25 research outputs found

    Monitoring and modelling of non methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) in various areas in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

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    Hidrokarbon bukan metana (NMHC) memainkan peranan penting dalam proses pembentukan ozon dalam persekitaran bandar, di mana pembebasan dari asap kenderaan adalah dominan. Non Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC) plays a vital role in the formation process of ozone in urban environment, where vehicle emissions are dominant

    Effect of Exposure to Cement Dust on Pulmonary Function among Cement Plants Workers in the Middle Governorate, Gaza- Palestine

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    This study was conducted to investigate the level of PM air pollution in cement plants, and their impacts on respiratory system health and pulmonary function for cement plants workers. Case-control study was conducted on all cement plants at Middle Gaza Governorates. 100 individuals participated, case (exposed) and control (non exposed) groups contain 50, 50 respectively. All participants were subjected to questionnaire, lung function measuring by electronic spirometery. The findings of this study showed that an average particulate matter from 106.3 to 143.3, which is about more than 4 times higher than the particulate matter (PM2.5) existing standard of 35 μg/m3 also an average particulate matter from 615 to 656, which is about more than 4 times higher than the particulate matter (PM10) existing standard of 150 μg/m3. As well as, it showed clear links between PM exposure and respiratory health and pulmonary function. Cough, dyspnea and sputum buildup were more common among the exposed group, Furthermore, the mean of FEV1/ FVC (%) for control group is significantly greater than that for FEV1/ FVC (%) for case group. Among other recommendations, this paper infers that Environmental and engineering control of cement dust emissions, protective techniques, procedures, measures and equipment and periodic medical examinations.This study was conducted to investigate the level of PM air pollution in cement plants, and their impacts on respiratory system health and pulmonary function for cement plants workers. Case-control study was conducted on all cement plants at Middle Gaza Governorates. 100 individuals participated, case (exposed) and control (non exposed) groups contain 50, 50 respectively. All participants were subjected to questionnaire, lung function measuring by electronic spirometery. The findings of this study showed that an average particulate matter from 106.3 to 143.3, which is about more than 4 times higher than the particulate matter (PM2.5) existing standard of 35 μg/m3 also an average particulate matter from 615 to 656, which is about more than 4 times higher than the particulate matter (PM10) existing standard of 150 μg/m3. As well as, it showed clear links between PM exposure and respiratory health and pulmonary function. Cough, dyspnea and sputum buildup were more common among the exposed group, Furthermore, the mean of FEV1/ FVC (%) for control group is significantly greater than that for FEV1/ FVC (%) for case group. Among other recommendations, this paper infers that Environmental and engineering control of cement dust emissions, protective techniques, procedures, measures and equipment and periodic medical examinations

    A Sustainable Approach for Removing Organic Pollutants from Food Processing Effluents Using Unmodified Cocopeat as an Adsorbent

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    Food production (chips) uses raw materials such as tapioca, cassava, banana, and many more, which contribute to excessive pollutants in the water. Thus, there is a need to treat effluent sufficiently to prevent undesired pollutants from being released into the receiving water bodies, such as rivers and agricultural drainage systems. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of cocopeat in removing targeted parameters such as suspended solids (SS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N), and total phosphorus (TP) from the chips processing effluent. Batch experiments were conducted to determine optimum operating parameters, including the adsorbent dosage, contact time, and shaking speed. This was done to identify the best removal rates of SS, COD, NH3-N and TP from effluent food processing samples taken from two different discharge points based on their usages. The experimental results show that at the optimum conditions of pH 7, cocopeat dosages of 800 mg/L, contact time of 30 minutes, and shaking speeds of 200 rpm, the unmodified cocopeat achieved 17.3% and 19.8% of SS removal, 35.5% and 28.9% of COD removal, 40.7% and 30.5% of NH3-N removal, and 53.5% and 59.2% of TP removal, from Point A and Point B effluent, respectively. Besides, the maximum adsorption capacity achieved by unmodified cocopeat towards SS (1.5-14.0 mg/g), COD (16.88-17.75 mg/g), NH3-N (0.31-0.32 mg/g) and TP (1.46-1.50 mg/g) are comparable to the adsorption capacities reported by previous researchers. This finding suggests that cocopeat could potentially replace the commercially developed adsorbents for the treatment. Furthermore, this study gave insights into the feasibility of sustainable treatment using cocopeat as an adsorbent for medium-strength effluent. However, it is suggested that further alteration of the cocopeat characteristics, either by chemical or physical modifications, and its sludge disposal method could be explored further to enhance the treatment performance

