5,426 research outputs found
Father\u27s Day in Hollywood
It is Father\u27s Day in Hollywood, especially in the gorgeous Beverly Hills home of the glamorous actress, Roberta Duprez Conley Enfield Morgan Stienfeld Stable Golightly Montjoy, the former Mamie Snitch
An exploration of the development of academic identity in a School of Education
This paper explores the complex processes involved in the self-construction of academic identity in a UK School of Education. Building on seminal literature in this field and drawing on the research of four academics, it begins by discussing teacher educators’ varying perceptions of the need to re-configure their identity to meet the expectations of a twenty-first-century higher education workforce. The article proposes the formation of this identity to be a dynamic, career-long process. Diverse scaffolds for the development process are proposed, including opportunities for new teacher educators to be apprenticed into an aca- demic role, the centrality of communities of practice and the importance of the 15 supported development of academic skills such as writing for publication.Peer reviewe
Paying for College: Availability of Need-Based Financial Aid for New Jersey's Working Adults
Examines barriers to low-income working adult students' access to Education Opportunity Fund and Tuition Aid Grants; challenges such as childcare needs; and lack of data for tracking the state's progress in making college affordable. Recommends reforms
Identification of Binuclear Acyl Complexes as Intermediates in the CO-induced Conversion of [(η^5-C_5H_5)Co(CO)(Me)]_2 into Acetone, and [(η^5-C_5H_5)Co(CO)(Et)]_2 into Pentan-3-one
Studies of the carbonylation of [(η^5-C_5H_5)Co(CO)(R)]_2(R = Me, Et) at temperatures below ambient have revealed that these complexes may be converted into ketones via binuclear diacyl complexes [(η^5-C_5H_5)Co(CO)(COR)]_2; the postulated mechanistic pathway circumvents the earlier-identified intermediate (η^5-C_5H_5)Co(CO)R_2, and involves alkyl transfer from a Co^(II) acyl complex as a critical step
Rural–urban and racial/ethnic disparities in invasive cervical cancer incidence in the United States, 2010–2014
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