8 research outputs found

    Persepsi Petani Terhadap Teknologi Revolusi Industri 4.0 Pada Usahatani Padi Sawah di Desa Tompasobaru Dua Kecamatan Tompasobaru Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    This study aims to determine the perception of lowland rice farmers towards technology 4.0 in lowland rice farming in Tompasobaru Dua Village, Tompasobaru District, South Minahasa Regency. Perception indicators of understanding, acceptance, mastery, application and prospects using a Likert scale. This research was conducted from June to July 2022. The data collected in this study is the perception data of rice farmers after participating in the socialization of industrial technology 4.0 in lowland rice farming. Sampling was done by means of purposive sampling as many as 30 samples. The results showed that the perception of lowland rice farmers to technology 4.0 in lowland rice farming was in the good category (perception index 77.66%). This means that rice farmers have a good understanding, acceptance, and mastery of the technology of the industrial revolution 4.0 so that they are expected to be able to apply 4.0 technology independently


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    This research aims to analyze raw material inventory at UD. Mie Steven. This research was conducted for four months from January to April 2017. The data used in this research are primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained through interviews with the company, while secondary data obtained from data that has been compiled in the form of documents from the company, data from BPS, previous research or from the internet. The data is processed using EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) method. The result of the research is known that the policy of raw material inventory control is done by UD. Mie Steven is not efficient yet. This is shown by the company's inventory cost is bigger than the result of analysis using EOQ method is 6,693 Kg with total cost of economical inventory Rp.11.325.500

    Perbandingan Pendapatan Dan Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Petani Padi Sawah Di Desa Tolok Kecamatan Tompaso

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    The aim of this study was to compare the income and expenses of farming households in Tolok Village, Tompaso District in one growing season. The research was conducted for 3 months, from January to March 2022. The data analysis method used in the research was descriptive statistical analysis, namely by calculating the average income and tabulating the data to find out income, income of paddy rice farmers and expenditure on food and non-food consumption. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through direct interviews with farmers who were research respondents using a list of questions that had been prepared. Secondary data was obtained from related institutions, namely the village office, the internet via Google Search and Google Books, articles and scientific journals. The results of the study show that farm households still depend on income from farming. The average income earned by respondent rice farming households in Tolok Village is greater than that spent by farmers for their household needs. The total income received is IDR511,115,000 so that the total income per year is IDR1,022,230,000 and the total expenditure for farming households is IDR105,480,000 each year. The income of lowland rice farmers is sufficient to meet the needs of lowland rice farmers and their families. This also provides opportunities for the respondent farmer households to save money, open a business or send their children to school


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    This study aims to determine the profitability of broiler farming business owned by FK for 1 year in Matungkas Village Dimembe Subdistrict of North Minahasa Regency based on Profit Margin Ratio on Sales, ROA, ROE. This research is Case Study study using Primary data and Secondary data. Primary data collection is done by direct interviews with business owners and employees including business results and costs. Secondary data is obtained from Matungkas Village Office, Dimembe District Office, Minimum BPS Office, Agriculture Department Kab. Minut. Data were analyzed by descriptive method. Profitability of broiler trading business in analysis by using Profit margin on sales analysis, Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE). The results showed Gross profit margin (GPM), Net profit margin (NPM), Return on assets, Return on equity period II and IV increased due to demand of chicken many in that period in August and December due to the need for religious holidays. Periods I, III and V decreased due to reduced production factor and there was no religious holiday period so high profit was in period II and IV

    Analisis Pendapatan Usahatani Jahe Di Desa Mokobang Kecamatan Modoinding Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    This study aims to analyze the income of ginger farming in Mokobang Village, Modoinding District, South Minahasa Regency. The research was carried out for 2 months from July to August 2022. The sampling method used the purposive sampling method with criteria based on farmers who had harvested during the research, taken farmers who harvested the January-June period and the July-August 2022 period with 15 respondents. farmer. The research uses primary data obtained from direct observation and interviews with respondents using a questionnaire. Secondary data was obtained from related agencies, namely the Agricultural Extension Center (AEC) Modoinding District and the Mokobang Village Government. The analytical method used in this research is income analysis and farming feasibility analysis. The results showed that the average income of ginger farming which was harvested in January-June was IDR 2,515,636/Ha with an average land area of 0.61 Ha, while the income earned by ginger farmers who were harvested in July-August was IDR 3,714,610/ Ha with an average land area of 0.29 Ha for one growing season (9 months). The R/C ratio of ginger farmers who harvest in January-June is 1.10 and the R/C value of ginger farmers who harvest in July-August is 1.09. The R/C value obtained is more than 1, this shows that ginger farming in Mokobang Village is feasible to be cultivated

