1,751 research outputs found
On some properties of a class of fractional stochastic heat equations
We consider nonlinear parabolic stochastic equations of the form ∂tu =
Lu + λσ(u) ˙ξ on the ball B(0, R), where ˙ξ denotes some Gaussian noise and σ
is Lipschitz continuous. Here L corresponds to a symmetric α-stable process killed
upon exiting B(0, R). We will consider two types of noises: space-time white noise
and spatially correlated noise. Under a linear growth condition on σ, we study growth
properties of the second moment of the solutions. Our results are significant extensions
of those in Foondun and Joseph (Stoch Process Appl, 2014) and complement those of
Khoshnevisan and Kim (Proc AMS, 2013, Ann Probab, 2014)
Approximate Gaussian conjugacy: parametric recursive filtering under nonlinearity, multimodality, uncertainty, and constraint, and beyond
Since the landmark work of R. E. Kalman in the 1960s, considerable efforts have been devoted to time series state space models for a large variety of dynamic estimation problems. In particular, parametric filters that seek analytical estimates based on a closed-form Markov–Bayes recursion, e.g., recursion from a Gaussian or Gaussian mixture (GM) prior to a Gaussian/GM posterior (termed ‘Gaussian conjugacy’ in this paper), form the backbone for a general time series filter design. Due to challenges arising from nonlinearity, multimodality (including target maneuver), intractable uncertainties (such as unknown inputs and/or non-Gaussian noises) and constraints (including circular quantities), etc., new theories, algorithms, and technologies have been developed continuously to maintain such a conjugacy, or to approximate it as close as possible. They had contributed in large part to the prospective developments of time series parametric filters in the last six decades. In this paper, we review the state of the art in distinctive categories and highlight some insights that may otherwise be easily overlooked. In particular, specific attention is paid to nonlinear systems with an informative observation, multimodal systems including Gaussian mixture posterior and maneuvers, and intractable unknown inputs and constraints, to fill some gaps in existing reviews and surveys. In addition, we provide some new thoughts on alternatives to the first-order Markov transition model and on filter evaluation with regard to computing complexity
Details for the selection of physicochemical properties from AAIndex database. (DOC 31 kb
The Effect of Organic-cr Dietary Supplementation on Stress Response in Transport-stressed Beef Cattle
Transportation over long distances resulted in stress at animal. Under these circumstances, animalusually manifest depression and the impact on physiological condition changes and loss of body weight.The objectives of the research were to examine effect supplementation of organic-Cr type into diets intransport-stress beef cattle on physiological condition, haematochemical (included were haematologicalcondition and blood chemical) and body weight changes. The experiment was conducted using 16 beefcattle those were transported by truck for a distance of 400 km from Malangbong to Tangerang. Theexperiment was arranged by Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and four replications.The dietary treatments consisted of R0 (basal diet without Cr supplemented), R1 (R0+3ppm organic-Crresulted of alkali hydrolysis), R2 (R0+3 ppm organic-Cr resulted from bioprocess), R3 (R0+3 ppmorganic-Cr resulted from bioremediation). The result indicated that type of organic-Cr supplementationat 3 ppm in diet did not influence physiological condition, haematochemical and body weight at beefcattle transported for seven hours. There was indication that beef cattle fed on control diet (without Cr)showed a stress symptom, their loss of body weight were higher (5.41%) compared to beef given dietcontains organic-Cr (3.72%, 5.04% and 4.83%, respectively for R1, R2 and R3)
بررسی حیطههای موجود در فرمهای ارزشیابی از دیدگاه دانشجویان در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی زنجان در سال تحصیلی 86- 87
زمینه و هدف: ارزشیابی استادان متداولترین روش جهت سنجش کیفیت آموزش میباشد. دانشجویان بیش از دستاندرکاران در جریان روند آموزش قراردارند بنابراین با نظرخواهی از آنان دیدگاه کاملی برای مسئولین در مورد نقاط قوت و ضعف استادان بهدست میآید. هدف از این پژوهش بررسی حیطههای موجود در فرمهای ارزشیابی از دیدگاه دانشجویان در دانشکدههای پزشکی، پیراپزشکی و پرستاری و مامایی میباشد.
روش بررسی: این تحقیق به صورت توصیفی انجام گرفت. 1683 برگ ارزشیابی دانشجویان از استادان هیأت علمی (73 نفر) مربوط به دانشکدههای پزشکی، پیراپزشکی و پرستاری- مامایی بررسی شد. پرسشنامهی دانشجویان پزشکی حاوی 15 سؤوال و دانشجویان پیراپزشکی و پرستاری مامایی
21 سؤوال بود که بر اساس مقیاس لیکرات از حیطههای مختلف مقرراتی، علمی و آموزشی، نظارتی و نگرشی تشکیل شده بود. نمرات سؤوالات از نمرهی 100 محاسبه شد، نمرات بالاتر بیانگر عملکرد مطلوبتراستادان میباشد. تجزیه و تحلیل دادهها بهصورت آمار توصیفی با نرمافزار SPSS
انجام شد.
