1,675 research outputs found
Glass transitions in two-dimensional suspensions of colloidal ellipsoids
We observed a two-step glass transition in monolayers of colloidal ellipsoids
by video microscopy. The glass transition in the rotational degree of freedom
was at a lower density than that in the translational degree of freedom.
Between the two transitions, ellipsoids formed an orientational glass.
Approaching the respective glass transitions, the rotational and translational
fastest-moving particles in the supercooled liquid moved cooperatively and
formed clusters with power-law size distributions. The mean cluster sizes
diverge in power law as approaching the glass transitions. The clusters of
translational and rotational fastest-moving ellipsoids formed mainly within
pseudo-nematic domains, and around the domain boundaries, respectively
Higher Gauss sums of modular categories
The definitions of the Gauss sum and the associated central
charge are introduced for premodular categories and
. We first derive an expression of the Gauss sum of a
modular category , for any integer coprime to the order of the
T-matrix of , in terms of the first Gauss sum, the global
dimension, the twist and their Galois conjugates. As a consequence, we show for
these , the higher Gauss sums are -numbers and the associated central
charges are roots of unity. In particular, if is the Drinfeld
center of a spherical fusion category, then these higher central charges are 1.
We obtain another expression of higher Gauss sums for de-equivariantization and
local module constructions of appropriate premodular and modular categories.
These expressions are then applied to prove the Witt invariance of higher
central charges for pseudounitary modular categories.Comment: 26 pages. Typos and minor mistakes are corrected. Question 7.3 in the
previous version is answere
Global Polarization in high energy collisions
With a Yang-Mills flux-tube initial state and a high resolution (3+1)D
Particle-in-Cell Relativistic (PICR) hydrodynamics simulation, we calculate the
polarization for different energies. The origination of polarization
in high energy collisions is discussed, and we find linear impact parameter
dependence of the global polarization. Furthermore, the global
polarization in our model decreases very fast in the low energy
domain, and the decline curve fits well the recent results of Beam Energy Scan
(BES) program launched by the STAR collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion
Collider (RHIC). The time evolution of polarization is also discussed
Recent Advances of Local Mechanisms in Computer Vision: A Survey and Outlook of Recent Work
Inspired by the fact that human brains can emphasize discriminative parts of
the input and suppress irrelevant ones, substantial local mechanisms have been
designed to boost the development of computer vision. They can not only focus
on target parts to learn discriminative local representations, but also process
information selectively to improve the efficiency. In terms of application
scenarios and paradigms, local mechanisms have different characteristics. In
this survey, we provide a systematic review of local mechanisms for various
computer vision tasks and approaches, including fine-grained visual
recognition, person re-identification, few-/zero-shot learning, multi-modal
learning, self-supervised learning, Vision Transformers, and so on.
Categorization of local mechanisms in each field is summarized. Then,
advantages and disadvantages for every category are analyzed deeply, leaving
room for exploration. Finally, future research directions about local
mechanisms have also been discussed that may benefit future works. To the best
our knowledge, this is the first survey about local mechanisms on computer
vision. We hope that this survey can shed light on future research in the
computer vision field
ServeNet: A Deep Neural Network for Web Services Classification
Automated service classification plays a crucial role in service discovery,
selection, and composition. Machine learning has been widely used for service
classification in recent years. However, the performance of conventional
machine learning methods highly depends on the quality of manual feature
engineering. In this paper, we present a novel deep neural network to
automatically abstract low-level representation of both service name and
service description to high-level merged features without feature engineering
and the length limitation, and then predict service classification on 50
service categories. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we
conduct a comprehensive experimental study by comparing 10 machine learning
methods on 10,000 real-world web services. The result shows that the proposed
deep neural network can achieve higher accuracy in classification and more
robust than other machine learning methods.Comment: Accepted by ICWS'2
Road Crack Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Adaptive Thresholding
Crack is one of the most common road distresses which may pose road safety
hazards. Generally, crack detection is performed by either certified inspectors
or structural engineers. This task is, however, time-consuming, subjective and
labor-intensive. In this paper, we propose a novel road crack detection
algorithm based on deep learning and adaptive image segmentation. Firstly, a
deep convolutional neural network is trained to determine whether an image
contains cracks or not. The images containing cracks are then smoothed using
bilateral filtering, which greatly minimizes the number of noisy pixels.
Finally, we utilize an adaptive thresholding method to extract the cracks from
road surface. The experimental results illustrate that our network can classify
images with an accuracy of 99.92%, and the cracks can be successfully extracted
from the images using our proposed thresholding algorithm.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, 2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposiu
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