59,629 research outputs found
A variational principle for actions on symmetric symplectic spaces
We present a definition of generating functions of canonical relations, which
are real functions on symmetric symplectic spaces, discussing some conditions
for the presence of caustics. We show how the actions compose by a neat
geometrical formula and are connected to the hamiltonians via a geometrically
simple variational principle which determines the classical trajectories,
discussing the temporal evolution of such ``extended hamiltonians'' in terms of
Hamilton-Jacobi-type equations. Simplest spaces are treated explicitly.Comment: 28 pages. Edited english translation of first author's PhD thesis
Hadronic molecules: meson-baryon hybrids
The existence of hadronic molecular-type hybrids consisting of a baryon and a
meson is argued. Long-range interactions due to one-pion exchange is shown to
be strong enough to produce a loosely bound state. Specific features of a
molecular hybrid are discussed.Comment: 7 pages in RevTeX plus 1 figure (available upon request
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