    Evaluation of the Correlation between Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Meteorological Parameters

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    Particulate matters are emitted from a wide range of man-made and natural sources. Particulate matters (ð‘ƒð‘€2.5) pose the greatest problems and consequences to human health. Batu Pahat is considered as main urban area with high industrial activity and other anthropogenic activities. Due to awareness of the people health in Batu Pahat this study was performed. The focus of this research is to examine the levels of ð‘ƒð‘€2.5 in several areas in Batu Pahat and to examine the correlations of ð‘ƒð‘€2.5 with the weather parameters using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Two stations of selected areas were chosen, namely Batu Pahat, and Parit Sulong represented as an urban area, and residential area. Three parameters observed for 3 consecutive months starting from December 2020 to February 2021 in two phases which were phase 1 (7a.m.) and phase 2 (7p.m.). The data was obtained from the website of Department of Environment (DOE). The statistical analysis of the results obtained for the air particulate matters ð‘ƒð‘€2.5 at the study areas will be compared with the Malaysian Ambient Air Quality Guidelines (MAAQG). It was found out that the concentration of ð‘ƒð‘€2.5 at station B (Parit Sulong) the residential area, was higher in phase 1 and phase 2 with value of 15.04 μg/ð‘š3 and 14.12 μg/ð‘š3 respectively. It can be seen that station B have higher value of ð‘ƒð‘€2.5 than station A (Batu Pahat). Air quality index (AQI) values for both stations was less than the permitted value by Malaysian Ambient Air Quality Guidelines

    Assessment of Indoor Air Quality in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Government Hospitals in Gaza Strip- Palestine

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    This study was conducted to assess indoor air quality (IAQ) in three neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), which were chosen to geographically represent the Gaza strip. The study collected both: objective temperature and air quality measures ofcarbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), temperature, relative humidity (RH%) and suspended particles (PM10, PM2.5); and clinical staff perceptions of indoor air quality and its impact. The study conducted daily air quality measurements between 4 March until 22 March 2013, and gathered 108 questionnaires. The study showed that the average concentrations of carbon dioxide were often close to the maximum standard of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and sometimes exceed the limit, especially in the NICU of Shifa Hospital. Temperature fell within normal ranges, but approached recommended limits at Shifa Hospital. Carbon monoxide and suspended particle concentrations and relative humidity were within the standards recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency in all three NICUs. More than half of the clinical staff (60%) suffered from sick building syndrome, 83% suffer from tiredness and fatigue, and 76% suffer from headache. Nearly 85% believe that these symptoms are related to their workplace, and 71% report disappearance of the symptoms after they leave work. We conclude that indoor air quality merits more attention from the Ministry of Health, and that NICU staff be engaged around issues of environmental health.This study was conducted to assess indoor air quality (IAQ) in three neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), which were chosen to geographically represent the Gaza strip. The study collected both: objective temperature and air quality measures ofcarbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), temperature, relative humidity (RH%) and suspended particles (PM10, PM2.5); and clinical staff perceptions of indoor air quality and its impact. The study conducted daily air quality measurements between 4 March until 22 March 2013, and gathered 108 questionnaires. The study showed that the average concentrations of carbon dioxide were often close to the maximum standard of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and sometimes exceed the limit, especially in the NICU of Shifa Hospital. Temperature fell within normal ranges, but approached recommended limits at Shifa Hospital. Carbon monoxide and suspended particle concentrations and relative humidity were within the standards recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency in all three NICUs. More than half of the clinical staff (60%) suffered from sick building syndrome, 83% suffer from tiredness and fatigue, and 76% suffer from headache. Nearly 85% believe that these symptoms are related to their workplace, and 71% report disappearance of the symptoms after they leave work. We conclude that indoor air quality merits more attention from the Ministry of Health, and that NICU staff be engaged around issues of environmental health

    Current issue in corporate waqf in Malaysia

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    Corporate waqf is still new for the contemporary Islamic studies in Malaysia. There are limited resources and guidance to explain about corporate waqf. The purposes of this study are to explore the issues, concept and development of corporate waqf. Current structure for corporate waqf also being explored as part of case studies. This paper provides several perspectives and suggestions to this issue. The methodology for this study is secondary data approach by using the data analysis from the related journal and paper. The subject for this study is Selangor Muamalat. This paper come out with the concept and development of the contemporary waqf focused on corporate waqf and there are five current issues identified in the contemporary waqf. Next, seven proposed action plans are suggested to cover the issues. Lastly, the structure of Selangor Muamalat is analyses by focusing on the management structure, financial and operational framework and the Shariah consideration towards Selangor Muamalat structure

