52,599 research outputs found
Seasonal Flight Patterns of Hemiptera in a North Carolina Black Walnut Plantation. 6. Tingidae and Aradidae
The seasonal flight patterns of II species of Tingidae and six species of Aradidae collected in window traps in a North Carolina black walnut plantation are described. Flying height distributions and seasonal flight activities of Corythucha ciliata (Say) and Gargaphia solani Heidemann are considered in detail
Seasonal and Vertical Distributions of Planthoppers (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea) Within a Black Walnut Plantation
Information on the seasonal and vertical distributions of 34 species (eight families) of planthoppers was obtained from window trap collections in a North Carolina black walnut plantation in 15 and 1978. The most commonly collected species were Acanalonia conica (Acanaloniidael. Liburniella ornata (Delphacidae), Oliarus ecologus (Cixiidae), and O. quinquelineatus
Seasonal Flight Patterns of Hemiptera (Excluding Miridae) in a Southern Illinois Black Walnut Plantation
The seasonal flight patterns of 99 species and subspecies of Hemiptera collected in window traps in a southern Illinois black walnut plantation are compared with similar data from a North Carolina black walnut plantation. Flying height distributions and seasonal flight activities of Corythucha juglandis, Orius insidiosus, Piesma cinerea, Acanthocephala terminalis, Alydus eurinus, Sehirus cinctus cinctus, Acrosternum hilare, Brochymena quadripustutata, Euschistus servus, and Euschistus variolarius are considered in detail
Annotated Bibliography of the Ambrosia Beetle \u3ci\u3eXylosandrus Germanus\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
Xylosandrus germanus (Blandford) (= Xyleborus germanus) is an ambrosia beetle that is found in Japan, Korea, the KurU Islands, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, central Europe, and the Cnited States (Nobuchi 1981). It attacks apparently healthy plants and those that are dying or recently dead (Weber 1982). Kaneko (1967) reported X. germanus to be a serious pest on tea (Thea sp.) plants in Japan, and Heidenreich (1%0) reported it on oak (Quercus sp.) trees in Gennany. This beetle seems to be increasing in economic importance on black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) and other hardwood species in the U.S. (Weber 1982)
The Distribution of \u3ci\u3eXylosandrus Germanus\u3c/i\u3e in America North of Mexico (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
Xylosandrus gemzanus (Blandford) (= Xyleborlus germanus), a sexually dimorphic beetle. was first described in 1894 from specimens collected in Japan; it is now also known from Korea. the Kuril Islands, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, central Europe, and the U.S. ( Sobuchi 1981)
Seasonal Flight Patterns of Miridae (Hemiptera) in a Southern Illinois Black Walnut Plantation
The seasonal flight patterns of 92 species of Miridae collected in window traps in a southern Illinois black walnut plantation are compared with similar data from a North Carolina black walnut plantation. Flying height distributions and seasonal flight activities of Amblytylus nasutus, Deraeocoris nebulosus, Leptopterna dolabrata, Lopidea heidemanni, Lygus lineolaris, and Plagiognathus politus are considered in detail. Six species are newly recorded for Illinois
High-Speed Communications Over Polymer Optical Fibers for In-Building Cabling and Home Networking
This paper focuses on high-speed cabling using polymer optical fibers (POF) in home networking. In particular, we report about the results obtained in the POF-ALL European Project, which is relevant to the Sixth Framework Program, and after two years of the European Project POF-PLUS, which is relevant to the Seventh Framework Program, focusing on their research activities about the use of poly-metyl-metha-acrilate step-index optical fibers for home applications. In particular, for that which concerns POF-ALL, we will describe eight-level pulse amplitude modulation (8-PAM) and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) approaches for 100-Mb/s transmission over a target distance of 300 m, while for that which concerns POF-PLUS, we will describe a fully digital and a mixed analog-digital solution, both based on intensity modulation direct detection, for transmitting 1 Gb/s over a target distance of 50 m. The ultimate experimental results from the POF-ALL project will be given, while for POF-PLUS, which is still ongoing, we will only show our most recent preliminary results
Molecular principles underlying dual RNA specificity in the Drosophila SNF protein
The first RNA recognition motif of the Drosophila SNF protein is an example of an RNA binding protein with multi-specificity. It binds different RNA hairpin loops in spliceosomal U1 or U2 small nuclear RNAs, and only in the latter case requires the auxiliary U2A′ protein. Here we investigate its functions by crystal structures of SNF alone and bound to U1 stem-loop II, U2A′ or U2 stem-loop IV and U2A′, SNF dynamics from NMR spectroscopy, and structure-guided mutagenesis in binding studies. We find that different loop-closing base pairs and a nucleotide exchange at the tips of the loops contribute to differential SNF affinity for the RNAs. U2A′ immobilizes SNF and RNA residues to restore U2 stem-loop IV binding affinity, while U1 stem-loop II binding does not require such adjustments. Our findings show how U2A′ can modulate RNA specificity of SNF without changing SNF conformation or relying on direct RNA contacts
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