287,928 research outputs found
Vision-based hand gesture interaction using particle filter, principle component analysis and transition network
Vision-based human-computer interaction is becoming important nowadays. It offers natural interaction with computers and frees users from mechanical interaction devices, which is favourable especially for wearable computers. This paper presents a human-computer interaction system based on a conventional webcam and hand gesture recognition. This interaction system works in real time and enables users to control a computer cursor with hand motions and gestures instead of a mouse. Five hand gestures are designed on behalf of five mouse operations: moving, left click, left-double click, right click and no-action. An algorithm based on Particle Filter is used for tracking the hand position. PCA-based feature selection is used for recognizing the hand gestures. A transition network is also employed for improving the accuracy and reliability of the interaction system. This interaction system shows good performance in the recognition and interaction test
Robust H2/H∞ filtering for linear systems with error variance constraints
Copyright [2000] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.In this correspondence, we consider the robust H2/H∞ filtering problem for linear perturbed systems with steady-state error variance constraints. The purpose of this multiobjective problem is to design a linear filter that does not depend on the parameter perturbations such that the following three performance requirements are simultaneously satisfied. (1) The filtering process is asymptotically stable. (2) The steady-state variance of the estimation error of each state is not more than the individual prespecified value. (3) The transfer function from exogenous noise inputs to error state outputs meets the prespecified H∞ norm upper bound constraint. We show that in both continuous and discrete-time cases, the addressed filtering problem can effectively be solved in terms of the solutions of a couple of algebraic Riccati-like equations/inequalities. We present both the existence conditions and the explicit expression of desired robust filters. An illustrative numerical example is provided to demonstrate the flexibility of the proposed design approac
A remark on the Hard Lefschetz Theorem for K\"ahler orbifolds
We give a proof of the hard Lefschetz theorem for orbifolds that does not
involve intersection homology. This answers a question of Fulton. We use a
foliated version of the hard Lefschetz theorem due to El Kacimi
Thermal Entanglement in Ferrimagnetic Chains
A formula to evaluate the entanglement in an one-dimensional ferrimagnetic
system is derived. Based on the formula, we find that the thermal entanglement
in a small size spin-1/2 and spin-s ferrimagnetic chain is rather robust
against temperature, and the threshold temperature may be arbitrarily high when
s is sufficiently large. This intriguing result answers unambiguously a
fundamental question: ``can entanglement and quantum behavior in physical
systems survive at arbitrary high temperatures?"Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Single-photon transport in a one dimentional waveguide coupling to a hybrid atom-optomechanical system
We explore theoretically the single-photon transport in a single-mode
waveguide that is coupled to a hybrid atom-optomechanical system in a strong
optomechanical coupling regime. Using a full quantum real-space approach,
transmission and reflection coefficients of the propagating single-photon in
the waveguide are ob- tained. The influences of atom-cavity detuning and the
dissipation of atom on the transport are also studied. Intriguingly, the
obtained spectral features can reveal the strong light-matter interaction in
this hybrid system.Comment: 7pages, 8figure
Random Isotropic Structures and Possible Glass Transitions in Diblock Copolymer Melts
We study the microstructural glass transitions in diblock-copolymer melts
using a thermodynamic replica approach. Our approach performs an expansion in
terms of the natural smallness parameter -- the inverse of the scaled degree of
polymerization, which allows us to systematically study the approach to
mean-field behavior as the degree of polymerization increases. We find that in
the limit of infinite long polymer chains, both the onset of glassiness and the
vitrification transition (Kauzmann temperature) collapse to the mean-field
spinodal, suggesting that the spinodal can be regarded as the mean-field
signature for glass transitions in this class of systems. We also study the
order-disorder transitions (ODT) within the same theoretical framework; in
particular, we include the leading-order fluctuation corrections due to the
cubic interaction in the coarse-grained Hamiltonian, which has been ignored in
previous works on the ODT in block copolymers. We find that the cubic term
stabilizes both the ordered (body-centered-cubic) phase and the glassy state
relative to the disordered phase. While in melts of symmetric copolymers the
glass transition always occurs after the order-disorder transition (below the
ODT temperature), for asymmetric copolymers, it is possible that the glass
transition precedes the ordering transition.Comment: An error corrected in the referenc
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