343,650 research outputs found
Microwave induced elastic deformation of a metallic thin film
The microwave induced elastic deformation of a metallic thin film is computed
numerically and we found that the deformation can be significantly enhanced at
resonance. We show that an analytical transmission line model can reproduce the
numerical results almost quantitatively and at the same time reveal the
underlying physics.Comment: 8 pages,3 figure
Analytical Results For The Steady State Of Traffic Flow Models With Stochastic Delay
Exact mean field equations are derived analytically to give the fundamental
diagrams, i.e., the average speed - car density relations, for the
Fukui-Ishibashi one-dimensional traffic flow cellular automaton model of high
speed vehicles with stochastic delay. Starting with the basic
equation describing the time evolution of the number of empty sites in front of
each car, the concepts of inter-car spacings longer and shorter than are
introduced. The probabilities of having long and short spacings on the road are
calculated. For high car densities , it is shown that
inter-car spacings longer than will be shortened as the traffic flow
evolves in time, and any initial configurations approach a steady state in
which all the inter-car spacings are of the short type. Similarly for low car
densities , it can be shown that traffic flow approaches an
asymptotic steady state in which all the inter-car spacings are longer than
. The average traffic speed is then obtained analytically as a function of
car density in the asymptotic steady state. The fundamental diagram so obtained
is in excellent agreement with simulation data.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 2 figure
Radio observations of two intermittent pulsars: PSRs J1832+0029 and J1841-0500
We present long-term observations of two intermittent pulsars,
PSRs~J1832+0029 and J18410500 using the Parkes 64\,m radio telescope. The
radio emission for these pulsars switches "off" for year-long durations. Our
new observations have enabled us to improve the determination of the on-off
timescales and the spin down rates during those emission states. In general our
results agree with previous studies of these pulsars, but we now have
significantly longer data spans. We have identified two unexpected signatures
in the data. Weak emission was detected in a single observation of
PSR~J18320029 during an "off" emission state. For PSR~J18410500, we
identified a quasi-periodic fluctuation in the intensities of the detectable
single pulses, with a modulation period between 21 and 36 pulse periods.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
Skin-stiffener interface stresses in composite stiffened panels
A model and solution method for determining the normal and shear stresses in the interface between the skin and the stiffener attached flange were developed. An efficient, analytical solution procedure was developed and incorporated in a sizing code for stiffened panels. The analysis procedure described provides a means to study the effects of material and geometric design parameters on the interface stresses. These stresses include the normal stress, and the shear stresses in both the longitudinal and the transverse directions. The tendency toward skin/stiffener separation may therefore be minimized by choosing appropriate values for the design variables. The most important design variables include the relative bending stiffnesses of the skin and stiffener attached flange, the bending stiffness of the stiffener web, and the flange width. The longitudinal compressive loads in the flange and skin have significant effects on the interface stresses
Doublet bands in Cs in the triaxial rotor model coupled with two quasiparticles
The positive parity doublet bands based on the configuration in Cs have been investigated in the two
quasi-particles coupled with a triaxial rotor model. The energy spectra ,
energy staggering parameter , and
values, intraband ratios,
ratios, and orientation of the
angular momentum for the rotor as well as the valence proton and neutron are
calculated. After including the pairing correlation, good agreement has been
obtained between the calculated results and the data available, which supports
the interpretation of this positive parity doublet bands as chiral bands.Comment: Phys.Rev.C (accepted
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