192 research outputs found

    Gender and Islam: On the Politics of Sexuality of Muslim Male Authors In Indonesia and France

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara karya sastra dan perubahan social terkait dengan politik seksualitas. Secara umum, karya-karya sastra di dunia yang ditulis oleh pengarang laki-laki, secara historis memiliki muatan yang banyak memosisikan perempuan sebagai objek terutama terkait dengan tubuh dan seksualitasnya. Setelah peristiwa 11 September 2001 yang secara koinsidental hampir bersamaan dengan munculnya era Reformasi di Indonesia, baik di Indonesia maupun Prancis semakin banyak karya-karya bertemakan Islam yang ditulis. Dengan menganalisis karya-karya bertemakan Islam yang ditulis oleh pengarang laki-laki, yakni SynguĂ© Sabour Pierrede Patience, karya Atiq Rahimi and Ayat-Ayat Cinta karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy, artikel ini menggunakan lensa teori dengan mengetengahakn konsep mengenai politik seksualitas. Sebagai metode, digunakan analisis wacana kritis sebagai usaha untuk memahami beroperasinya kekuasaa bahasa di dalam karya-karya tersebut. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah pada aspek fundamental yang dipandang oleh penulis novel untuk menjustifikan kontrol terhadap seksualitas perempuan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tubuh dan seksualitas perempuan dikendalikan baik secara fisik maupun simbolis, tidak hanya oleh laki-laki tetapi juga oleh keluarga dan masyarakat. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengontrol moralitas publik dan untuk melanggengkan rejim kekuasaan laki-laki yang dilembagakan secara agama, budaya dan politik. [The article aims to explore the relation between the work of literature and the social changes on the politics of sexuality. In general, literary works written by male authors, historically have a lot of content that positions women as objects, especially related to their body and sexuality. After the incident of September, 11, 2001, which coincidentally almost in the same time with the emergence of the Refromasi era in Indonesia, both in Indonesia and France, more Islamic-themed work were written. By analyzing Islamic-themed works written by male authors, namely, SynguĂ© Sabour Pierre de Patience by Atiq Rahimi and Ayat-Ayat Cinta, by Habiburrahman ElShirazy, this article uses a theoretical lens by highliting the concept of the politics of sexuality. Critical discourse analysis method is used as an attempt to understand the operation of the power of language in these works. This article focused on the fundamental aspects considered by the authors to justify the control over women’s body and sexuality. This research finds that women’s body and sexuality are controlled both physically and symbolically, not only by men but also by their families and society. The objective is to control the public morality and to perpetuate the religiously, culturally, and politically institutionalized male dominant regime.

    Toxic Masculinities in Post-9/11 Islam-Themed French Novels: Plateforme and Syngué Sabour. Pierre de Patience

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    ABSTRACT This article aims to explore the concept of toxic masculinities in two French literary works, namely Plateforme by Michel Houellebecq and SynguĂ© Sabour. Pierre de Patience by Atiq Rahimi, whose stories are related to Islam after the September 11, 2001 tragedy. Toxic masculinities are suspected to be present in both works, namely by placing women in the position of objects of sexual gaze and symbolic violence. This article dredges the concept of toxic masculinities, which is a derivation of the concept of hegemonic masculinities introduced by Raewyn Connell. This paper employs a critical discourse analysis method by examining the language used by the authors at levels of linguistic practice, discursive practice, and social practice with corpus data taken from the wordings and rewordings of the texts. This paper concludes that sexual gaze and symbolic violence are toxic because they can be drivers of physical violence.  Keywords: toxic, masculinities, French literature, Isla

    Konsep nasionalisme dan hak reproduksi perempuan: analisis gender terhadap program berencana di Indonesia

