361 research outputs found

    Optimal Throughput for Covert Communication Over a Classical-Quantum Channel

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    This paper considers the problem of communication over a memoryless classical-quantum wiretap channel subject to the constraint that the eavesdropper on the channel should not be able to learn whether the legitimate parties are using the channel to communicate or not. Specifically, the relative entropy between the output quantum states at the eavesdropper when a codeword is transmitted and when no input is provided must be sufficiently small. Extending earlier works, this paper proves the "square-root law" for a broad class of classical-quantum channels: the maximum amount of information that can be reliably and covertly transmitted over nn uses of such a channel scales like n\sqrt{n}. The scaling constant is also determined.Comment: Corrected version of a paper presented at ITW 2016. In the ITW paper, the denominator in the main formula (10) was incorrect. The current version corrects this mistake and adds an appendix for its derivatio

    A refined analysis of the Poisson channel in the high-photon-efficiency regime

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    We study the discrete-time Poisson channel under the constraint that its average input power (in photons per channel use) must not exceed some constant E. We consider the wideband, high-photon-efficiency extreme where E approaches zero, and where the channel's "dark current" approaches zero proportionally with E. Improving over a previously obtained first-order capacity approximation, we derive a refined approximation, which includes the exact characterization of the second-order term, as well as an asymptotic characterization of the third-order term with respect to the dark current. We also show that pulse-position modulation is nearly optimal in this regime.Comment: Revised version to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Fundamental Limits of Communication with Low Probability of Detection

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    This paper considers the problem of communication over a discrete memoryless channel (DMC) or an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel subject to the constraint that the probability that an adversary who observes the channel outputs can detect the communication is low. Specifically, the relative entropy between the output distributions when a codeword is transmitted and when no input is provided to the channel must be sufficiently small. For a DMC whose output distribution induced by the "off" input symbol is not a mixture of the output distributions induced by other input symbols, it is shown that the maximum amount of information that can be transmitted under this criterion scales like the square root of the blocklength. The same is true for the AWGN channel. Exact expressions for the scaling constant are also derived.Comment: Version to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; minor typos in v2 corrected. Part of this work was presented at ISIT 2015 in Hong Kon
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