25,389 research outputs found

    Higgs Boson in RG running Inflationary Cosmology

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    An intriguing hypothesis is that gravity may be non-perturbatively renormalizable via the notion of asymptotic safety. We show that the Higgs sector of the SM minimally coupled to asymptotically safe gravity can generate the observed near scale-invariant spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background through the curvaton mechanism. The resulting primordial power spectrum places an upper bound on the Higgs mass, which for finely tuned values of the curvaton parameters, is compatible with the recently released Large Hadron Collider data.Comment: 7 pages, no figur

    Interpretation of Quantum Field Theories with a Minimal Length Scale

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    It has been proposed that the incorporation of an observer independent minimal length scale into the quantum field theories of the standard model effectively describes phenomenological aspects of quantum gravity. The aim of this paper is to interpret this description and its implications for scattering processes.Comment: replaced with published versio

    Six-dimensional Methods for Four-dimensional Conformal Field Theories

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    The calculation of both spinor and tensor Green's functions in four-dimensional conformally invariant field theories can be greatly simplified by six-dimensional methods. For this purpose, four-dimensional fields are constructed as projections of fields on the hypercone in six-dimensional projective space, satisfying certain transversality conditions. In this way some Green's functions in conformal field theories are shown to have structures more general than those commonly found by use of the inversion operator. These methods fit in well with the assumption of AdS/CFT duality. In particular, it is transparent that if fields on AdS5_5 approach finite limits on the boundary of AdS5_5, then in the conformal field theory on this boundary these limits transform with conformal dimensionality zero if they are tensors (of any rank), but with conformal dimension 1/2 if they are spinors or spinor-tensors.Comment: Version accepted for publication in Physical Review D. References to earlier work added in footnote 2. Minor errors corrected. 24 page

    Unified theory for external and internal attributes and symmetries of fundamental fermions

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    An unorthodox unified theory is developed to describe external and internal attributes and symmetries of fundamental fermions, quarks and leptons. Basic ingredients of the theory are an algebra which consists of all the triple-direct-products of Dirac gamma-matrices and a triple-spinor-field, called a triplet field, defined on the algebra. The algebra possesses three commutative sub-algebras which describe, respectively, the external space-time symmetry, the family structure and the internal color symmetry of quarks and leptons. The triplet field includes threefold (fourfold) repetitionary modes of spin 1/2 component fields with SU(3) (SU(4)) color symmetry. It is possible to qualify the Yukawa interaction and to make a new interpretation of its coupling constants naturally in an intrinsic mechanism of the triplet field formalism. The Dirac mass matrices with quasi-democratic structure are derived as an illustration

    The resultant parameters of effective theory

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    This is the 4-th paper in the series devoted to a systematic study of the problem of mathematically correct formulation of the rules needed to manage an effective field theory. Here we consider the problem of constructing the full set of essential parameters in the case of the most general effective scattering theory containing no massless particles with spin J > 1/2. We perform the detailed classification of combinations of the Hamiltonian coupling constants and select those which appear in the expressions for renormalized S-matrix elements at a given loop order.Comment: 21 pages, 4 LaTeX figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spontaneous violation of CP symmetry in the strong interactions

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    Some time ago Dashen pointed out that spontaneous CP violation can occur in the strong interactions. I show how a simple effective Lagrangian exposes the remarkably large domain of quark mass parameters for which this occurs. I close with some warnings for lattice simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure; final version to appear in PR

    II. The Standard Model in the Isotopic Foldy-Wouthuysen Representation without Higgs Bosons in the Fermion Sector. Spontaneous Breaking of Parity and "Dark Matter" Problems

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    The Standard Model with massive fermions is formulated in the isotopic Foldy-Wouthuysen representation. SU(2)xU(1) - invariance of the theory in this representation is independent of whether fermions possess mass or not, and, consequently, it is not necessary to introduce interactions between Higgs bosons and fermions. The study discusses a possible relation between spontaneous breaking of parity in the isotopic Foldy-Wouthuysen representation and the composition of elementary particles of "dark matter".Comment: 12 page

    Scattering in D=5 super Yang-Mills theory and the relation to (2,0) theory

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    Compactifying the A_1 version of (2,0) theory on a circle gives rise to five-dimensional, maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. In the Coulomb branch, where the SU(2) gauge group is spontaneously broken to a U(1) subgroup, the degrees of freedom are constituted by one massless and two massive vector multiplets. Because of the relation to the six-dimensional (2,0) theory, we are then interested in scattering processes where both the in-state and the out-state consist of one massless and one massive particle. We show that the corresponding part of the S matrix is determined by the symmetries of the theory up to a single unknown function, which depends on the energy and mass of the incoming particles, together with the scattering angle. Performing a straight forward scattering calculation by means of Feynman diagrams, this function is determined to leading order in a low-energy approximation. The result is strikingly simple, and it coincides exactly with the corresponding function in the (2,0) theory.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    Galilean currents and charges

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    We derive the Noether currents and charges associated with an internal galilean invariance---a symmetry recently postulated in the context of so-called galileon theories. Along the way we clarify the physical interpretation of the Noether charges associated with ordinary Galileo- and Lorentz-boosts.Comment: 5 page
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