75 research outputs found
Emocje a komunikacja w języku obcym: przygotowanie studentów do udziału w wymianach międzynarodowych
Internationalisation of education is a global phenomenon which highlights the importance of successful communication processes on an unprecedented scale. Yet, there is little explicit information on the most effective ways of preparing students for theinternational educational experience of studying in another country. Research demonstrates that international students regularly report difficulties not just with the local language but using language in contexts and understanding the local culture of communication. This paper addresses thevital but often neglected notion of emotions and their importance in the communication process. It focuses on different aspects concerning the perception and expression of emotions in the second language, and on possible ways of incorporating them into the Second/Additional Language curriculum and bilingual education. The paper presents the results of a quantitative study examining the possible influence of the immersion in the L2 language and culture on the recognition and expression of emotions in that language. Research results suggest that even a very short stay in an L2 country can significantly enhance the ability to encode the expression and decode perception of emotions in the L2. The paper proposes that the ability to recognize and express emotions in second/additional languages is a critical skill that augments learners’ communication. Consequently, the paper postulates the inclusion of teaching the recognition and expression of emotions in a target language into second/additional language education curriculum.Umiędzynarodowienie edukacji jest zjawiskiem globalnym. Jednocześnie niewiele informacji jest dostępnych na temat skutecznych sposobów przygotowania studentów do studiowania w za granicą. Badania pokazują, że studencibiorący udział w wymianach międzynarodowych regularnie zgłaszają trudności związane z posługiwaniem się językiem obcym, także w kontekście procesów socjolingwistycznych. Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy istotnego, ale często zaniedbywanego pojęcia emocji i ich znaczenia w procesie komunikacji. Koncentruje się na różnych aspektach dotyczących postrzegania i wyrażania emocji w języku obcym oraz na potencjalnych sposobach włączenia tychże do programu nauczania języków obcych. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badania ilościowego skupiającego się na możliwym wpływie zanurzenia w kulturze i języku obcym na rozpoznawanie i wyrażanie emocji w tymże języku. Wyniki badań sugerują, że nawet bardzo krótki pobyt zagraniczny może znacznie zwiększyć zdolność wyrażania i rozpoznawania emocji w języku obcym. Proponuje się, aby umiejętność rozpoznawania i wyrażania emocji w języku drugim/obcym była postrzegana jako umiejętność kluczowa, która może znacznie wpłynąć na procesy komunikacyjne podczas wymian międzynarodowych, i tym samym została włączona do programów nauczania języków obcych
The Holodeck model, learning environments, and resilience in higher education: A multidisciplinary approach
This conference paper presents a framework for developing online learning environments for multidisciplinary contexts at an Australian university. The framework aims to strengthen organisational resilience, emphasised by the institutional fragility demonstrated globally during the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper examines the educational Holodeck Model and it promotes its capacity to provide systematic support structures for developing learning environments in diverse disciplines including TESOL, Criminology, Research Methods and International Relations. Keywords: learning environment, tertiary education, multidisciplinary, online asynchronous framework <br/
Genetic aspects of congenital nephrotic syndrome : a consensus statement from the ERKNet-ESPN inherited glomerulopathy working group
Congenital nephrotic syndrome (CNS) is a heterogeneous group of disorders presenting with massive proteinuria within the first 3 months of life almost inevitably leading to end-stage kidney disease. The Work Group for the European Reference Network for Kidney Diseases (ERKNet) and the European Society for Pediatric Nephrology (ESPN) has developed consensus statement on genetic aspects of CNS diagnosis and management. The presented expert opinion recommends genetic diagnostics as the key diagnostic test to be ordered already during the initial evaluation of the patient, discusses which phenotyping workup should be performed and presents known genotype-phenotype correlations.Peer reviewe
Mushroom bodies are required for learnt visual navigation, but not for innate visual behaviour, in ants
Visual navigation in ants has long been a focus of experimental study [1, 2, 3], but only recently have explicit hypotheses about the underlying neural circuitry been proposed [4]. Indirect evidence suggests the mushroom bodies (MBs) may be the substrate for visual memory in navigation tasks [5, 6, 7], while computational modeling shows that MB neural architecture could support this function [8, 9]. There is, however, no direct evidence that ants require MBs for visual navigation. Here we show that lesions of MB calyces impair ants’ visual navigation to a remembered food location yet leave their innate responses to visual cues unaffected. Wood ants are innately attracted to large visual cues, but we trained them to locate a food source at a specific angle away from such a cue. Subsequent lesioning of the MB calyces using procaine hydrochloride injection caused ants to revert toward their innate cue attraction. Handling and saline injection control ants still approached the feeder. Path straightness of lesioned and control ants did not differ from each other but was lower than during training. Reversion toward the cue direction occurred irrespective of whether the visual cue was ipsi- or contralateral to the lesion site, showing this is not due simply to an induced motor bias. Monocular occlusion did not diminish ants’ ability to locate the feeder, suggesting that MB lesions are not merely interrupting visual input to the calyx. The demonstrated dissociation between innate and learned visual responses provides direct evidence for a specific role of the MB in navigational memory
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