24 research outputs found

    Peran Konselor Sekolah dalam Pendidikan Karakter

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    School Counselor Roles in Character Education. Character educationwas one of the focuses in the system of national education. Therefore, educatorsmust not neglect this. A school counselor, as one of the educators, has to play a rolein character education. Referring to guidance and counseling responsibilities inrelation to students\u27 personal, social, academic, and career aspects, a schoolcounselor must not escape from the main duties. Considering that charactereducation is the responsibility of all parties, a school counselor can, independentlyand in collaboration with all school components, play a role in character education.Individually, a school counselor can provide services, such as individual services,individual planning services, and responsive services. In collaboration with otherparties, a school counselor can make a synergy in character education programs

    Sistem Among Pada Masa Kini: Kajian Konsep Dan Praktik Pendidikan

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    The purpose of the study was to show the concept of the among system as a model of education and teaching in documentary sources, and also the realization of the concept in the education and teaching setting. The study involved two designs: one was a study content (documentary) and the other was a qualitative approach. In the first design, the researcher studied written documentary sources of the system among. In the second design, the researcher observed the realization of the system among concepts. The subjects of the study included a member of the Board of Majelis Luhur Taman Siswa, teachers and students of Taman Siswa schools, and also the alumni of Taman Siswa schools. Data were analyzed using qualitative analyses. The results show that the among system of education, the work of Ki Hadjar Dewantara, actually is an educational and teaching system that is complete and comprehensive, and one that can be implemented lifetime. Nevertheless, in the realization on Taman Siswa schools, due to the limitation of facilities, implementation of the among system could not completel

    Pengembangan Multimedia Lectora Pada Pembelajaran Tematikintegratif Berbasis Character Building Bagi Siswa Kelas IV SD

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    : This research aimed to develop lectora multimedia for the thematic-integrative teaching and learning based on character building and to find the effetiveness of the lectora multimedia for the thematic-integrative teaching and learning based on character building on the Theme of My Ideals, Subtheme I and My Ideals for Grade IV students of SD Muhammadiyah Bodon. This research referred to the research steps developed by Borg & Gall, grouped into four development procedures: exploration, draft/prototype development, product try-out, revision, and final validation. The subjects of the limited try-out were 6 students of Grade IV A and 1 teacher of SD Muhammadiyah Bodon. The subjects of the field try-out were 20 students of Grade IV and 1 teacher of SD Muhammadiyah Bodon. The subjects of the operational product try-out were 29 students of Grade IV B and 1 teacher of SD Muhammadiyah Bodon. The results showed that the lectora multimedia, acciding to the evaluation of the materials expert and media expert, were categorized “very good” so that they were appropriate for use. It was also found that the media were effective based on the different assessment results before and after the use of Lectora interactive multimedia with a significance value of 0,0001< 0,05

    Model Subject Specific Pedagogy Tematik Integratif Untuk Pengembangan Karakter Hormat Dan Tanggung Jawab Siswa

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    : This research aimed at producing a learning package in the form of thematic-integrativeSubject Specific Pedagogy (SSP) that could improve the character of the fourth grade of elementary school, especially the character of respect and responsibility. This research also aimed to find theeffectiveness of the thematic-integrative SSP in developing the character values of respect and responsibility of the fourth grade students of SD Karanganyar. This research and development consistedof a number of steps: (1) preleminary study; (2) planning; (3) early product development; (4) limitedtry-out; (5) revision of the main product; (6) field try-out; (7) revision on operational product; (8) fieldtry-out of the operational product; (9) final revision of product; (10) dissemination and implementation. The try-out subjects were Grade IV students of SD Karanganyar. The subjects of one-one tryout consisted of 3 students. The subjects of small group try-out consisted of 10 students who had nobeen involved in the one-one try-out, while the subjects of field try-out consisted of 30 students 30students of Grades IV A and IV B. The results of the research were SSP components consisting of: syllabus, learning implementation plans, students\u27 worksheets, and evaluation instrument. The results othe evaluation showed that the developed syllabus obtained an actual score of 42, which belonged tothe “very good” category. The learning implementation plans (RPP) developed gained an actual scoreof 53, which belonged to the “good” category, the students\u27 worksheet (LKS) got an actual score of 43which belonged to the “good” category, while the evaluation instrument developed was consideredvalis and belonged to the “good” category

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Scientific Approach Untuk Membangun Karakter Kepedulian Dan Kedisiplinan

