4 research outputs found
Table_1_Plant life history strategies vary in subtropical forests with different disturbance histories: an assessment of biodiversity, biomass, and functional traits.docx
Disturbance alters environmental conditions in forests. Plants growing in forests with different disturbance histories in diverse environments may adopt varying life history strategies, but few studies focus on this effect. This study comprehensively investigated plant biodiversity, biomass, and functional traits in subtropical forests with two different disturbance histories in east China to explore differences in life history strategies. Biodiversity was slightly higher in disturbed compared to conserved forests. Significantly higher biomass was measured in conserved relative to disturbed evergreen broadleaved forests (P < 0.05). In conserved forests, leaf tissue density (LTD) was significantly higher and leaf thickness (LT), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), twig tissue density (TTD), twig dry matter content (TDMC), bark tissue density (BTD) and dry matter content (BDMC), and stem tissue density (STD) and dry matter content (SDMC) were significantly lower than in disturbed forests (P < 0.05). In terms of associated plant biodiversity, biomass, and functional traits, conserved forests adopted a resource acquisition strategy, reducing biodiversity and developing multiple functional traits such as high leaf area and specific leaf area and low LT, LDMC, TTD, TDMC, BTD, BDMC, STD, and SDMC to support a high biomass accumulation rate. Disturbed forests adopted a resource conservation strategy, enhancing biodiversity and developing converse trait combinations to lower the rate of biomass accumulation. A comprehensive investigation of plant biodiversity, biomass, and functional traits and subsequent assessment of plant life history strategies in conserved and disturbed forests will aid investigations of regional biodiversity and carbon reserves, contribute data to the TRY and Chinese plant trait databases, and improve ecological management and restoration efforts in east China.</p
MOESM5 of Statistically controlled identification of differentially expressed genes in one-to-one cell line comparisons of the CMAP database for drug repositioning
Additional file 5: Table S5. The result of GO gene ontology enrichment of the 298 reversed associated with phenformin (PĂ‚Â <Ă‚Â 5%)
L'Auto-vélo : automobilisme, cyclisme, athlétisme, yachting, aérostation, escrime, hippisme / dir. Henri Desgranges
01 février 19411941/02/01 (A41,N14612)
MOESM1 of Statistically controlled identification of differentially expressed genes in one-to-one cell line comparisons of the CMAP database for drug repositioning
Additional file 1: Table S1. Overlap of DEGs detected by SAM (FDRĂ‚Â <Ă‚Â 20%) and OneComp