248 research outputs found
Quantum Ion-Acoustic Waves in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Studied with a Quantum Hydrodynamic Model
The quantum ion-acoustic waves in single-wall carbon nanotubes are studied with the quantum hydrodynamic model, in which the electron and ion components of the nanotubes are regarded as a two-species quantum plasma system. An analytical expression of the dispersion relation is obtained for the linear disturbance. Numerical results show that the frequency of the ion-acoustic wave strongly depends on the nanotube’s radius in the long-wavelength cases
Gluon contribution to open heavy-meson production in heavy-ion collisions
A sizable contribution to heavy quark production in high-energy hadronic and
nuclear collisions comes from heavy quark-antiquark pair production from gluon
splitting during the parton shower evolution. We investigate the effect of
gluon-medium interaction on open heavy flavor spectra in ultra-relativistic
heavy-ion collisions. The interaction of hard gluons and heavy quarks with the
hot QCD medium is simulated by utilizing a Langevin transport model that
simultaneously incorporates contributions from collisional and radiative
processes. It is found that while the gluon splitting channel has quite an
important contribution to the single meson production cross section, its
influence on the final heavy meson nuclear modification turns out to be quite
modest because the average lifetime of hard gluons is short before splitting
into heavy quark-antiquark pairs during the evolution and propagation of the
parton shower.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure
Parton Energy Loss and the Generalized Jet Transport Coefficient
We revisit radiative parton energy loss in deeply inelastic scattering (DIS)
off a large nucleus within the perturbative QCD approach. We calculate the
gluon radiation spectra induced by double parton scattering in DIS without
collinear expansion in the transverse momentum of initial gluons as in the
original high-twist approach. The final radiative gluon spectrum can be
expressed in terms of the convolution of hard partonic parts and unintegrated
or transverse momentum dependent (TMD) quark-gluon correlations. The TMD
quark-gluon correlation can be factorized approximately as a product of initial
quark distribution and TMD gluon distribution which can be used to define the
generalized or TMD jet transport coefficient. Under the static scattering
center and soft radiative gluon approximation, we recover the result by
Gylassy-Levai-Vitev (GLV) in the first order of the opacity expansion. The
difference as a result of the soft radiative gluon approximation is
investigated numerically under the static scattering center approximation.Comment: 33 pages in RevTeX with 30 figures, final version appeared in PRD
with additional typos correcte
Dynamic Polarization Effects in Ion Channeling Through Single-Well Carbon Nanotubs
Ion channeling through a single-wall carbon nanotube is simulated by solving Newton’s equations for ion motion at intermediate energies, under the action of both the surface-atom repulsive forces and the polarization forces due to the dynamic perturbation of the nanotube electrons. The atomic repulsion is described by a continuum potential based on the Thomas-Fermi-Moliere model, whereas the dynamic polarization of the nanotube electrons is described by a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model, giving rise to the transverse dynamic image force and the longitudinal stopping force. In the absence of centrifugal forces, a balance between the image force and the atomic repulsion is found to give rise to ion trajectories which oscillate over peripheral radial regions in the nanotube, provided the ion impact position is not too close to the nanotube wall, the impact angle is sufficiently small, and the incident speed is not too high. Otherwise, the ion is found to oscillate between the nanotube walls, passing over a local maximum of the potential in the center of the nanotube, which results from the image interaction. The full statistical analysis of 103 ion trajectories has been made to further demonstrate the actual effect of dynamic polarization on the ion channeling
Heavy and light flavor jet quenching at RHIC and LHC energies
The Linear Boltzmann Transport (LBT) model coupled to hydrodynamical
background is extended to include transport of both light partons and heavy
quarks through the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) in high-energy heavy-ion
collisions. The LBT model includes both elastic and inelastic
medium-interaction of both primary jet shower partons and thermal recoil
partons within perturbative QCD (pQCD). It is shown to simultaneously describe
the experimental data on heavy and light flavor hadron suppression in
high-energy heavy-ion collisions for different centralities at RHIC and LHC
energies. More detailed investigations within the LBT model illustrate the
importance of both initial parton spectra and the shapes of fragmentation
functions on the difference between the nuclear modifications of light and
heavy flavor hadrons. The dependence of the jet quenching parameter
on medium temperature and jet flavor is quantitatively extracted.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
Experimental observation and computational analysis of striations in electronegative capacitively coupled radio-frequency plasmas
Self-organized spatial structures in the light emission from the ion-ion
capacitive RF plasma of a strongly electronegative gas (CF4) are observed
experimentally for the first time. Their formation is analyzed and understood
based on particle-based kinetic simulations. These "striations" are found to be
generated by the resonance between the driving radio-frequency and the
eigenfrequency of the ion-ion plasma (derived from an analytical model) that
establishes a modulation of the electric field, the ion densities, as well as
the energy gain and loss processes of electrons in the plasma. The growth of
the instability is followed by the numerical simulations
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