    Perbandingan Pemasaran Produk Sambal Hj. Ani Secara Digital Menggunakan Platform Marketplace dan Media Sosial

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    The research aims to compare the marketing of Sambal Hj.Ani products using marketplace and social media platforms. The research was conducted from December 2021 to April 2022. The data used was digital marketing data for Sambal Hj.Ani obtained through interviews with Sambal Hj.Ani business owners and distributing questionnaires using the Google form to 15 consumers. Analysis of the research data was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. The results of research on differences in the marketing of Sambal Hj.Ani products on the marketplace platform have various variations with different wholesale prices and COD payments are available, users can find special prices and coupons, also offer cashback, postage discounts, and vouchers. Compared to marketplaces, social media platforms only offer sambal roa, cakalang chili and squid sambal products at fixed prices but there is no choice of COD payment methods. Sambal Hj.Ani's social media provides more precise, fast and expressive interactive with buyers as well as a neat and attractive display of designs, including contacts and addresses, highlighted with customer testimonials. The marketplace admin only needs to handle complaints, submit orders, and track marketplace inventory. Sales in July-September 2022 through the marketplace sold 210 bottles. In contrast, 56 bottles of the same product were sold via social media channels during the same time period. This shows that more effective marketing efforts lead to an increase in product popularity in the market

    Nilai Tukar Petani Padi Sawah Di Kecamatan Passi Timur Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow

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    This study aims to determine the exchange rate of farmers in Passi Timur Sub-district, Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The research took place from August to October 2023. The research was conducted in Passi Timur Subdistrict, Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The data used in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained through direct interviews with respondents with a list of questions that have been prepared. Secondary data is data obtained through institutions, agencies, or offices related to this research such as data from the village head office, sub-district office, central statistics agency and so on. Sampling in the study using purporsive sampling method and the sample was 15 respondents of paddy rice farmers in Manembo Village, Poopo Village, and Pangian Village in Passi Timur Sub-district. The data analysis method used in this study uses the analysis of the exchange rate of wet-rice farmers by calculating the exchange rate of farmers (NTP) using the income concept formula. The results showed that the exchange rate of wet-rice farmers in Passi Timur Subdistrict, Bolaang Mongondow Regency obtained through the calculation of farmers' income and expenses amounted to 111.14, which means that wet-rice farmers in Passi Timur Subdistrict are able to meet the daily needs of their families from the results of wet-rice farming

    Persepsi Generasi Milenial Terhadap Pekerjaan Pada Sektor Pertanian Di Kecamatan Likupang Selatan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the millennial generation's perception of work in the agricultural sector in South Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency. The research was conducted for three months from May to July 2023, located in South Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency. The type of data used in the research is primary data obtained directly through interviews and filling out questionnaires from millennial generation groups. Secondary data were obtained from relevant agencies, namely the South Likupang District Office, the North Minahasa Regency Statistics Agency, research results and literature related to the research conducted. The research population was the millennial generation from farming families in South Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency. Sampling was carried out by proportional sampling, namely sampling that takes into account the elements or categories in the research population. The research population is all children with heads of families with agricultural livelihoods, namely a total of 53 families out of 278 families with heads of families who make a living from the agricultural sector. Data analysis used to see the influence variable used Likert scale. The results showed that the millennial generation's perception of work in the agricultural sector in South Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency on internal factors from the education level indicator was on doubtful criteria, parental support was on very agreeing criteria and peer influence was on very agreeing criteria. External factors in the income indicator are in the criteria strongly agree, the agricultural socialization indicator is in the doubtful criteria and the agricultural innovation indicator is in the criteria strongly agree. Millennial perceptions of employment in the agricultural sector agree that work in the agricultural sector is profitable with a percentage of 73.33 percent