385 research outputs found
Quality Adaptive Least Squares Trained Filters for Video Compression Artifacts Removal Using a No-reference Block Visibility Metric
Compression artifacts removal is a challenging problem because videos can be compressed at different qualities. In this paper, a least squares approach that is self-adaptive to the visual quality of the input sequence is proposed. For compression artifacts, the visual quality of an image is measured by a no-reference block visibility metric. According to the blockiness visibility of an input image, an appropriate set of filter coefficients that are trained beforehand is selected for optimally removing coding artifacts and reconstructing object details. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated on a variety of sequences compressed at different qualities in comparison to several other deblocking techniques. The proposed method outperforms the others significantly both objectively and subjectively
Motor Noise and Vibration Test Research
Some factors, such as friction, vibration, and so on, can result in the fault and abnormal noise in the motor. Based on the detection and analysis of noise and vibration, we can identify and eliminate the faults of the motor. This is helpful not only to ensure the completion of production tasks, but also to prevent accidents. In this paper, we briefly introduce the motor noise generation principle. A laptop computer and LabVIEW software are used to design the experiment system to detect and analysis the noise and vibration of motor. External microphone and computer with sound card constitute noise detection system hardware. Vibration sensor and the data acquisition card constitute vibration detection system hardware. LabVIEW software combined with FFT analysis is used to realize the noise signal acquisition, recording and spectral analysis. Detecting and analyzing the noise of the permanent magnet DC motor and three-phase asynchronous motor proves that the motor noise and vibration detecting experimental platform is fully meet the requirements of motor test and research. This detection and analysis system has a good man-machine interface and strong operability
Towards a Unified Analysis of Kernel-based Methods Under Covariate Shift
Covariate shift occurs prevalently in practice, where the input distributions
of the source and target data are substantially different. Despite its
practical importance in various learning problems, most of the existing methods
only focus on some specific learning tasks and are not well validated
theoretically and numerically. To tackle this problem, we propose a unified
analysis of general nonparametric methods in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space
(RKHS) under covariate shift. Our theoretical results are established for a
general loss belonging to a rich loss function family, which includes many
commonly used methods as special cases, such as mean regression, quantile
regression, likelihood-based classification, and margin-based classification.
Two types of covariate shift problems are the focus of this paper and the sharp
convergence rates are established for a general loss function to provide a
unified theoretical analysis, which concurs with the optimal results in
literature where the squared loss is used. Extensive numerical studies on
synthetic and real examples confirm our theoretical findings and further
illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.Comment: Poster to appear in Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information
Processing System
Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Coronal Mass Ejections by CORAR Technique through Different Stereoscopic Angle of STEREO Twin Spacecraft
Recently, we developed the Correlation-Aided Reconstruction (CORAR) method to
reconstruct solar wind inhomogeneous structures, or transients, using dual-view
white-light images (Li et al. 2020; Li et al. 2018). This method is proved to
be useful for studying the morphological and dynamical properties of transients
like blobs and coronal mass ejection (CME), but the accuracy of reconstruction
may be affected by the separation angle between the two spacecraft (Lyu et al.
2020). Based on the dual-view CME events from the Heliospheric Imager CME Join
Catalogue (HIJoinCAT) in the HELCATS (Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and
Techniques Service) project, we study the quality of the CME reconstruction by
the CORAR method under different STEREO stereoscopic angles. We find that when
the separation angle of spacecraft is around 150{\deg}, most CME events can be
well reconstructed. If the collinear effect is considered, the optimal
separation angle should locate between 120{\deg} and 150{\deg}. Compared with
the CME direction given in the Heliospheric Imager Geometrical Catalogue
(HIGeoCAT) from HELCATS, the CME parameters obtained by the CORAR method are
reasonable. However, the CORAR-obtained directions have deviations towards the
meridian plane in longitude, and towards the equatorial plane in latitude. An
empirical formula is proposed to correct these deviations. This study provides
the basis for the spacecraft configuration of our recently proposed Solar Ring
mission concept (Wang et al. 2020b).Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure
FF-LINS: A Consistent Frame-to-Frame Solid-State-LiDAR-Inertial State Estimator
Most of the existing LiDAR-inertial navigation systems are based on
frame-to-map registrations, leading to inconsistency in state estimation. The
newest solid-state LiDAR with a non-repetitive scanning pattern makes it
possible to achieve a consistent LiDAR-inertial estimator by employing a
frame-to-frame data association. In this letter, we propose a robust and
consistent frame-to-frame LiDAR-inertial navigation system (FF-LINS) for
solid-state LiDARs. With the INS-centric LiDAR frame processing, the keyframe
point-cloud map is built using the accumulated point clouds to construct the
frame-to-frame data association. The LiDAR frame-to-frame and the inertial
measurement unit (IMU) preintegration measurements are tightly integrated using
the factor graph optimization, with online calibration of the LiDAR-IMU
extrinsic and time-delay parameters. The experiments on the public and private
datasets demonstrate that the proposed FF-LINS achieves superior accuracy and
robustness than the state-of-the-art systems. Besides, the LiDAR-IMU extrinsic
and time-delay parameters are estimated effectively, and the online calibration
notably improves the pose accuracy. The proposed FF-LINS and the employed
datasets are open-sourced on GitHub (https://github.com/i2Nav-WHU/FF-LINS)
Transport of topologically protected photonic waveguide on chip
We propose a new design on integrated optical devices on-chip with an extra
width degree of freedom by using a photonic crystal waveguide with Dirac points
between two photonic crystals with opposite valley Chern numbers. With such an
extra waveguide, we demonstrate numerically that the topologically protected
photonic waveguide keeps properties of valley-locking and immunity to defects.
Due to the design flexibility of the width-tunable topologically protected
photonic waveguide, many unique on-chip integrated devices have been proposed,
such as energy concentrators with a concentration efficiency improvement by
more than one order of magnitude, topological photonic power splitter with
arbitrary power splitting ratio. The topologically protected photonic waveguide
with the width degree of freedom could be beneficial for scaling up photonic
devices, which provides a new flexible platform to implement integrated
photonic networks on chip.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
EvaSurf: Efficient View-Aware Implicit Textured Surface Reconstruction on Mobile Devices
Reconstructing real-world 3D objects has numerous applications in computer
vision, such as virtual reality, video games, and animations. Ideally, 3D
reconstruction methods should generate high-fidelity results with 3D
consistency in real-time. Traditional methods match pixels between images using
photo-consistency constraints or learned features, while differentiable
rendering methods like Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) use differentiable volume
rendering or surface-based representation to generate high-fidelity scenes.
However, these methods require excessive runtime for rendering, making them
impractical for daily applications. To address these challenges, we present
, an fficient iew-ware
implicit textured ace reconstruction method on mobile devices.
In our method, we first employ an efficient surface-based model with a
multi-view supervision module to ensure accurate mesh reconstruction. To enable
high-fidelity rendering, we learn an implicit texture embedded with a set of
Gaussian lobes to capture view-dependent information. Furthermore, with the
explicit geometry and the implicit texture, we can employ a lightweight neural
shader to reduce the expense of computation and further support real-time
rendering on common mobile devices. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our
method can reconstruct high-quality appearance and accurate mesh on both
synthetic and real-world datasets. Moreover, our method can be trained in just
1-2 hours using a single GPU and run on mobile devices at over 40 FPS (Frames
Per Second), with a final package required for rendering taking up only 40-50
MB.Comment: Project Page: http://g-1nonly.github.io/EvaSurf-Website
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