    The effect of seasonal variation on indoor and outdoor carbon monoxide concentrations in Eastern Mediterranean climate

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    AbstractMonitoring of carbon monoxide (CO) concentration in school microenvironments is extremely important due to its impact on children’s health. CO concentration levels were monitored inside and outside 36 natural ventilated classrooms of 12 schools located in Gaza Strip, Palestine. Measurements were carried out by using electrochemical analyzer during fall, winter, and spring from October 2011 to May 2012. The average concentration of indoor and outdoor CO was 0.79±0.75 and 0.96±0.91ppm, respectively. The reported concentration levels showed that the indoor CO concentration was lower than the outdoor CO concentration. The mean daily indoor–outdoor ratio ranged between 0.30 and 1.90 in the three seasons. The measured indoor and outdoor CO concentrations showed seasonal variation. During winter, the mean indoor CO was 3.0 and 1.50 times higher than that during fall and spring, respectively. Meanwhile, the outdoor CO concentration in winter was 2.80 and 1.4 times higher than in fall and spring, respectively. Although these levels were below World Health Organization guidelines, these concentrations pose a risk to students’ health and affect their academic performance

    Monitoring of Outdoor and Indoor Air Particulate Matter (PM10) at Buildings Located in An Industrial District

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    Particulate matter (PM10) pollution has become a problem of significant impact in many countries and cities due to its dangerous effects on public health and environmental balance. The current study aims to monitor the indoor and outdoor PM10 concentrations of the buildings located next to an industrial area that releasing industrial fumes. Three buildings were selected to be investigated. Two factors were considered in the current study, including the outdoor PM10 and wind speed. Response surface methodology (RSM) design was used to identify the relationship between the outdoor and indoor PM10 concentration (I/O) through the ANOVA analysis (P<0.05). The obtained results of PM10 concentrations were showed an acceptable concentration (PM10.In.max= 34 µg.m-3, PM10.Out.max= 77 µg.m-3) compared to the Malaysian standard of Practice (DOSH) and RMAAQG (150 µg.m-3) for the selected areas. The investigation was showed a relationship between PM10.in, PM10.out, and the wind speed with a significant ANOVA factor (P < 0.05). The study findings are considered a knowledge contribution of the PM10 concentrations on the relationship of indoor and outdoor air quality for building surrounded by factories

    Assessment of Indoor Microbial Environment of Labs and Faculty Offices at a University in Gaza, Palestine

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    Bacteria and fungi grow indoors when sufficient moisture is available, causing indoor air pollution. The aims of this study were to determine the total viable bacterial count and fungi levels at the l... abs and faculty offices of the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG). Twenty-six air samples were collected from the IUG labs and faculty offices using air samplers. The results show that the highest bacterial count was observed at the Medical Science Labs with 1365 colony-forming unit (CFU)/m3 while the highest fungal count was detected at the Environment Science Labs with 425 CFU/m3. The majority of the monitored labs and offices have higher bacterial and fungal levels than the WHO standards of 500 CFU/m3. Lab users should wear face masks to reduce any potential health impacts due to the microbial pollution. 続きを見

    Investigation On Carbon Emission from Energy Usage at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

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    Carbon emissions are the primary contributor to global warming, and it is widely known that the emissions must be decreased significantly to avoid the worst effects of climate change. The objective of this study is to investigate the carbon emissions from energy usage at the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia campus. The main data-gathering approach for this study is analyzing technical reports on energy usage from 2015 to 2021 collected at Development and Maintenance Centre (PPP) and Sustainable Campus Office (SCO). The acquired data were evaluated and compared over seven years in data presentation and analysis. According to the findings, the highest energy usage has a significant impact on the rising carbon emission levels on campus, with the maximum emissions occurring in 2015 with 1955.38 tCO2e and the lowest occurring in 2021 with 965.70 tCO2e. On the other hand, based on data collected, according to the building, from 2018 to 2020 the highest building in carbon emission was in 2018 demonstrated the highest carbon emission released by the Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education (FPTV) with 2,875 tCO2e. As a result, lower energy usage will lead to less carbon emissions that could provide a better environment, with less pollution and significantly lower cost