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    ABSTRAK Kulisan ini melihat model konstruksi hubungan antara konsep nasionalisme dan implementasi program Keluarga Berencana (KB) di Indonesia dan memahami konsep simbolik tubuh perempuan dalam hubungannyadengan pengkonstruksian nasionalisme tersebut. Tiga rezim yang berbeda, yakni Orde Lama, Orde Baru, dan Orde Reformasi memiliki konsep yang berbeda dalam usaha mereka menciptakan imagined community. Tubuh perempuan, sebagai entitas yang menjalani KB, menempati peran sentral dalam hal ini. Kata kunci: Keluarga Berencana - nasionalisme - tubuh perempua

    The language construction of Muslims as the others in French contemporary discourses

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    This article intends to explain the Muslims position in French contemporary discourses. France is a secular country, based on the principle of laĂŻcitĂ© (separation between religion and State). France is also the country with the largest Muslim population in Europe. Muslims’ positions, as with others’, cannot be separated from the varied discourses in everyday life disseminated through different vehicles such as the media, literature, and conversations in society. Talking about the discourse of otherness is important to strengthenthe argument that the social relation patterns in France, where there hasbeen tension between Muslims and the French people in recent years, are not simply political or social questions. They are also language constructions. The Bourdieusian perspective explains how social construction is closely connected to language construction. Fear of Muslims, on the one hand, is related to political and social tensions, but on the other hand it is also related to language consumption and the historically constructed othering process. Based on the above situation, this article asks: first, in contemporary French discourses, what stereotypes regarding Islam and Muslims are represented in everyday language? Second, in which context do these stereotypes appear? Third, how are the language effects of the stereotypes of otherness, which serve as mental models for positioning the Other, operatedas social practices? Artikel ini bermaksud untuk menjelaskan posisi Muslim dalam diskursus Prancis kontemporer. Prancis adalah negara sekular, berbasis pada prinsip laĂŻcitĂ© (pemisahan antara agama dan negara). Prancis juga merupakan negara dengan populasi Muslim terbesar di Eropa. Posisi Muslim “sebagai liyan”, tidak dapat dipisahkan dari berbagai diskursus sehari-hari yang terdeseminasi lewat berbagai kendaraan, seperti media, sastra, dan percakapan sehari-hari dalam masyarakat. Berbicara mengenai diskursus liyan menjadi penting untuk memperkuat argumen bahwa pola-pola hubungan sosial di Prancis, dimana ada ketegangan antara Muslim dan orang Prancis non Muslim akhir-akhir ini, bukanlah sekedar persoalan politik dan sosial. Ada pula persoalan konstruksibahasa. Perspektif Bourdieusian menjelaskan bagaimana konstruksi sosial berhubungan erat dengan konstruksi bahasa. Ketakutan pada Muslim, di satu sisi, berhubungan erat dengan ketegangan politik dan sosial, namun di sisi lain, hal ini terkait pula dengan konsumsi dan konstruksi historis dalam proses peliyanan. Berdasarkan situasi di atas, beberapa pertanyaan diajukan: pertama, dalam diskursus Prancis kontemporer, stereotip apa yang terdapat dalam diskursus sehari-hari terhadap Islam dan Muslim? Kedua, dalam konteks apa diskursus ini muncul? Ketiga, bagaimana efek bahasa terkait dengan stereotipterhadap liyan, yang merupakan model mental dalam memosisikan liyan dalam praktik sosial tersebut

    Othering and Selfing: Reading Gender Hierarchies and Social Categories in Michel Houellebecq's Novel Soumission

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    In literature, questions of the self and the other are frequently presented. The identity politics that gained prominence after the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on 11 September 2001 has occupied considerable space in this debate throughout the globe, including in France. One example of a novel dealing with the self and other is Michel Houellebecq’s Soumission (2015). This article attempts to explore the processes of selfing and othering in this work. The politics of identity that seems to present Muslims and Islam as the other and French as the self is also extended to other identities and aspects involved in the novel. This article attempts to show, first, how the French author Houellebecq positions the self and other in Soumission; second, the type of self and other the novel focuses on; and third, how its selfing and othering processes reveal the gender hierarchy and social categorization of French society. It finds that the novel presents a hierarchy in its narrative through which characters are positioned based on their gender and sexual orientation, as well as their age and ethnic heritage

    Discourse Subaltern dalam Masyarakat Interkultural: Mencermati Relasi Gender Jilbab dan Perempuan Berjilbab di Prancis

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    After 11 September 2001, hijab and women with hijab have become the new subaltern in the contemporary social and cultural relationships in France. It is interesting to see how political elites, society and women with hijab are seeing those symbols as part of their subject position—emphasizing the concept of ‘self\u27 and ‘others\u27. This paper is based on research which employed Critical Discourse method, specifically to examine the level of actor\u27s positioning in order to elaborate how positioning is used to examine the dynamics of social relation in France, including the various forms of its transformation and its resistence

    Othering and Selfing: Reading Gender Hierarchies and Social Categories in Michel Houellebecq's Novel Soumission

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    In literature, questions of the self and the other are frequently presented. The identity politics that gained prominence after the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on 11 September 2001 has occupied considerable space in this debate throughout the globe, including in France. One example of a novel dealing with the self and other is Michel Houellebecq's Soumission (2015). This article attempts to explore the processes of selfing and othering in this work. The politics of identity that seems to present Muslims and Islam as the other and French as the self is also extended to other identities and aspects involved in the novel. This article attempts to show, first, how the French author Houellebecq positions the self and other in Soumission; second, the type of self and other the novel focuses on; and third, how its selfing and othering processes reveal the gender hierarchy and social categorization of French society. It finds that the novel presents a hierarchy in its narrative through which characters are positioned based on their gender and sexual orientation, as well as their age and ethnic heritage

    When the Teens Narrate the Selves in Indonesian Literature: Gender, Subject, and Power

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    The subjects that participated in the production of meaning in the literature included authors, publishers, and illustrators. The aim of this article was to investigate the role and the exercise of the power of these different subjects in trying to construct teenager identities through teen's literature in different eras of Indonesia. Different teenager literature was analyzed since The New Order to the Reformasi Era of Indonesian political rule. This research used the Critical Discourse Analysis method, which examined all social and cultural products as discourse. Discourse in this context was the construction that contained within it components that require attention. The analysis shows that there is an environment of gender, middle-and upperclass production, consumption, and the reproduction of narration by those different subjects. All of them compete because they have different agendas. However, they also negotiate and work collaboratively through their own narrations, because they all have the same objective of acquiring financial benefit

    Contesting the Social Spaces: Gender Relations of Literary Communities in Yogyakarta and Surakarta

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    This research seeks to map the gender relations within literary communities and their contestations in gaining social and financial capital in Yogyakarta and Surakarta social spaces. The presence of literary communities in these spaces, on the one hand, explains the local and specific self-identities of the communities, as well as their heterogeneity in gender relations. In particular, this research maps these communities' differences in expressions, trajectories (visions for the future), themes, narrations, language, and networks based on their gender relations. The Geographic Information System (GIS) method is used to map and explore the gender issues in these literary communities. By understanding the mapping of these literary communities, the dynamics of the social spaces used by these communities can be traced synchronically within a specific period. It can also be followed up when the database is used diachronically over time. This research finds that social spaces that enable open narration are insufficient to ensure the equality of women and men. Flexible domestic spaces for women are also necessary to ensure women to be active in creating the trajectory of the literary communities since they have capacities to do it

    Seksisme dalam bahasa Prancis:Konstruksi sosio-historis dan politis

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    This paper aims at exploring the use of sexism in French language, which occurs frequently since the French Revolution in 1789. This sexism is historically and politically constructed by the society and espoused by different social actors, such as philosophers, politicians, religious leaders and others. The various forms of this sexism range from the level of syntax to semantics and place women in different categories. The overall analysis reveals that the women\u27s representations are underestimated, stigmatized and considered inferior visa vis men\u27s representations. Keywords: sexism, language, categorie
