1 research outputs found

    Behavioural and physiological responses to SST stress in green turtles

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    <p>(a) Green turtle basking at Paia, Maui ( photo: Chris Stankis). (b) Basking varies seasonally in concert with cool SST. Green circles are standardized anomalies of the number of turtles observed basking weekly at Laniakea, Oahu. Blue circles are weekly AVHRR SST data for this location. Thick dark lines are the Fourier series for each timeseries. (c) Growth marks in turtle humeri (superimposed silhouette) peak in January, at the beginning of the coldest SST. Purple columns report the duration of growth marks from recaptured turtles. Line is fitted gamma probability distribution. Grey-shaded area spans the peak Fourier model values for SST and basking, retained for all plots.</p