286 research outputs found
The accretion rate independence of horizontal branch oscillation in XTE J1701-462
We study the temporal and energy spectral properties of the unique neutron
star low-mass X-ray binary XTE J1701-462. After assuming the HB/NB vertex as a
reference position of accretion rate, the horizontal branch oscillation (HBO)
of the HB/NB vertex is roughly 50 Hz. It indicates that the HBO is independent
with the accretion rate or the source intensity. The spectral analysis shows
in the HB/NB vertex and
in the NB/FB vertex, which
implies that different accretion rate may be produced in the HB/NB vertex and
the NB/FB vertex. The Comptonization component could be fitted by constrained
broken power law (CBPL) or nthComp. Different with GX 17+2, the frequencies of
HBO positively correlate with the inner disk radius, which contradict with the
prediction of Lense-Thirring precession model. XTE J1701-462, both in the
Cyg-like phase and in the Sco-like phase, follows a positive correlation
between the break frequency of broad band noise and the characteristic
frequency of HBO, which is called the W-K relation. An anticorrelation between
the frequency of HBO and photon energy is observed. Moreover, the rms of HBO
increases with photon energy till ~10 keV. We discuss the possible origin of
HBO from corona in XTE J1701-462.Comment: 45 pages, 18 figures, accepted by Ap
A nonautonomous predator–prey system with stage structure and double time delays
AbstractIn the present paper we study a nonautonomous predator–prey model with stage structure and double time delays due to maturation time for both prey and predator. We assume that the immature and mature individuals of each species are divided by a fixed age, and the mature predator only attacks the immature prey. Based on some comparison arguments we discuss the permanence of the species. By virtue of the continuation theorem of coincidence degree theory, we prove the existence of positive periodic solution. By means of constructing an appropriate Lyapunov functional, we obtain sufficient conditions for the uniqueness and the global stability of positive periodic solution. Two examples are given to illustrate the feasibility of our main results
Fishtail effect and the vortex phase diagram of single crystal Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2
By measuring the magnetization hysteresis loops of superconducting
Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 single crystals, we obtained the high upper critical field and
large current carrying ability, which point to optimistic applications. The
fishtail (or second peak) effect is also found in the material, and the
position of the vortex pinning force shows a maximum at 1/3 of the reduced
field, being consistent with the picture of vortex pinning by small size normal
cores in the sample. Together with the resistive measurements, for the first
time the vortex phase diagram is obtained for superconductor Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Vortex creep and critical current densities in superconducting (Ba,K)FeAs single crystals
The surprisingly rapid relaxation of the sustainable current density in the
critical state of single crystalline BaKFeAs is
investigated for magnetic fields oriented parallel to the c-axis and to the
--plane respectively. Due to the inadequacy of standard analysis procedures
developed for flux creep in the high temperature superconducting cuprates, we
develop a simple, straightforward data treatment technique that reveals the
creep mechanism and the creep exponent . At low magnetic fields, below the
second magnetization peak, varies only slightly as function of
temperature and magnetic flux density . From the data, we determine the
temperature- and field dependence of the effective activation barrier for
creep. At low temperatures, the measured current density approaches the
zero--temperature critical current density (in the absence of creep) to within
a factor 2, thus lending credence to earlier conclusions drawn with respect to
the pinning mechanism. The comparable values of the experimental screening
current density and the zero-temperature critical current density reveals the
limited usefulness of the widely used "interpolation formula".Comment: Physical Review B (2012) Accepte
Superconductivity at 36 K in Gadolinium-arsenide Oxides GdOFFeAs
In this paper we report the fabrication and superconducting properties of
GdOFFeAs. It is found that when x is equal to 0.17,
GdOFFeAs is a superconductor with the onset transition
temperature T 36.6K. Resistivity anomaly near 130K was
observed for all samples up to x = 0.17, such a phenomenon is similar to that
of LaOFFeAs. Hall coefficient indicates that
GdOFFeAs is conducted by electron-like charge carriers.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure
Evaluation of Spatial and Temporal Performances of ERA-Interim Precipitation and Temperature in Mainland China
ERA-Interim has been widely considered as a valid proxy for observations at global and regional scales. However, the verifications of ERA-Interim precipitation and temperature in mainland China have been rarely conducted, especially in the spatial and long-term performances. Therefore, in this study, we employed the interpolated ground station (STA) data to evaluate the spatial and temporal patterns and trends of ERA-Interim precipitation and temperature during 1980-2012. The results showed that relatively weaker performances were observed in ERA-Interim precipitation, with the skill score (S index) ranging from 0.41 to 0.50. Interannual ERA-Interim precipitation presented comparable trends with STA precipitation at the annual and seasonal scales. Spatial patterns of empirical orthogonal function (EOF) modes and corresponding principal components were evidently different between annual ERA-Interim and STA precipitation. For temperature, annual and seasonal patterns of ERA-Interim data were in good consistency with those of STA over China with the S index ranging from 0.59 to 0.70. Yet interannual STA temperature recorded stronger warming trends (from 0.37K decade(-1) of wintertime to 0.53 Kdecade(-1) of springtime) at the annual and seasonal scales compared to corresponding periods for ERA-Interim temperature (from 0.03Kdecade 21 of wintertime to 0.25Kdecade(-1) of summertime). Overall, ERA-Interim precipitation and temperature had good agreement with STA data in east China with lower elevation (< 1000m above sea level), but good agreements were not observed in west China with higher elevation. The findings suggest that caution should be paid when using ERA-Interim precipitation and temperature in areas with complex orography
Fully Gapped Superconducting State Based on a High Normal State Quasiparticle Density of States in BaKFeAs Single Crystals
We report the specific heat (SH) measurements on single crystals of hole
doped -based superconductor . It is found that
the electronic SH coefficient is not temperature dependent and
increases almost linearly with the magnetic field in low temperature region.
These point to a fully gapped superconducting state. Surprisingly the sharp SH
anomaly reaches a value of 98 suggesting a
very high normal state quasiparticle density of states (). A detailed analysis reveals that the cannot be
fitted with a single gap of s-wave symmetry due to the presence of a hump in
the middle temperature region. However, our data indicate that the dominant
part of the superconducting condensate is induced by an s-wave gap with the
magnitude of about 6 meV.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
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