondence, and close analysis of the broadcasts themselves in order to triangulate a listening experience that, though it ultimately cannot be recovered, can be better understood through its proximate cultural traces

    ‘A Rather Ungoverned Bringing Up’: Postwar Resistance and Displacement in The World My Wilderness

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    Rose Macaulay’s The World My Wilderness (1950) rewrites post-Second World War crises of displacement, child combat, and state re-integration through the genre of the domestic melodrama. Adolescent protagonists Barbary and Raoul move from France to London at the end of the war as both combatants and refugees, having spent the conflict aiding the Resistance. Written between the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1947) and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959), the novel stages children’s wartime and postwar vulnerability as the product of an uncertain relation to the state: deprived political representation and disillusioned by their mother’s romance with a collaborator in Vichy France, the children cannot assimilate themselves to the emerging welfare state in Britain. Against this backdrop of familial estrangement, in which political dissimulation is second nature, the novel argues for the insufficiency of the interventionist state as a resolution of the traumas suffered by children in wartime

    Originalism: A Critical Introduction

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    The theory of originalism is now well into its second wave. Originalism first came to prominence in the 1970s and 1980s as conservative critics reacted to the decisions of the Warren Court, and the Reagan Administration embraced originalism as a check on judicial activism. A second wave of originalism has emerged since the late 1990s, responding to earlier criticisms and reconsidering earlier assumptions and conclusions. This Article assesses where originalist theory currently stands. It outlines the points of agreement and disagreement within the recent originalist literature and highlights the primary areas of continuing separation between originalists and their critics

    Free Speech and the Diverse University

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    There are those who think that free speech and inclusivity on college campuses are inconsistent. The notion that the two values are in tension with one another has become a common framing for thinking about the modern campus. A Gallup-Knight Foundation poll of college students asked respondents not only whether they valued free speech or diversity but also to choose between them and indicate which was “more important for colleges.” When forced to choose, a substantial minority of students said they would prioritize inclusivity over the freedom to express “viewpoints that are offensive” on campus. Following the Gallup-Knight poll the American Council on Education put a similar question to college presidents. University leaders overwhelmingly insisted that if forced to choose they would prioritize allowing students “to be exposed to all types of speech.” Those pollsters were hardly alone in wanting to focus attention on “when core values collide.” Much of the debate surrounding campus free speech in recent years has assumed that choices must be made between speech and inclusivity and has moved on to argue over which should take priority. This Article proceeds in three Parts. Part I explores the need for universities to clearly articulate their position on free speech. Part II explains why it is crucial to integrate community members into an inclusive intellectual culture. And Part III identifies discrete administrative steps that must be taken to implement these policies

    Current cost accounting: its role in regulated utilities

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    Current cost accounting (CCA) was an important issue in financial accounting in the 1980s. In the UK, an accounting standard (SSAP 16, 1980) required supplementary CCA disclosures by large companies, but widespread noncompliance led to its being made non-mandatory in 1986 and completely withdrawn in 1988. The forces behind this failure were partly a decline in the rate of inflation, which made the effects of changing prices less important, and partly changes of government policy which meant that tax reliefs were not given on the basis of CCA and CCA was no longer needed as a means of justifying price increases.2 The US had a similar experience, a standard requiring CCA disclosures (FAS 33) being introduced in 1979 and withdrawn at about the same time as the UK standard. Since the withdrawal of SSAP 16, UK financial accounting has typically represented an uneasy mixture of historical costs and current values, which the Accounting Standards Board (ASB) is currently attempting to regulate (Accounting Standards Board, 1993a and 1993b). However, companies are still permitted to produce full CCA information if they so wish. In practice, the only companies that have chosen to do this are regulated utility companies.

    Administering Contingent Valuation Surveys in Developing Countries

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    In this paper I discuss some of the issues that have arisen and some of the lessons learned over the last ten years about administering CV surveys in developing countries. The discussion is organized around five distinct issues: (1) ethical problems in conducting contingent valuation surveys; (2) explaining what a contingent valuation study is all about; (3) interpreting responses to contingent valuation questions; (4) setting referendum prices; and (5) constructing joint public-private CV scenarios. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but it will hopefully provide the reader with insights into some of the issues involving in conducting CV surveys in developing countries.Contingent valuation survey

    n-Extended Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras

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    We investigate a class of Kac–Moody algebras previously not considered. We refer to them as n-extended Lorentzian Kac–Moody algebras defined by their Dynkin diagrams through the connection of an An Dynkin diagram to the node corresponding to the affine root. The cases n=1 and n=2 correspond to the well-studied over- and very-extended Kac–Moody algebras, respectively, of which the particular examples of E10 and E11 play a prominent role in string and M-theory. We construct closed generic expressions for their associated roots, fundamental weights and Weyl vectors. We use these quantities to calculate specific constants from which the nodes can be determined that when deleted decompose the n-extended Lorentzian Kac–Moody algebras into simple Lie algebras and Lorentzian Kac–Moody algebra. The signature of these constants also serves to establish whether the algebras possess SO(1, 2) and/or SO(3)-principal subalgebras

    Willingness to pay for air quality improvements in Sofia, Bulgaria

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    Through a survey the authors study willingness to pay for improvements in air quality in Sofia, Bulgaria. Using a stochastic payment car approach - asking respondents the likelihood that they would agree to pay a series of prices - they estimate the distribution of willingness to pay various prices. They find that people in Sofia are willing to pay up to about 4.2 percent of their income for a program to improve air quality. The income elasticity of willingness to pay for air quality improvements is about 27 percent. For comparison, they also used the referendum contingent valuation approach. Results from that approach yielded a higher estimate of willingness to pay.Economic Theory&Research,Biodiversity,Environmental Economics&Policies,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Public Health Promotion,Biodiversity,Montreal Protocol,Access to Markets,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies
