13,536 research outputs found
Some aspects of global Lambda polarization in heavy-ion collisions
Large orbital angular momentum can be generated in non-central heavy-ion
collisions, and part of it is expected to be converted into final particle's
polarization due to the spin-orbit coupling. Within the framework of A
Multi-Phase Transport (AMPT) model, we studied the vorticity-induced
polarization of hyperons at the midrapidity region in
Au-Au collisions at energies GeV. Our results show
that the global polarization decreases with the collisional energies and is
consistent with the recent STAR measurements. This behavior can be understood
by less asymmetry of participant matter in the midrapidity region due to faster
expansion of fireball at higher energies. As another evidence, we discuss how
much the angular momentum is deposited in different rapidity region. The result
supports our asymmetry argument.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, CPOD 2017 proceedin
The Parametric Decay Instability of Alfven waves in Turbulent Plasmas and the Applications in the Solar Wind
We perform three dimensional (3D) ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations
to study the parametric decay instability of Alfven waves in turbulent plasmas
and explore its possible applications in the solar wind. We find that, over a
broad range of parameters in background turbulence amplitudes, the parametric
decay instability of an Alfven wave with various amplitudes can still occur,
though its growth rate in turbulent plasmas tends to be lower than both the
theoretical linear theory prediction and that in the non-turbulent situations.
Spatial - temporal FFT analyses of density fluctuations produced by the
parametric decay instability match well with the dispersion relation of the
slow MHD waves. This result may provide an explanation of the generation
mechanism of slow waves in the solar wind observed at 1 AU. It further
highlights the need to explore the effects of density variations in modifying
the turbulence properties as well as in heating the solar wind plasmas.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
Transition Form Factors in the PQCD approach
Under two different scenarios for the light scalar mesons, we investigate the
transition form factors of mesons decay into a scalar meson in the
perturbative QCD approach. In the large recoiling region, the form factors are
dominated by the short-distance dynamics and can be calculated using
perturbation theory. We adopt the dipole parametrization to recast the
dependence of the form factors. Since the decay constants defined by the scalar
current are large, our predictions on the form factors are much larger
than the transitions, especially in the second scenario. Contributions
from various light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) are elaborated and we
find that the twist-3 LCDAs provide more than a half contributions to the form
factors. The two terms of the twist-2 LCDAs give destructive contributions in
the first scenario while they give constructive contributions in the second
scenario. With the form factors, we also predict the decay width and branching
ratios of the semileptonic and decays. The
branching ratios of channels are found to have the order of
while those of have the order of . These
predictions can be tested by the future experiments.Comment: 20 pages, 31 figure
Diagnosis and treatment of intraocular tuberculosis
Tuberculosis(TB)is a chronic infectious disease with high rate of morbidity and mortality world wide, and it is easy to relapse. TB can involve multiple organs, when it infects eye, it can cause lesions in anterior segment, posterior segment and the accessory organs of the eye. The purpose of this paper is to describe the clinical manifestation of intraocular TB, its diagnosis and treatment
Neutron Density Distributions of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Studied with the Isobaric Yield Ratio Difference
The isobaric yield ratio difference (IBD) between two reactions of similar
experimental setups is found to be sensitive to nuclear density differences
between projectiles. In this article, the IBD probe is used to study the
density variation in neutron-rich Ca. By adjusting diffuseness in the
neutron density distribution, three different neutron density distributions of
Ca are obtained. The yields of fragments in the 80 MeV Ca
+ C reactions are calculated by using a modified statistical
abrasion-ablation model. It is found that the IBD results obtained from the
prefragments are sensitive to the density distribution of the projectile, while
the IBD results from the final fragments are less sensitive to the density
distribution of the projectile.Comment: 3 figure
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