یافتهها: نتایج نشان داد مقایسه در سطوح کلی بین دانشکدهها، دانشکدهی پیراپزشکی با میانگین کل و انحراف معیار 61/3 ±50/85 نسبت به سایر دانشکدهها برتری دارد. دانشکدهی پیراپزشکی در حیطهی مقرراتی با میانگین و انحراف معیار 89/3±01/91، دانشکدهی پزشکی در حیطهی نگرشی با میانگین و انحراف معیار 45/5±48/90 و دانشکدهی پرستاری مامایی در حیطهی مقرراتی با میانگین و انحراف معیار 25/4±34/88 بیشترین امتیاز را داشتند. نتیجهنهایی نشان میدهد، حیطهی علمی و آموزشی نسبت به سایر حیطهها در سطح پایینتر میباشد. نتایج حیطهها (علمی و آموزشی، نظارتی و نگرشی) بین دانشکدهها معنیدار میباشد (0001/0=P).
نتیجهگیری: به نظر میرسد با برنامهریزی جهت برگزاری کارگاههای آموزشی، روش تدریس و تحقیق جهت ارتقای آموزش استادان، اعطای فرصت مطالعاتی و تشویق انجام کارهای تحقیقاتی و پژوهشی گام مؤثری جهت ارتقای سطح علمی و بالاخره عملکرد بالای استادان خواهد بود
Top 10 highly cited papers published from 2001 to 2021.
Top 10 highly cited papers published from 2001 to 2021.</p
Core research institutions.
Addressing global warming is one of the most pressing environmental challenges and a crucial agenda for humanity. In this literature study, we employed bibliometrics to reproduce nearly two decades of research on carbon emission reduction in China, the largest carbon emitter worldwide. The scientometrics analysis was conducted on 1570 academic works published between 2001 and 2021 concerning China’s carbon emission reduction to characterize the knowledge landscape. Using CiteSpace and VOSviewer, the basic characteristics, research forces, knowledge base, research topic evolution, and research hotspots were identified and revealed. The analysis results show that the attention to and research on China’s carbon emissions have increased in recent years, giving rise to leading institutions and relatively stable core journal groups in this field. The research disciplines are relatively concentrated, but the research collaboration needs strengthening. The research hotspots are mainly carbon emission causes, impacts, and countermeasures in China, and the research frontiers have been constantly advanced and expanded. In the future, research on countermeasures needs more effort, and research cooperation needs to strengthen. The changing landscape of hotspot clusters reveals China’s transition towards a low-carbon economy. Through comprehensive analysis of the potential and obstacles to China’s transition to low-carbon development, we identified three promising areas of action (low-carbon cities, low-carbon technologies and industries, and transforming China’s energy system) and proposed research directions to address remaining gaps systematically.</div
Institutional cooperation network.
Addressing global warming is one of the most pressing environmental challenges and a crucial agenda for humanity. In this literature study, we employed bibliometrics to reproduce nearly two decades of research on carbon emission reduction in China, the largest carbon emitter worldwide. The scientometrics analysis was conducted on 1570 academic works published between 2001 and 2021 concerning China’s carbon emission reduction to characterize the knowledge landscape. Using CiteSpace and VOSviewer, the basic characteristics, research forces, knowledge base, research topic evolution, and research hotspots were identified and revealed. The analysis results show that the attention to and research on China’s carbon emissions have increased in recent years, giving rise to leading institutions and relatively stable core journal groups in this field. The research disciplines are relatively concentrated, but the research collaboration needs strengthening. The research hotspots are mainly carbon emission causes, impacts, and countermeasures in China, and the research frontiers have been constantly advanced and expanded. In the future, research on countermeasures needs more effort, and research cooperation needs to strengthen. The changing landscape of hotspot clusters reveals China’s transition towards a low-carbon economy. Through comprehensive analysis of the potential and obstacles to China’s transition to low-carbon development, we identified three promising areas of action (low-carbon cities, low-carbon technologies and industries, and transforming China’s energy system) and proposed research directions to address remaining gaps systematically.</div
(A) Keyword co-occurrence network and (B) Timeline visualization of co-occurring keywords networks.
(A) Keyword co-occurrence network and (B) Timeline visualization of co-occurring keywords networks.</p
Top 10 journals in carbon emission research.
Addressing global warming is one of the most pressing environmental challenges and a crucial agenda for humanity. In this literature study, we employed bibliometrics to reproduce nearly two decades of research on carbon emission reduction in China, the largest carbon emitter worldwide. The scientometrics analysis was conducted on 1570 academic works published between 2001 and 2021 concerning China’s carbon emission reduction to characterize the knowledge landscape. Using CiteSpace and VOSviewer, the basic characteristics, research forces, knowledge base, research topic evolution, and research hotspots were identified and revealed. The analysis results show that the attention to and research on China’s carbon emissions have increased in recent years, giving rise to leading institutions and relatively stable core journal groups in this field. The research disciplines are relatively concentrated, but the research collaboration needs strengthening. The research hotspots are mainly carbon emission causes, impacts, and countermeasures in China, and the research frontiers have been constantly advanced and expanded. In the future, research on countermeasures needs more effort, and research cooperation needs to strengthen. The changing landscape of hotspot clusters reveals China’s transition towards a low-carbon economy. Through comprehensive analysis of the potential and obstacles to China’s transition to low-carbon development, we identified three promising areas of action (low-carbon cities, low-carbon technologies and industries, and transforming China’s energy system) and proposed research directions to address remaining gaps systematically.</div
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