41 research outputs found
Critical issues in library management : organizing for leadership and decision-making
Papers from the thirty-fifth Allerton Institute. [October 24-26, 1993]Includes bibliographical references
Introduction to Occasional Paper no. 198/199
published or submitted for publicatio
Equivalency and Reciprocity of Qualifications for LIS Professionals in a Web 2.0 Environment
In the age of Web 2.0 and globalization of information, the challenge of information professionals included the determination of equivalent educational experiences as professionals move more freely in the international information environment. Reciprocity of degrees among recognized LIS education program is one possible solution, but the establishment of an international program of reciprocity has been difficult up to this time. The authors discuss the background of efforts over a 30 year period to develop acceptable guidelines for international equivalency and reciprocity of qualifications for LIS professionals by IFLA and other library interests. The challenges of the latest IFLA effort our detailed and options provided in a 2.0 web environment are explored. The possibility that applying the principles of interactivity of the web in the 21st Century to provide a solution to the equivalency and reciprocity problem are analyzed and specific proposal are presented for discussion. The results of surveys of library education professionals are presented and specific proposal for the future are outlined
Ten years later: Has the blurring of the roles of cultural institutions helped or hurt libraries?
One of the most radical changes of the Digital Revolution has been the
redefinition of libraries, museums and archives as cultural heritage institutions that serve a common function. This notion of a shared functionality is particularly apparent in the IMLS grant-funding guidelines, crucially important since the IMLS is a major funder of U.S. library and museums projects. The speakers ask whether these cultural institutions really have that much in common and whether the traditional mission of a library is being helped or hurt by this new approach.Ope
Bibliothèques et sciences de l\u27information : quel dialogue ? - Programme
Face aux évolutions technologiques, scientifiques, économiques, sociales, culturelles et politiques de leur environnement, les bibliothèques en tant qu\u27organismes culturels et scientifiques doivent repenser leurs pratiques, leur positionnement économique, politique et institutionnel, et leur rôle social, culturel et scientifique.
Dans ce contexte, qu\u27attendent les bibliothèques de la recherche ? Quels thématiques et projets de recherche répondraient à leurs besoins ? Les sciences de l\u27information peuvent-elles apporter des réponses aux enjeux actuels ?
Pour répondre aux interrogations posées par ces nouveaux défis, le colloque croise les approches et expériences de bibliothécaires et chercheurs en sciences de l\u27information de nombreux pays ( France, Canada, Etats-Unis, Allemagne, Royaume-Uni...
Horizon 2019 : bibliothèques en prospective
Colloque organisé du 19 au 21 novembre 2009 à l\u27enssib avec pour but d\u27imaginer l\u27avenir proche des bibliothèques dans le monde occidental.
Le colloque s\u27organise en trois temps : "Enjeux et défis", "Quelles missions pour les bibliothèques" et "Hypothèses et scénarios"
Public Library Standards and Rural Library Service
published or submitted for publicatio
Evaluation of Adult Reference Service
published or submitted for publicatio