9 research outputs found
Pembentukan Model Ruangan Kegagalan Cerun Bagi Sub-Lembangan Hulu Sungai Langat
Penambahan tekanan bagi tujuan pembangunan di Malaysia dalam tahun kebelakangan ini disebabkan oleh pertambahan populasi
Increasing pressure for development in Malaysia in recent years due to rapid populatio
Gis in studying slope failure in Penang: challenges and potential
Geographic Information System (GIS) is an information system that is used to store,
display, analyse and manipulate spatial data. Geographic information system (GIS) can help users to
visualise, question, analyse, and interpret data to understand patterns, trends, and relationships. GISbased
maps and visualizations have greatly assisted understanding of situations. In recent years, slope
failure hazard assessment has played an important role in developing land utilisation planning aimed
at minimizing the loss of lives and damages to property. There are various GIS-based slope failure
studies that involve many approaches. These approaches can be classified into qualitative factor
overlay, geotechnical process models, and statistical models. At present, not many studies have
satisfactorily studied the integration of these models with GIS to map slope failure. This paper deals
with several aspects of landslide by presenting a focused review of GIS-based slope failure hazard
zone. The paper starts with a framework for GIS-based study of slope failure, followed by a critical
review of the state-of-the-art applications of GIS and digital elevation models (DEM) for mapping
and modelling landslide hazards. The paper ends with a description of an integrated system for
effective landslide hazard zonation. The adoption of a GIS-based framework for knowledge discovery
allows designers to identify the suitability of development within certain areas. The usage of GIS can
be beneficial in various fields, including the issue of slope failure. Moreover, GIS is also beneficial to
organisations of all sizes and in virtually every industry. GIS is important in understanding what is
happening and forecasting future trend in a geographic space
Modelling landslide using GIS and RS: a case study of upper stream of Langat river basin, Malaysia
Increasing pressure for development in Malaysia in recent years due to rapid population growth and urbanization has caused numerous environmental related problems such as landslide and soil erosion. Increasing landslide event in Malaysia has caused degradation to properties, life and environment. This paper describes a study to develop landslide model by using logistic regression approach, partly to measure the significance of each causative factor that contributes to landslide. In this study causative factors are divided into physical, human activities and location. This model is based upon the model developed by a number of researchers. Landslide events in the Hulu Sungai Langat sub-basin, which is the upper stream of Langat Basin, Selangor, Malaysia were used to develop the mode
Pemetaan zon kebolehrentanan kegagalan cerun di Pulau Pinang menggunakan Rangkaian Saraf Buatan (ANN)
Pemetaan zon kebolehrentanan kegagalan cerun merupakan isu yang hangat di Malaysia. Kajian ini adalah untuk membangunkan peta kebolehrentanan kegagalan cerun di Pulau Pinang menggunakan rangkaian saraf buatan (ANN) dengan integrasi Sistem Maklumat Geografi. Kegagalan cerun berlaku adalah disebabkan faktor ruangan dan faktor bukan ruangan. Kajian ini hanya mengambilkira faktor ruangan yang mempengaruhi kegagalan cerun. Pembangunan yang tidak terkawal menyumbang pada bencana ini. Oleh itu kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti faktor ruangan yang mempengaruhi kegagalan cerun. Hasil kajian ini adalah dalam bentuk pembangunan peta kebolehrentanan kegagalan cerun bagi mengenalpasti kawasan yang berpotensi mengalami kegagalan cerun. Lapisan-lapisan peta yang digunakan adalah seperti topografi (cerun, aspek, dan kelengkungan), jenis litologi, siri tanih, saliran, jalan raya, hujan, dan lineamen digunakan bagi membentuk pangkalan data ruangan dengan menggunakan GIS. Penghasilan peta zon kebolehrentanan kegagalan cerun adalah berdasarkan pada pemberat yang terdapat dalam ANN bagi menghasilkan peta zon kebolehrentanan kegagalan cerun yang mengklasifikasikan mudah kepada empat zon iaitu sangat rendah, rendah, sederhana, dan tinggi. Hasil daripada kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa GIS yang bersama-sama dengan model ANN adalah satu pendekatan yang fleksibel dan berkemampuan untuk mengenal pasti kawasan berpotensi berlaku kegagalan cerun
Breast, Cervical And Colorectal Cancers: A Geographical Analysis of Case Distribution and Their Relationship with Service Facilities
Pada masa kini, kanser merupakan masalah kesihatan yang utama, dan kematian yang
melibatkan kanser dianggarkan akan mencecah 12 juta pada tahun 2030. Di Malaysia, Makna
melaporkan lebih kurang 20,000 - 40,000 kes kanser setahun. Dalam tahun 2007, sebanyak
18219 kes baru didaftarkan melibatkan 8,123 (44.6%) lelaki dan 10,096 (55.4%) perempuan.
Cancer is now a major health problem, and deaths from cancer worldwide are estimated to reach
12 million deaths in 2030. In Malaysia, the National Cancer Registry reports approximately 20,000
- 40,000 cancer cases per year. In 2007, 18,219 new cancer cases were registered involving
8,123 (44.6%) male and 10,096 (55.4%) female cancer cases respectively
Assessment of three GPM IMERG products for GIS-based tropical flood hazard mapping using analytical hierarchy process
The use of satellite precipitation products can overcome the limitations of rain gauges in flood hazard mapping for mitigation purposes. Hence, this study aims to evaluate the capabilities of three global precipitation measurement (GPM) integrated multisatellite retrievals for GPM (IMERG) products in tropical flood hazard mapping in the Kelantan River Basin (KRB), Malaysia, using the GIS-based analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. In addition to the precipitation factor, another eleven factors that contribute to flooding in the KRB were included in the AHP method. The findings demonstrated that the spatial pattern and percentage area affected by floods simulated under the IMERG-Early (IMERG-E), IMERG-Late (IMERG-L), and IMERG-Final (IMERG-F) products did not differ significantly. The receiver operating characteristics curve analysis showed that all three IMERG products performed well in generating flood hazard maps, with area under the curve values greater than 0.8. Almost all the recorded historical floods were placed in the moderate-to-very-high flood hazard areas, with only 1“2 found in the low flood hazard areas. The middle and lower parts of the KRB were identified as regions of very high" and "high" hazard levels that require particular attention from local stakeholders