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    : This study aims to (1) produce a learning device based on scientific approach that can befeasible to develop the character of elementary school fourth graders especially caring and disciplinecharacter and (2) determine the effectiveness of learning device based on scientific approach that candevelop the character of elementary school fourth graders especially caring and discipline character.This was a research and development (R & D) study consisting of ten stages, namely: (1) preliminarystudy and data collection, (2) planning, (3) product draft development, (4) preliminary field tryout, (5)revision of the tryout result, (6) field tryout, (7) product finalization based on the field tryout result, (8)operational field testing, (9) final product finalization and (10) dissemination and implementation. Thetryout subjects were Grade IV students of SDN Salamrejo Sentolo Kulon Progo. The preliminary fieldtryout subjects consisted of four students. The main field testing subjects consisted of ten studentswho were not involved in the preliminary field tryout. The operational field tryout subjects consistedof 39 students from Grade IV A and Grade IV B.The result of this research is a learning device consistingofasyllabus,lesson plans, student worksheets, and assessment instruments. The resultsof expertshowthatthelearningdevicehasbeendevelopedisfeasibleaccordingtothematerialexpertandlearningexpertwithexcellentassessmentcategory.Thedeviceisalsoconsideredaneffectivelearningbecausethe results of the t test on the character of caring are 4.854, in the character of the discipline1.926 which greater than t table is 1.684 indicating significant difference of the character of disciplineand care among the students who follow the teaching and learning and those without using learningdevice

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Tematik-integratif Berbasis Nilai Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Dan Tanggung Jawab

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar tematik-integratif dengan tema “Lingkunganku Bersih dan Sehat” berbasis nilai karakter peduli lingkungan dan tanggung jawab yang layak dan efektif untuk peserta didik kelas I SDN 2 Padokan Bantul. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Research and Development (R & D), yang terdiri dari 9 tahap, yaitu: (1) studi pendahuluan dan pengumpulan informasi; (2) perencanaan; (3) pengembangan produk awal; (4) uji coba awal; (5) revisi untuk menyusun produk utama; (6) uji lapangan utama; (7) revisi produk operasional; (8) uji lapangan operasional; dan (9) revisi produk akhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan layak dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Kelayakan bahan ajar ditunjukkan dengan penilaian “baik” oleh ahli materi dengan skor 50, penilaian “sangat baik” oleh ahli media dengan skor 47 dan penilaian “baik” oleh guru dengan skor 75. Keefektifan dibuktikan dengan hasil uji-t = -8,939 yang menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan rerata skor signifikan dengan nilai p sebesar 0,05 untuk karakter peduli lingkungan dan untuk karakter tanggung jawab hasil uji-t = -6,254 yang menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan rerata skor signifikan dengan nilai p sebesar 0,05

    Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Siswa melalui Self-regulated Learning

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    An educational system should be able to develop students' ability to learn. Students who have good learning habits and ability could begiven the J:eSPonsibilit¥ and ability ofregulating their own learning activities. Itmeans that it would be the students themselves who would execute the processes of exploration, inquiry, and learning and also conceptualize their activities. Students' learning activities would not work ifthe teacher's conceptofinstruction still uses the approach ofthe "content delivery system", which means that the teacher continually gives with the students merely taking and accepting. This kind ofinstructional approach principally would produce passive and dependent students, who always wait to be spoon-fed bythe teacher. Such an attitude passivity anddependence in students would affect them by decreasing their enthusiasm for active learning, which, in tum, would yield a low academic perfonnance, preventing them from getting a passing grade, make them fail, and possibly even cause them to drop out. On the face ofsuch a problem, there has come the concept ofself-regulated learning, a concept that tries to explain how students canberegula­ tors oftheirownlearning activities.Self-regulated learning is the kind oflearning that occurs because of the influence of students' self-generated thoughts, feelings, strategies, and behaviors which are oriented toward the attainment oflearning goals. Here it is important that students' initiative starts their learning activity. Active, dynarnic, and creative students usually have much initiative to doing some activities. Once they know the direction to the objectives, they would generate thoughts, feelings, strategies, and behaviors oriented toward the attainment ofgoals. So the basic components of self-regulated learning are self-regula­ tion ofcognition, self-regulation ofmotivation and emotion, and self-regulation ofbehavior. Teachers can help students become more self-regulated. Some ways to teach self-regulated learning are explicit instruction, direct reflection, and meta-cognitive discussion. Two modeh{that could be followed are those called Cycle ofSelf-Regulated Learning, and ACyclical Model ofSelf­ regulated Learning from Zimmerman. Both models, however, are alike principally. They start with planning, implementation, and e valuation ofthe chosen strategies. Results ofthe researches have proven that self-regulated learning correlates significantly with academic performance in primary, middle, and high school students