58 research outputs found

    Multispecies Trace Gas Assimilation: Current State of the GMAO System and Plans for Inclusion in the JEDI Framework

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    This talk describes recent progress assimilating constituent observations into the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS). It also will discuss how this work might be integrated into the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) framework in the future

    Air Quality Modeling Using the NASA GEOS-5 Multispecies Data Assimilation System

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    The NASA Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) data assimilation system (DAS) has been expanded to include chemically reactive tropospheric trace gases including ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and carbon monoxide (CO). This system combines model analyses from the GEOS-5 model with detailed atmospheric chemistry and observations from MLS (O3), OMI (O3 and NO2), and MOPITT (CO). We show results from a variety of assimilation test experiments, highlighting the improvements in the representation of model species concentrations by up to 50% compared to an assimilation-free control experiment. Taking into account the rapid chemical cycling of NO2 when applying the assimilation increments greatly improves assimilation skills for NO2 and provides large benefits for model concentrations near the surface. Analysis of the geospatial distribution of the assimilation increments suggest that the free-running model overestimates biomass burning emissions but underestimates lightning NOx emissions by 5-20%. We discuss the capability of the chemical data assimilation system to improve atmospheric composition forecasts through improved initial value and boundary condition inputs, particularly during air pollution events. We find that the current assimilation system meaningfully improves short-term forecasts (1-3 day). For longer-term forecasts more emphasis on updating the emissions instead of initial concentration fields is needed

    Impact of a Regional Drought on Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes and Atmospheric Carbon: Results from a Coupled Carbon Cycle Model

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    Understanding the underlying processes that control the carbon cycle is key to predicting future global change. Much of the uncertainty in the magnitude and variability of the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) stems from uncertainty in terrestrial carbon fluxes, and the relative impacts of temperature and moisture variations on regional and global scales are poorly understood. Here we investigate the impact of a regional drought on terrestrial carbon fluxes and CO2 mixing ratios over North America using the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) Model. Results show a sequence of changes in carbon fluxes and atmospheric CO2, induced by the drought. The relative contributions of meteorological changes to the neighboring carbon dynamics are also presented. The coupled modeling approach allows a direct quantification of the impact of the regional drought on local and proximate carbon exchange at the land surface via the carbon-water feedback processes

    Regional Impacts of COVID-19 on Carbon Dioxide Detected Worldwide from Space

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    Activity reductions in early 2020 due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic led to unprecedented decreases in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Despite their record size, the resulting atmospheric signals are smaller than and obscured by climate variability in atmospheric transport and biospheric fluxes, notably that related to the 2019-2020 Indian Ocean Dipole. Monitoring CO2 anomalies and distinguishing human and climatic causes thus remains a new frontier in Earth system science. We show, for the first time, that the impact of short-term, regional changes in fossil fuel emissions on CO2 concentrations was observable from space. Starting in February and continuing through May, column CO2 over many of the World's largest emitting regions was 0.14 to 0.62 parts per million less than expected in a pandemic-free scenario, consistent with reductions of 3 to 13 percent in annual, global emissions. Current spaceborne technologies are therefore approaching levels of accuracy and precision needed to support climate mitigation strategies with future missions expected to meet those needs

    Studying Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks via Coupling of the Global Carbon Cycle

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    In this talk, I presented my current work at GMAO about the carbon cycle research. This includes (1) summary of our recently published paper about the impact of atmospheric CO2 variability on the global land carbon fluxes, and (2) our ongoing AGCM study with fully coupled carbon-water-energy cycles between the land and the atmosphere

    Field Evaluation of Column CO2 Retrievals from Intensity-Modulated Continuous-Wave Differential Absorption Lidar Measurements during ACT-America

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    We present an evaluation of airborne Intensity-Modulated Continuous-Wave (IM-CW) lidar measurements of atmospheric column CO2 mole fractions during the ACT-America project. This lidar system transmits online and offline wavelengths simultaneously on the 1.57111-um CO2 absorption line, with each modulated wavelength using orthogonal swept frequency waveforms. After the spectral characteristics of this system were calibrated through short-path measurements, we used the HITRAN spectroscopic database to derive the average-column CO2 mixing ratio (XCO2) from the lidar measured optical depths. Based on in situ measurements of meteorological parameters and CO2 concentrations for calibration data, we demonstrate that our lidar CO2 measurements were consistent from season to season and had an absolute calibration error (standard deviation) of 0.80 ppm when compared to XCO2 values derived from in situ measurements. By using a 10-second or longer moving average, a long-term stability of 1 ppm or better was obtained. The estimated CO2 measurement precision for 0.1-s, 1-s, 10-s, and 60-s averages were determined to be 3.4 ppm (0.84%), 1.2 ppm (0.30%), 0.43 ppm (0.10%), and 0.26 ppm (0.063%), respectively. These correspond to measurement signal-to-noise ratios of 120, 330, 950, and 1600, respectively. The drift in XCO2 over one-hour of flight time was found to be below our detection limit of about 0.1 ppm. These analyses demonstrate that the measurement stability, precision and accuracy are all well below the thresholds needed to study synoptic-scale variations in atmospheric XCO2.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Earth, Space, and Science (AGU