10 research outputs found
A Configurational Perspective on Key Account Management
Most firms struggle with the challenge of managing their key customer accounts. There
is a significant gap between the importance of this organizational design problem in
practice and the research attention paid to it. Sound academic research on key account
management (KAM) is very limited and fragmented. Drawing on research on KAM and
team selling, the authors develop an integrative conceptualization of KAM and define
key constructs in four areas: (1) Activities, (2) Actors, (3) Resources, (4) Approach
Formalization. Adopting a configurational perspective to organizational research, the
authors then use numerical taxonomy to empirically identify eight prototypical KAM
approaches based on a cross-industry, cross-national study. The results show
significant performance differences between the approaches. Overall, the paper builds a
bridge between marketing organization research and relationship marketing research