74,932 research outputs found
Non-dipolar gauge links for transverse-momentum-dependent pion wave functions
I discuss the factorization-compatible definitions of
transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) pion wave functions which are fundamental
theory inputs entering QCD factorization formulae for many hard exclusive
processes. I will first demonstrate that the soft subtraction factor introduced
to remove both rapidity and pinch singularities can be greatly reduced by
making the maximal use of the freedom to construct the Wilson-line paths when
defining the TMD wave functions. I will then turn to show that the newly
proposed TMD definition with non-dipolar Wilson lines is equivalent to the one
with dipolar gauge links and with a complicated soft function, to all orders of
the perturbative expansion in the strong coupling, as far as the infrared
behavior is concerned.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
Search for Higgs, Leptoquarks, and Exotics at Tevatron
This paper reviews some of the most recent results from the CDF and DZERO
experiments on the searches for Standard Model and Non-Standard Model Higgs
bosons, and other new phenomena at the Tevatron. Both experiments examine data
from proton anti-proton collision at sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV, of integrated
luminosity ~200$ pb**-1 (per experiment), to search for Higgs predicted in the
Standard Model and beyond Standard Model, supersymmetric particles in the Gauge
Mediated Symmetry Breaking scenario, leptoquarks, and excited electrons. No
signal was observed, and limits on the signatures and models are derived.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the XXXIX Recontres de Moriond on
Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theorie
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