1,427 research outputs found
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Analysis of a finite element formulation for modelling phase separation
In Combescure, A., De Borst, R., and Belytschko, T., editors, IUTAM Symposium on Discretization Methods for Evolving Discontinuities, volume 5 of IUTAM Bookseries, pages 89ā102. Springer.The Cahn-Hilliard equation is of importance in materials science and a range of other fields. It represents a diffuse interface model for simulating the evolution of phase separation in solids and fluids, and is a nonlinear fourth-order parabolic equation, which makes its numerical solution particularly challenging. To this end, a finite element formulation has been developed which can solve the Cahn-Hilliard equation in its primal form using C^0 basis functions. Here, analysis of a fully discrete version of this method is presented in the form of a priori uniqueness, stability and error analysis
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Embedded discontinuities for softening solids
Additional, discontinuous functions are added to the displacement field of standard finite elements in order to capture highly localised zones of intense straining. By embedding discontinuities within an element it is possible to effectively model localisation phenomena (such as fracture in concrete) with a relatively small number of finite elements. The displacement jump is regularised, producing bounded strains and allowing the application of classical strain softening constitutive laws. It is then possible to achieve mesh-objective results with respect to energy dissipation without resorting to higher-order continuum theories
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Discrete analysis of localisation in three-dimensional solids
A procedure is illustrated for the determination of the normal direction of a discontinuity plane within a solid finite element. Using so-called embedded discontinuities, discrete constitutive models can be applied within a continuum framework. A significant difficulty within this method for three-dimensional problems is the determination of the normal direction for a discontinuity. Bifurcation analysis indicates the development of a discontinuity and multiple solution for the normal. The procedure developed here chooses the appropriate normal by exploiting features of the embedded discontinuity method
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Optimisations for quadrature representations of finite element tensors through automated code generation
We examine aspects of the computation of finite element matrices and vectors
which are made possible by automated code generation. Given a variational form
in a syntax which resembles standard mathematical notation, the low-level
computer code for building finite element tensors, typically matrices, vectors
and scalars, can be generated automatically via a form compiler. In particular,
the generation of code for computing finite element matrices using a quadrature
approach is addressed. For quadrature representations, a number of optimisation
strategies which are made possible by automated code generation are presented.
The relative performance of two different automatically generated
representations of finite element matrices is examined, with a particular
emphasis on complicated variational forms. It is shown that approaches which
perform best for simple forms are not tractable for more complicated problems
in terms of run time performance, the time required to generate the code or the
size of the generated code. The approach and optimisations elaborated here are
effective for a range of variational forms
DOLFIN: Automated Finite Element Computing
We describe here a library aimed at automating the solution of partial differential equations using the finite element method. By employing novel techniques for automated code generation, the library combines a high level of expressiveness with efficient computation. Finite element variational forms may be expressed in near mathematical notation, from which low-level code is automatically generated, compiled and seamlessly integrated with efficient implementations of
computational meshes and high-performance linear algebra. Easy-to-use object-oriented interfaces to the library are provided in the form of a C++ library and a Python module. This paper discusses the mathematical abstractions and methods used in the design of the library and its implementation. A number of examples are presented to demonstrate the use of the library in application code
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A p-adaptive scheme for overcoming volumetric locking during isochoric plastic deformation
A p-adaptive scheme is developed in order to overcome volumetric locking in low order finite elements. A special adaptive scheme is used which is based on the partition of unity concept. This allows higher order polynomial terms to be added locally to the underlying finite element interpolations basis through the addition of extra degrees of freedom at existing nodes. During the adaptive process, no new nodes are added to the mesh. Volumetric locking is overcome by introducing higher order polynomial terms in regions where plastic flow occurs. The model is able to overcome volumetric locking for plane strain, axisymmetric and three-dimensional problems
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Application of continuum laws in discontinuity analysis based on a regularised displacement jump
The application of continuum constitutive laws in embedded strong discontinuity analysis is examined. By adopting a regularised discontinuity (approximating the unbounded strain field resulting from a displacement jump with a bounded function), the strain field in a body is always bounded, hence continuum laws can be applied. However, this must be done with some caution since the āfictitiousā strain state at the discontinuity can lead to spurious behaviour that does not arise in the conventional application of classical constitutive laws. Particularly addressed is stress locking as a function of the displacement regularisation in some plasticity models. It is also shown that the regularisation function can have a serious impact on convergence behaviour for some types of constitutive models
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A study of discontinuous Galerkin methods for thin bending problems
Various continuous/discontinuous Galerkin formulations are examined for the analysis of thin plates. These methods rely on weak imposition of continuity of the normal slope across element boundaries. We draw here upon developments in discontinuous Galerkin methods for second-order elliptic equations, for which several unconditionally stable methods are known, and present continuous/discontinuous Galerkin formulations for bending problems inspired by these methods. For each approach, benchmark simulations have been performed and compared. Also, conclusions are drawn on to the computational ef ciency of the different methods
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Time scale in concrete fracture: a model based on partitions of unity
Intense research efforts have been put in the formulation of theories for crack initiation and propagation in concrete. Yet, little attention has been paid to the time-dependence of fracture, despite evidence of its significance. This paper reports a finite element model which captures the time scale in concrete fracture. Visco-elasticity is employed to capture bulk creep. In the fracture process zone a different time scale acts. Therefore, a rate-dependent cracking resistance is modelled. A recently developed finite element method for modelling cohesive cracks is employed. It is based on partitions of unity, by which means displacement jumps are introduced independently of the mesh structure. This avoids the requirement of dense meshes by regularised continuum approaches to model localisation, and a priori knowledge of where cracks occur for standard discrete cracking approaches via interfaces
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Representations of finite element tensors via automated code generation
We examine aspects of the computation of finite element matrices and vectors which are made possible by automated code generation. Given a variational form in a syntax which resembles standard mathematical notation, the low-level computer code for building finite element tensors, typically matrices, vectors and scalars, can be generated automatically via a form compiler. In particular, the generation of code for computing finite element matrices using a quadrature approach is addressed. For quadrature representations, a number of optimisation strategies which are made possible by automated code generation are presented. The relative performance of two different automatically generated representations of finite element matrices is examined, with a particular emphasis on complicated variational forms. It is shown that approaches which perform best for simple forms are not tractable for more complicated problems in terms of run time performance, the time required to generate the code or the size of the generated code. The approach and optimisations elaborated here are effective for a range of variational forms
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