3,632 research outputs found
This study aim to know about 1) the influence of family, peers, teaching
methods of teacher, and the use of Internet on student’s interest in learning
electronic for audio video students at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta, 2) from family,
peers, teaching methods of teacher, and the use of internet, which is the most
influential factor on student's interest in learning electronics for audio video
students at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta.
The subjects are 99 students of competency skills audio video at SMK N 3
Yogyakarta. The variables are the family environment (X1), the peer environment
(X2), the teaching method of teachers (X3), the use of internet (X4), and student’s
interest in learning electronics (Y).The Techniques of data collection use
questionnaire and the analysis method use 4 Predictors of Multiple Regression.
The results show that the family, peers, teaching methods of teacher, and the
use of internet have a positive and significant impact on students' interest in
learning electronics for audio video students at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta, it can be
seen from Rhitung (0.616) > Rtabel (0.195). The relative contribution of each variable
is the use of Internet at 66.3%, family environment at 12.27%, teaching methods
of teachers at 11%, and 10.5% of peer environment. Thus, the factors that most
influential on the student's interest in learning electronics for audio video students
at SMK N 3 Yogyakarta is the use of Internet.
Keywords: family, peers, teaching methods, internet, interests in learning
Ethnic Enclaves and Immigrant Earnings Growth
The impact of living in an ethnic enclave on earnings growth of immigrants in Canada is examined using the 1981–2001 Censuses. Consistent with U.S. findings, enclaves are found to have a negative impact on the earnings growth of male immigrants. A negative impact is also found for female immigrants. Living in an enclave was found to be particularly harmful for individuals immigrating as adults, especially for females, but did not affect immigrants who arrived at a young age. Enclaves had a more negative impact on high-skilled male immigrants, especially if they had received the bulk of their education outside of Canada. Enclaves also hindered language skills.enclaves, immigrants, neighbourhoods, earnings
You Can Take it with You! The Returns to Foreign Human Capital of Male Temporary Foreign Workers
The research on immigration has found falling labor market outcomes of immigrants in many Western countries. In Canada, one of the major causes has been the decline in the returns to foreign work experience. Using the 1991, 1996 and 2001 Canadian Census Master Datafiles and applying both parametric and semiparametric techniques, it is found that unlike recently landed male immigrants, temporary foreign workers have no difficulty transferring their human capital to the Canadian labor market and in particular, they obtain very high returns to their foreign work experience. This is even true for temporary foreign workers from non-traditional backgrounds, a group that has had particular difficulty receiving returns to their foreign work experience for recent immigrant cohorts and now composes the majority of Canada’s immigration. It is likely that this premium can be partially attributed to the different selection process that temporary foreign workers and immigrants enter Canada under. While immigrants for the most part are selected by the government, the selection process for temporary foreign workers is driven by employers and employers may be better able to assess the transferability of the worker’s foreign human capital.Immigrants, Earnings, Temporary Foreign Workers, Partial linear models, Nonparametric regressions, Canada, Nonpermanent residents, semiparametric
Molding Messages: Analyzing the Reworking of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ in \u3ci\u3eGrimm’s Fairy Tale Classics\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eDollhouse\u3c/i\u3e
The story of “Sleeping Beauty” (ATU 410) is one of the most consistently captivating fairy tales. It tells of a cursed princess dreaming in a tower, waiting patiently for her prince to rescue her. Those who recreate the tale for contemporary audiences spin the story anew, reconstructing again and again what it means both to sleep and to awaken. This chapter analyzes two modern television versions of the tale, one for children and one for adults, comparing their incorporation of feminist messages and parallel ideas about shaping narratives and shaping lives. The children’s cartoon Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics (also called Grimm Masterpiece Theatre) and the adult program Dollhouse each remold the story to advance very specific rereadings of the tale
Mandatory Retirement Rules and the Retirement Decisions of University Professors in Canada
We examine the impact of mandatory retirement on the retirement decisions of professors in Canada using administrative data. We find that the age distributions of professors at universities without mandatory retirement and those at universities with mandatory retirement at age 65 have diverged over time with a higher fraction of professors over the age of 65 being at universities without mandatory retirement. Estimation of a discrete time hazard model indicates that faculty members at universities with mandatory retirement at age 65 have exit rates at age 65 that are around 30 to 36 percentage points higher than those of their counterparts at universities without mandatory retirement. Similar results are found for both men and women; however, the magnitude of this effect is somewhat smaller for women.University, Faculty, Retirement
The Effectiveness of Ethnopedagogy-Based Digital Book Processing in Improving Civics Learning Outcomes in Distance Learning
Distance learning in the midst of the current pandemic seems to be a challenge for the creativity of educators to find the right way how to continue to deliver learning materials effectively, the use of technology such as digital books as learning media is one of the appropriate and innovative steps so that the expected goals learning can be achieved. This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of class X SMK Negeri 1 Muargkyu on the subject of National Integration in the Unity in Diversity Frame. This study uses a class action research design. Data were collected through observation, self-assessment, peer-to-peer assessment, journals, interviews, and documentation. There are two data analysis, namely qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The corrective action of learning takes place in 2 cycles consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection activities. During the learning activities, the students actively participate well. Learning activities that involve students starting from previously doing stimuli through ethnopedagogy-based digital books, observations, value clarification, discussions, compiling reports to evaluations. The results showed that it was successful in improving student learning outcomes of class X SMK Negeri 1 Muarkayu. Improved student learning outcomes (KKM) 90% of the total number of students as a whole
The purpose of this study is to find out how to plan, procure and maintain learning media in supporting teaching and learning activities at SMPN 13 Samarinda. This type of research is descriptive and qualitative. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. This research focused on the management of learning media. The time for the implementation of the research was from October to December 2017. Data collection techniques consist of observation, interviews, and documentation while data analysis consists of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that the planning for the procurement of learning media at SMPN 13 Samarinda had been carried out through the stage of identifying school needs. In the implementation of the procurement of learning media, it is carried out jointly by the school from the purchase and manufacture of learning media held by schools, teachers, and students, with procurement steps empowering all existing resources and considering the situation and supporting conditions for learning. Maintenance is carried out regularly both after use and inattention
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